Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1551 Tianjiao Battle

Chapter 1551 Tianjiao Battle
"Is the emperor star special?"

Qin Yun's eyes lit up, his own Emperor Star, Qin Yun also sensed it, but it was also because of the special nature of the Emperor Star, it was even more difficult for Qin Yun to break through his cultivation now.

Of course, Qin Yun's ability to possess such terrifying combat power has nothing to do with his own Emperor Star.

"God Dance!"

He murmured to himself, and Qin Yun's eyes calmed down again.

First, it only belongs to him, Qin Yun!
"I have already said the rules. Next, it belongs to you. There are 17 disciples entering the finals for the first time this time. Except for these 17, we will start from 83!"

"The challenge begins!"

The Great Elder's cold voice sounded, and with a wave of his hand, the next moment, countless vast powers came from the sky.

For a moment, only one pillar was seen, moving out of a hundred pillars.

"The challenge has begun, who can win the first place this time?"

"The No.80 third is Jiu Niu Jun. This person already has the six ancient kings of heaven. In this battle, I don't know if he can advance a few places!"

"That's the news from the last grand ceremony. I heard that Lord Jiuniu has merged the seven heavenly patterns. I'm afraid he will enter the top [-] this time!"


Under the arena, it boiled again.

And on the pillar that came out this time, a man took a deep breath, and a vast aura spread from this man's body.

Behind this person, seven phantoms can be seen appearing.

Those phantoms were all different, but with the appearance of these seven figures, the breath on this person's body increased several times,

"Seven ancient kings' sky patterns!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, there was a flash of light. The 83rd place was already the seven ancient kings' sky patterns. This decisive battle in the God-Heaven Grand Ceremony is indeed the place where the arrogance gathers. To enter the top ten, it is estimated that all of them are the existence of the nine ancient kings' sky patterns.

And the number one Ah Jiu is even more terrifying!
"Jiu Niu, who are you challenging?"

The Great Elder asked indifferently.

"Report to the Great Elder, this time I am challenging No. 70 Senior Brother Jue Yu!"

Jiu Niu took a deep breath and slightly arched his hands.

And upon hearing this, on the remaining 99 pillars, a man's eyes lit up, and this man was Jue Yu, who was ranked seventy!

"According to the rules, it can be challenged, but can Jue Yu face it?"

The great elder's eyes fell on Jue Yu's body.

"Fight against the rain!"

A deep voice resounded, and a hint of arrogance flashed in Jue Yu's eyes. A vast coercion rose from this person's body, and seven phantoms could also be seen appearing behind him.

The seven ancient kings' sky pattern, the two are at the same level of cultivation!

"Who will win this battle?"

"I guess it's Senior Brother Jue Yu!"

"It must be Brother Jiuniu!"


The entire arena became lively in an instant, and the battle started, and the eyes of a group of warriors were full of excitement.

On the contrary, Qin Yun and the others looked calmer.

"It's going to take me a while, I'm afraid!"

In Qin Yun's mouth, Na Na said to himself, as a newly promoted final disciple, Qin Yun must be the last to participate in the challenge, but now, Qin Yun can only watch other people's challenges!
"Boy, although these disciples of the Gods and Heaven Clan are not as good as you, watching the battle is also beneficial to you, and you are going to practice a new skill now, you must watch the battle more, it will only benefit you!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said in a low voice.

"Practice exercises?"

Qin Yun's eyes flashed.

The next moment, Qin Yun's eyes fell on the two of them.

"The challenge begins!"

The Great Elder's cold and arrogant voice sounded, and with a wave of his hand, a vast arena appeared above the original arena. On the arena, two figures stood proudly.

These two people are Jue Yu and Jiu Niu!
"Je Yu, give me the seventy today!"

Looking at Jue Yu, Jiu Niu said coldly and arrogantly.

"Hmph... You are still a little bit short of stepping on my body to get to the top!"

"The power of the gods!"


The violent power exploded in the void, and the two fought together. Their cultivation bases were almost the same, and their combat power was not much different.

In a moment, the fight between the two had entered a heated state.

But the two of them became stronger as they fought, and the warriors of the Shentian Clan also had a lot of fun watching it.

"The disciples of the God and Celestial Clan are indeed terrifying. Among the top [-] people, I am afraid that none of them is a genius who leapfrogs the ranks. When these people grow up, they will definitely be a big threat to our human race!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, traces of light flashed across.

The Celestial Clan is too strong.

At least among the warriors Qin Yun has seen, among the human race, there are definitely only a handful of disciples who can be compared to the disciples of the gods and heavenly clan. Of course, the human race in this ancient world may be stronger.

"Battle, fight!"

"Go away!"


In the void, roads and roads collided and sounded. The two shot, the avenue and the law were created out of thin air, but dissipated out of thin air in a moment. The combat power of the two is terrifying and boundless.

An hour passed slowly.

In the void, Qin Yun quietly watched the two fight.

"Get off!"


Finally, after two hours, a muffled voice sounded, and Jiu Niu's body flew upside down directly from the sky above the ring, and this person's body fell hard to the ground.

On the stage, Jue Yu was full of pride!

"Nine cows are defeated!"

"Jiu Niu entered the Realm of the Ancient Kings of Seven Paths a little later, that's why he was defeated by Jue Yu!"

"In this grand ceremony, Jiuniu may not be able to advance to the next level!"


In the arena, there were many discussions.

"The first battle, Jiu Niu challenge failed!"

The deep voice of the Great Elder resounded, Jiu Niu stood up from the ground, this person slightly bowed his hands towards Jue Yu who was in the void, then turned and left.

The challenge failed, and he has no face left.

But Jue Yu returned to his pillar with a pale face.

"Jiu Niu gave up another second chance to challenge, Jue Yu will face it once, and then you can refuse the challenge once, and now we invite No.80 two challengers to participate in the challenge!"


The voice of the great elder sounded, and after a while, the challenge started again, and the arena became lively again. As for the defeated Jiu Niu at this moment, no one talked about it anymore!

In the arena, challenges began again and again.

The rules of this challenge are very strict. As long as the fighters in front face it once, they have the right to refuse the challenge once, and if they don't face it, they must face it.

In a moment, the challenge has reached fifty!

More than 30 challengers, all challenged after the top [-], none of them challenged the top [-]!
Time, but three days have passed. On the ring, the challenge is still going on.

"I challenge No.19!"

But at this moment, a weak voice sounded, upon hearing these words, the entire arena fell silent instantly.

Qin Yun was also taken aback for a moment.

After watching the battle for three days, Qin Yun's understanding of the disciples of the Shentian Clan became a bit deeper.

But Qin Yun didn't expect that someone would challenge the top [-] right now!

(End of this chapter)

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