Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1568 Immortal Lamp Soul Advances

Chapter 1568 Immortal Lamp Soul Advances
in the hall.

It is very spacious. In the center of the hall, there is an ancient tripod. In front of the ancient tripod, an old man stands there. This person is the Great Elder of the Shentian Clan.

"I have seen the master!"

Ah Jiu, hurriedly saluted.

"Meet the elders!"

Qin Yun also cupped his hands slightly.


The First Elder turned his head and looked at Qin Yun and the two. A slight smile appeared on the First Elder's face, especially when he looked at Qin Yun, the First Elder's eyes were slightly strange.

"Master, Shura has already arrived, so you take him to participate in the baptism of the power of the gods. After the baptism, I will have another drink with Shura!"

Looking at the old man, Ah Jiu said with a smile.

"You stinky boy!"

The Great Elder laughed and cursed, but he didn't say much, but said to Qin Yun: "Sura, you come with me, as for Ah Jiu!"

"You stay here!"

After finishing his sentence, the Great Elder walked towards the depths of the hall.

"Yes, Great Elder!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath, and standing in front of the Great Elder, Qin Yun only felt that standing in front of him seemed to be a vast world.

This Great Elder is very terrifying!
In the main hall, Qin Yun followed the great elder and walked towards the depths of the main hall. Only Ajiu was left standing where he was.

After a while, Ah Jiu also left the hall.

deep in the hall.

"Sura, Purple Fairy is not easy to deal with!"

The Great Elder said in a low voice.

"Purple Fairy!"

Qin Yun paused for a moment, and then realized that the Great Elder must have known about his rejection of Zi Fairy.

"The news of the Great Elder is quite well-informed!"

Qin Yun smiled lightly, but he didn't talk about anything about Purple Fairy. Purple Fairy is hard to deal with?Qin Yun knew this a long time ago!

"If you want to gain a foothold in the Shentian Clan, you don't rely on talent!"

At this moment, the Great Elder turned his head and suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Isn't it relying on talent?"

Qin Yun paused for a moment. Of course, Qin Yun knew what the words of the Great Elder meant. If he wants to gain a foothold, it depends on his strength.


A genius who has grown up is called a genius, but what kind of genius is he who has not grown up?
"Thank you, Great Elder, for reminding me!"

Qin Yun cupped his hands slightly. Although the Great Elder didn't say it clearly, Qin Yun could already guess that this purple fairy would definitely not let him go.


The Great Elder smiled faintly.

After a while, the two continued to walk towards the depths of the hall.

A quarter of an hour later, a five-star formation appeared in front of Qin Yun. The formation was covered with countless divine lines, and it looked extremely mysterious from a distance.

"This is the Hongmeng Heaven Formation!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the Great Elder said in a deep voice.

"Hongmeng Tianzhen?"

Qin Yun paused slightly.

"This big formation can be conveyed to any place in the entire ancient world. The ancestors have traveled all over the world, and there has never been a trace, but as long as you stand in this big formation!"

"The ancestor will pass down the power of the gods and heavens through the air!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the Great Elder said with a smile.

"I see!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath. This patriarch of the God and Heaven Clan is indeed terrifying. The method of transmitting the power of God and Heaven through the endless void can be called terrifying!
"Senior War Spirit, will you be discovered?"

Qin Yun asked in a deep voice to the Eastern Emperor War Spirit.

"Boy, don't worry about this. Although the Immortal and Immortal have not been promoted to the level of Zunbao, the ancestor of the God and Celestial Clan has not descended in person!"

"As long as you don't reveal your secrets, you will definitely not be discovered!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said in a low voice.

"Not revealing?"

There was a flash of light in Qin Yun's eyes, and for a moment, a smile appeared on Qin Yun's face again, as the so-called seeking wealth in danger.

"Sura, you haven't entered the big formation yet!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the Great Elder said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Great Elder!"

Qin Yun gave a slight salute, and then walked towards the formation. When he entered the formation, Qin Yun immediately felt an incomparably vast aura envelope him.

"Ancestor please!"

At this moment, the Great Elder outside the formation suddenly knelt down.

I saw the Great Elder at this moment, making countless seal formulas, and these seal formulas went towards the void.


Countless seals came down, and the patterns on the big formation began to light up one by one, and then a beam of light shot up into the sky.

The beam of light seemed to have shattered the sky, and it was unknown where it had reached.

But the next moment, Qin Yun's expression changed slightly.


An indifferent voice sounded, and above the sky, a vast and boundless power of the gods and heaven was seen, enveloping Qin Yun.

This divine power is terrifying!
"So strong!"

Qin Yun, suppressing the urge to leave directly, Qin Yun sat down cross-legged directly, gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and guarded his mind.


The next moment, the vast power of the gods and heavens has descended.

This divine power, like a huge wave, hit Qin Yun's body, and Qin Yun only felt that he had become a small sail at this moment, and it seemed that he might be annihilated at any time!

In Qin Yun's body, the ancestor dragons began to devour these divine powers, and Qin Yun's power was also rapidly increasing.

Not only that, in Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness, the emperor star quickly began to fluctuate.

"This kid is really lucky. The ancestor of the Shentian clan was baptized with the power of the gods. Even if he is a top genius of the Shentian clan, he is not qualified for this treatment!"

Inside the Eastern Emperor Bell, the Eastern Emperor's battle spirit was full of sighs.

"With the help of the power of the gods and heaven, this kid's combat power, I am afraid that he will be invincible in the realm of the ancient king before entering the realm of the ancient king!"

The soul of the immortal lamp is also flickering at this moment.

In Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness, the countless divine powers were not only absorbed by the Emperor Star at this moment, but the immortal lamp soul was also devouring the divine powers.

Under the power of the gods and heaven, the aura of the immortal lamp soul is also slowly strengthening!

In the five-star array.

"It's been an hour, and this kid is so scary!"

The Great Elder, a gleam flashed in his eyes, the divine power of the ancestor of the gods, although it is terrifying, but ordinary people can't bear it.

Even if it is Ah Jiu who has been baptized three times in a row, it will last for an hour.

But now it's good, Qin Yun persisted for an hour for the first time, and judging from Qin Yun's appearance, it seemed that there was no tendency of him being unable to persist!
"This kid, could it be possible to reach two hours?"

The Great Elder muttered to himself, outside the formation, the eyes of the Great Elder shone brightly.

Qin Yun's talent, this is definitely the scariest talent he has ever seen!


In the big formation, Qin Yun was still devouring the divine power, and as Qin Yun devoured more and more divine power, the aura on Qin Yun's body became stronger and stronger.

On Qin Yun's physique, one could even see the flickering divine patterns.

At this moment, Qin Yun, relying solely on his physique, might be able to easily crush ordinary ancient kings and powerhouses.

Not to mention Qin Yun's Emperor Star power.

(End of this chapter)

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