Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 158 Preaching

Chapter 158 Preaching
In the imperial city, there were discussions everywhere. The battle in the northern desert spread throughout Qin Tianguo, and the more it spread, the more outrageous it became!

In the distant sky.

"Martial Lord Jiuyue is dead!"

"Senior brother Li Xiong is also dead..."


All the major forces exclaimed one after another. Although the Martial Venerable is not a peak powerhouse in Tianyu, he is also an inner disciple of the various sects.

Now that these disciples have fallen, they are naturally alarmed, the high-level leaders of the major forces!

"Jiuyue Wuzun, didn't you go to the training place of the outer sect, you sent someone to check this training place!"

"Yes Yes!"


A series of orders came down, and in a short while, the major forces once again dispatched strong men to this place of experience, but Qin Tianguo has now calmed down.

"Emperor Qin Yun, I'm afraid it won't be long before you kill this group of Martial Venerables!"

"There are still strong ones who will come again!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Bao Lao said in a deep voice.

"Wu Zun comes again?"

The corner of Qin Yun's mouth raised slightly, as soon as it comes, it will come, isn't it Wu Zun, come more, he Qin Yun is very happy, after all, what he lacks most now is energy!
"Old Bao, you only need to defend the 33 martial arts formations. As for the warriors of the major forces, even if Emperor Wu comes, they can only die with hatred!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely indifferent. The Heaven Melting Dragon Formation is not an ordinary formation. Qin Yun used this large formation to directly destroy the third-ranked Demon Dao Sect in the Nine Heavens Realm.

That is a group of powerful Tianzun, compared to Wu Zun, I don't know how many times stronger!
They can annihilate tens of thousands of small worlds with a single hand.

As for the Wu Zun in this small world, in front of the Melting Dragon Formation, how many came and how many died!
"Emperor Wu also died with hatred!"

Bao Lao's expression changed slightly, he was very reluctant to believe it, but thinking of the fate of the 28 Martial Masters, Bao Lao took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"Old Bao, don't worry about these things!"

"It's what you should do to improve your strength. Your strength is a little low!"

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun looked at Bao Lao and said in a deep voice.

"The strength is low?"

The corner of Bao Lao's mouth twitched slightly. I'm afraid only Qin Yun could say this.

He is Wu Zun!

Wu Zun's cultivation base is still low, so in Qin Yun's eyes, what cultivation base is considered normal?
"Go back!"


Bao Lao retreated, and Bao Lao felt that if he stayed for a while, he might never have the confidence to practice again!
"Wu Zun, hum..."

"Kill as many as you want!"

A cold air flashed in Qin Yun's eyes. The next moment, Qin Yun fell into cultivation again. Eight dragon souls rolled in Qin Yun's body, and the other dragon veins also surged out with rolling dragon power.

"To improve, I must enter Tianyu, but now Qin Tianguo..."

Qin Yun's brows furrowed. In Qin Tian Kingdom, apart from Baolao, there is no other strong Martial Venerable. Even Chi Muxi's cultivation is only at the peak of Martial Sect!
"It's time to help grandpa!"

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yun's figure disappeared into the imperial palace.

After a while, Qin Yun appeared in the backyard.


Following Qin Yun's appearance, Qin Feng quickly stood up.

"Grandpa, how is your cultivation?"

Looking at Qin Feng, Qin Yun smiled slightly.


Qin Feng paused for a moment, then said with a smile.

"Thank you for the marrow washing pill. My current cultivation has reached the peak of Wu Zong, but this Wu Zun..."

"Grandpa, I'll help you!"

Looking at Qin Feng, a light flashed in Qin Yun's eyes.

"You help me?"

Qin Feng was slightly taken aback.

"The realm of Wu Zun is the second level of the upper three realms. Grandpa's promotion to Wu Zong relies on the power of Xisui Pill, but Wu Zun must be understood by grandpa himself!"

"The power of Xisui Pill is enough for Grandpa to advance to Wuzun. What Grandpa lacks now is comprehension!"

Looking at Qin Feng, Qin Yun said with a smile.


In Qin Feng's eyes, there was something thoughtful.

After all, he used to be in the realm of Wuling. In less than half a year, he has advanced from Wuling to the peak Wuzong. Speaking of comprehension, he is indeed far behind.

"Yun'er, what should I do?"

Looking at Qin Yun, Qin Feng asked in a deep voice.

"Grandpa just sit down!"

Looking at Qin Feng, Qin Yun's eyes flashed.

"sit down?"

Qin Feng paused for a moment, but he didn't doubt anything, and sat down cross-legged!

"Grandpa keep your mind, Yun'er will preach for you and help you break through the realm of Martial Venerable!"

Squinting his eyes, Qin Yun also sat down cross-legged, and the next moment, from Qin Yun's mouth, mysterious and boundless voices came out slowly.

"The chaos of the Dao can mess up the heaven and the earth, and the chaos of the heaven and the earth will harm all souls. In the Dao of Heaven, there is an opportunity to take advantage of, which is a ray of life.

Words were spat out by Qin Yun, and following Qin Yun's voice, the spiritual energy in the small courtyard instantly came to life, and streams of spiritual energy formed auspicious clouds above Qin Yun's head!
From a distance, Qin Yun seemed to have obtained an ancient god!

"What a mysterious power!"

"It's the ancestor's courtyard!"

"This power makes me want to sink into it!"

"The old ancestor's small courtyard is a forbidden area, let's get closer and don't disturb the old ancestor!"

"That's right!"


In the imperial palace, countless warriors began to approach Qin Feng's small courtyard. The closer they got to this small courtyard, the more mysterious and boundless the mysterious aura in the void would be!
Some warriors even broke through on the spot!

Qin Yun's Dao is the strongest Dao in the Nine Heavens Realm. Although these warriors in the small world don't understand Qin Yun's Dao, they are enough to obtain endless benefits if they are contaminated with the power of this mysterious Dao.

Qin Yun's sermon lasted for three days!
At the end of the third day, Qin Yun's voice finally stopped, but the listeners were still immersed in Qin Yun's Tao.

I saw them one by one, some were thoughtful, some were thinking hard, and some even jumped up, with boundless excitement on their faces.

"After this sermon, my Qin Tianguo's strength has been greatly increased!"

The corner of Qin Yun's mouth raised slightly. Qin Yun was confident that within a year, Qin Tian Kingdom would have as many Martial Lords as dogs. As for Martial Emperors, there would definitely be no shortage!

"This deity actually broke through, it's too mysterious..."

"It's too mysterious!"

Outside Qin Feng's small courtyard, Baolao's position was the closest to Qin Yun's. A terrifying and boundless aura rose from Baolao's body, his cultivation level.

Directly reached the realm of the Seventh Level Martial Venerable!
In addition, there was also an aura of a strong Martial Venerable from outside the small courtyard. It was Chi Muxi, who had advanced to the realm of Martial Venerable.


At this moment, Qin Yun's eyes fell on Qin Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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