Chapter 1570

"Ah Jiu, I'm afraid this banquet will have to wait until the next time!"

Looking at Ah Jiu, Qin Yun said in a deep voice.

"Sura, what's the matter?"

Looking at Qin Yun, Ah Jiu frowned slightly. Qin Yun was from the human race, and he definitely didn't believe the news.

It is impossible for people from the human race to mix into the gods and heavenly race!

Qin Yun smiled faintly.

Although Fairy Zi discovered her identity, Qin Yun really has nothing to worry about now.

Now in the entire Shentian Clan, except for Shentianzu, no one can discover his identity as Qin Yun's human clan.

"Fatty, take me back, I'd like to see what the Purple Fairy can do this time?"

There was a flash of coldness in Qin Yun's eyes.

This purple fairy was plotting against him from the beginning, and Qin Yun didn't have much affection for this person.

If there is a chance, Qin Yun doesn't mind, let this person transform into an ancient god's sky pattern!
"Yes, Boss Shura!"

Fatty, quickly lead the way.

"Ah Jiu, farewell!"

Slightly cupping his hands towards Ah Jiu, Qin Yun turned around and retreated quickly.

"Brother Shura, go slowly!"

Ah Jiu also hurriedly bowed his hand to return the salute, looking at the direction in which Qin Yun disappeared, a trace of light flashed in Ah Jiu's eyes.

After a while, the person entered the hall.

At the same time, Qin Yun and Fatty hurried towards their small courtyard.

After a while, the two returned to the courtyard.

At this moment, the small courtyard has been firmly surrounded. Outside the small courtyard, a dozen or so people stand proudly, and all of these dozens of people are ancient emperors.

In addition, there were two people standing at the gate of the courtyard, one of them was Zi Fairy, and there was another person besides Zi Fairy.

"It's him!"

Looking at this person, Qin Yun's eyes shrank violently.

At this moment, Qin Yun already understood a lot in his heart.

Standing behind Fairy Zi was none other than Qin Yun's old opponent, who was the patriarch of the Ji family in Chaos!
Unexpectedly, after entering the ancient world, Qin Yun encountered this person again.

Moreover, this person's cultivation level has also reached the realm of the ancient king, but it is a pity that the current head of the Ji family is no different from an ant in Qin Yun's eyes!
"Sura, you are finally back!"

Watching Qin Yun come back, Zi Xianzi's deep voice sounded.

Looking at Qin Yun, Zi Xianzi's eyes shone with coldness.

At this moment, Fairy Zi probably wished to kill Qin Yun thousands of times in her heart. In the beginning, Qin Yun was completely under her control, but now that Qin Yun has captured Shen Tianwu, he directly tore her face apart!
"Purple Fairy, what do you mean? If you want to visit me, you don't need such a big fight, you scare Shura!"

Qin Yun looked at Fairy Zi with a playful expression.

Looking at Zi Xianzi and the others who were full of indifference, Qin Yun's eyes were extremely flat. As for the head of the Ji family behind Zi Xianzi, Qin Yun didn't even look the same.

"Boy, be careful, there are people in the dark!"

At this moment, the voice of the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit rang out in Qin Yun's mind.

"dark place?"

A light flashed in Qin Yun's eyes.

This Purple Fairy was really good at what she did, she just brought a dozen or so ancient emperors with her, and even arranged people secretly.

This time, he probably wanted to take the opportunity to take himself down directly!
"Sura, you are so courageous!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Zixian burst out with coldness in her eyes.

"What does Purple Fairy mean?"

Qin Yun narrowed his eyes slightly. At this moment, Qin Yun wanted to see what tricks this purple fairy had!
"Shura, you were originally a disciple of the human race, but you joined our Shentian clan, and you also won the first place in the Shentian Grand Ceremony. Now you have even taken away Shentianwu!"

"What's on your mind?"

Looking at Qin Yun, Zi Xianzi said sharply.

"What's your intention?"

"Your Highness Fairy, didn't you say it? My purpose is this Shentianwu. I originally wanted to take down Fairy too, but it's a pity!"

"Fairy, you are too vigilant!"

Looking at Purple Fairy, Qin Yun said with a smile.

"This is what you admit, come here, take Shura down, no, just ask him to hand over Shen Tianwu, otherwise you will be killed on the spot!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Fairy Zi said with a malicious look on her face.

"Tsk tsk... Fairy Zi, you are really pitiful. You have abolished such a big trick, but it was just for Shentianwu. Besides, what did I admit just now?"

Qin Yun said with a smile.

"That's right, what did Boss Shura admit?"

The fat man gritted his teeth and stood up at this moment.

"Admit what?"

Purple Fairy, a trace of coldness flickered in her eyes.

"Everyone heard it just now, you admitted that you are a disciple of the human race, and you mixed with our gods and heavens, just for Shentianwu!"

"Sura, what else can you say?"

Purple Fairy said indifferently.

"Your Highness Fairy, this is what you said. As the top disciple of the Shentian Clan, you want to kill me for the sake of Shentianwu!"

"I would like to ask, what are your intentions, Purple Fairy?"

"Could it be that you are a spy sent by the human race, with the purpose of mutilating the talented disciples of our gods and heavenly clan, so that your human race can succeed!"

Looking at Purple Fairy, Qin Yun said coldly.

"you you you……"

"You spit out blood!"

Purple Fairy, her face was flushed with anger, a martial artist who was perfected by the ancient monarch, dared to talk to her like this, and even drew her into a relationship with the human race.

This made her feel angry!
"His Royal Highness, why be so flustered, you are not a disciple of the human race, so please ask the elders to check, of course, this seat can also check for you!"

Qin Yun said with a mocking expression.

"Have someone check?"

Purple Fairy's eyes flashed, but the next moment, this person's eyes fell on the head of the Ji family.

"Don't worry, Your Highness Fairy, I came from the chaos. This person is called Qin Yun, who is known as Emperor Shura in the chaos. This person suppresses the entire chaos!"

"He has great luck, and also won the great opportunity of chaos. This person is a human race, and there is absolutely no problem!"

"Little one, I'm willing to guarantee it with my head!"

The head of the Ji family hurried forward and said.

At this moment, his eyes were also flickering coldly. In the chaos, it was Qin Yun who took away the opportunity that originally belonged to his Ji family, and even let his Ji family.

There is no place to hide in Chaos, and even lost contact with Chaos!

When I met Qin Yun again, the head of the Ji family, how could I not feel hatred in my heart!

"Are you sure?"

Purple Fairy's eyes flickered slightly, Qin Yun was a disciple of the human race, which even Purple Fairy couldn't be sure about.

The divine power on Qin Yun's body was too pure, and that aura could not be imitated by the human race.

"Don't worry, my lord, if this person is not a disciple of the human race, I am willing to die and apologize!"

The head of the Ji family gritted his teeth and said.

(End of this chapter)

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