Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1542 Goodbye Purple Fairy

Chapter 1542 Goodbye Purple Fairy

"Mr. Xiaohan, this kid is not easy to provoke!"

Liu Qiang said with a slight twinkle in his eyes.

"Hmph... Liu Qiang, you think too highly of this person. This person's cultivation is at the peak of the ancient king, and our cultivation is now the Nine Dao Ancient King's Heavenly Mark!"

"Could it be that you are afraid that this kid will fail?"

Mr. Xiaohan said with a cold and arrogant expression.

"Peak Gujun?"

Liu Qiang's eyes flickered, Mr. Xiao Han was right, Qin Yun's cultivation was at the peak of the ancient masters, which was far behind them.

Among the ancient kings, the Nine Dao Ancient Kings' Heaven Pattern is the strongest existence.

"I think this person has a chance to enter the top [-]!"

But at this moment, a chuckle sounded.

The one who spoke was a young man who had never interrupted, with a slight smile in his eyes.

That smile, like an old friend, is very cordial.

But upon hearing these words, the eyes of Liu Qiang and Mr. Xiaohan flashed at the same time.

Don't look at this young man with a smile on his face, but the two of them know very well how terrifying this young man is.

In the realm of the ancient monarch, this person won No.3 with the peak of the ancient monarch in the last ceremony.

But now, his cultivation has become terrifying and boundless.

As for combat power, no one knows.

But it was once rumored that the young man could kill even the ancient king and strong man!

"Let's go!"

A faint voice sounded, and the boy disappeared across the air.

"Top twenty?"

Liu Qiang's eyes flickered slightly, and Mr. Xiaohan's eyes also narrowed.

In a moment, the figures of the two disappeared.

But at this moment, Qin Yun had already returned to his small courtyard.

But as soon as Qin Yun returned, he met a familiar person again. This person was an ancient emperor under Fairy Zi.

"Sura, the fairy is looking for you!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the man smiled.

The attitude of the man at this moment is completely different from the attitude he had when he first met Qin Yun.

There was a bit of politeness on the man's face.

Obviously, the man also knew that with Qin Yun's current talent, as long as Qin Yun was willing, he might easily be able to worship under Gu Zun's sect.

When the time comes, his status will be a bit higher than him!
At this moment, the man will certainly not offend Qin Yun again.

"What do you want me for, kid?'"

Looking at the man, Qin Yun frowned and asked.

"This one……"

The man paused for a moment, and then he said in a bit of a dilemma: "The fairy only asked me to invite you to go. As for why, I don't know!"


A light flashed in Qin Yun's eyes.

"Brother Shura, it must be a good thing that the fairy is looking for you. I will wait for you in this small courtyard, so hurry up!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the fat man hurriedly said.

"it is good!"

Qin Yun also laughed.

At this moment, unless the identity is leaked, if this purple fairy is smart, she will definitely not embarrass herself.

Purple Fairy's status in the Shentian Clan is indeed good, but she has not yet reached the level of covering the sky with one hand.

"My lord, please lead the way!"

Qin Yun slightly cupped his hands.

"Hahaha...Brother Shura is being polite, it's alright, my lord, just call me Fire Fighter King from now on!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the man quickly smiled and said.

"Fire King of Fighters?"

Qin Yun also laughed.

This is the benefit of strength. If it wasn't for Qin Yun's powerful talent, let alone the ancient emperor, even the ancient king would not be fooled by him.

"Thank you Fire Fighter King!"

Qin Yun smiled faintly.

This person is polite, so he doesn't need to make trouble with him, besides, he will stay for a while among the gods and heavenly clan.

It's not bad to have a good relationship with this person.

"Brother Shura, please!"

Huo Fighting King hurriedly led the way. After a while, the two of them had already left the small courtyard. This time, the place they went to was not the main hall at the beginning, but directly rushed towards a small courtyard in the depths of Shentian City.

An hour later.


The King of Fire Fighters stopped in front of a small courtyard. In the small courtyard, mysterious forces spread one after another, and before they approached, a scent hit.

"Good place!"

Qin Yun's eyes lit up. Although this small courtyard is not as strong as Tianwai Mountain's innate primordial aura, it is much richer than other places in Shentian City.

"Fairy, Shura is here!"

Standing outside the small courtyard, the King of Fire Fighters said respectfully.

"Let him in!"

A faint voice came from the small courtyard. This voice was the voice of Zi Fairy.


The King of Fighters, bow respectfully and retreat.

"Brother Shura, please!"

The King of Fire Fighters smiled at Qin Yun.

"You're not going in?"

Qin Yun paused slightly.

"This is the fairy's private resting place. Without the permission of the fairy, no one is allowed to enter. Brother Shura, please!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the King of Fire Fighters smiled.

"A private retreat?"

Qin Yun was stunned for a moment. So, this small courtyard is where Fairy Zi usually lives?
"Thank you!"

After a while, Qin Yun came back to his senses, slightly cupped his hands, and walked towards the small courtyard.

"Brother Shura, I'll wait for you outside!"

The voice of the King of Fire Fighters came, and at this moment, Qin Yun had already reached the door of the small courtyard. Looking at the closed door of the small courtyard, Qin Yun gently pushed it!

But the moment Qin Yun placed his palm on the door.

Qin Yun's expression changed slightly.

At this moment, Qin Yun seemed to feel that a peerless figure was standing proudly above the sky, and that figure was looking down at him.

At the same time, a vast force from the door enveloped him.

That feeling, as if this force is about to submerge yourself.

"not good!"

The expressions of the Eastern Emperor Bell and the Eastern Emperor Battle Spirit also changed slightly.

"The power of the gods!"

With a cold shout, in Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness, waves of boundless power instantly enveloped him.

This force blocked the force on the door.


Qin Yun let out a muffled snort, and traces of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Even if it was blocked, the vast power still hurt Qin Yun.

Qin Yun's cultivation was really too bad.

And the power coming from the door was really too strong. In front of that power, Qin Yun seemed to feel that he was like an ant.


But at this moment, just when Qin Yun was about to retreat, the door opened automatically.

"come in!"

A faint voice came, and the scene in the small courtyard appeared in front of Qin Yun.

In the small courtyard, it is very ordinary.

In the middle of the courtyard, there was a stone table, and beside that stone table, a beautiful figure sat cross-legged, and this person was none other than Fairy Zi.

In the small courtyard, besides Purple Fairy, there is another person.

This person is also a woman. The woman looks only fourteen or five years old, but her delicate face and slightly graceful body are enough to tell that when this woman grows up, she will definitely look like a city!

The woman looked at Qin Yun curiously.

"Meet the fairy!"

Qin Yun walked into the small courtyard, and slightly cupped his hands towards Fairy Zi.

As for the person behind Purple Fairy, Qin Yun just glanced at it slightly. This person's cultivation is not very strong, and he is only in the realm of the ancient master.

(End of this chapter)

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