Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1581 The Crisis Is Coming

Chapter 1581 The Crisis Is Coming
"what happened?"

"what happened?"


The expression of a group of people changed drastically in an instant. Just after entering the city, one person died directly. In the face of the prohibition in this city, this person could not stop it at all.

"Be careful!"

Ah Jiu's voice was extremely low.

But Ah Jiu didn't say much about this person's death. Seeing this scene, the other warriors consciously became careful.

"That was the restriction of the Nine Swordsman just now!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, a trace of light flashed by. Before entering this secret realm, Qin Yun knew that there are two types of restrictions in this secret realm.

One belongs to the Nine Swordsman, and the other belongs to the Divine Ancestor!

For the disciples of the God Heaven Clan, only the Nine Swordsman's restriction was a threat, but for Qin Yun, it was the exact opposite!
Because Qin Yun is not a disciple of the God and Heaven Clan!

"Senior War Spirit, where is the inheritance of the Nine Swordsman?"

Qin Yun asked the Eastern Emperor War Spirit.

"Boy, there are many restrictions here, even I can't detect it, but the sword intent in this city is quite strong, it should be inside the city!"

The voice of the Eastern Emperor's battle spirit came.


Hearing this, Qin Yun grinned slightly. Of course, Qin Yun knew that the restriction was in this city, but this city is so big, and there are restrictions everywhere.

There is no specific place, Qin Yun did not find the inheritance, and probably died under the restriction!
"Senior War Spirit, is there a way?"

Qin Yun asked in a deep voice.

"There are ways, but don't worry, there are so many restrictions here, and you have to give me at least three days to investigate the specific place!"

The voice of the Eastern Emperor's battle spirit came again.

"Okay, I'll give you three days!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath. Three days is not a long time. Qin Yun also believed that the Gods and Celestial Clan would definitely not find him that fast!

A group of people continued to rush towards the center of the city.

But the speed of the group of people is very slow, they almost take a step, they are all cautious, the closer to the center of the city, the more terrifying the vast sword intent!
"There is a great hall here!"

But at this moment, a group of people stopped.

There was only a big hall appearing not far from the crowd. This big hall was intact.

You know, along the way, the buildings in this city are not complete at all.

But the hall in front of him is very complete!

"This hall is intact, there must be something, why not go in and have a look!"

"That's right!"


A group of people, their hearts moved.

Ah Jiu also frowned.

"Boy, be careful, there are strong restrictions in this hall!"

But at this moment, in Qin Yun's mind, the voice of the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit came.

"Strong restriction?"

There was a flash of light in Qin Yun's eyes, and he immediately became cautious. The restriction mentioned by the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit is not from the Nine Swords Master, but from the God of Heaven!

"Go in and see!"

Ah Jiu said in a deep voice.

"Okay, let's go in and see!"

"Maybe there might be something good in it!"


A group of people walked towards the main hall, and Qin Yun followed carefully behind them. After a while, a group of people arrived in front of the main hall.

"This kid, do you know you are afraid?"

Looking at Qin Yun behind the crowd, Mr. Xiaohan sneered and stood behind the crowd. Even if he found something, it probably wasn't for Qin Yun's share!

"Get out of the hall!"

Mr. Xiaohan said coldly.

"Yes Yes!"

Several figures hurried forward.


After a while, the main hall was directly pushed away, and the scene in the main hall appeared in front of everyone's eyes. There was a small altar standing in the main hall at this moment.

On the altar is an ancient sword!
This ancient sword is very ordinary. From a distance, it seems to be made of stone, but upon closer inspection, it is found that this ancient sword is somewhat different.

On the ancient sword, there are many pits and pits. If you look closely, the pits and pits look like lines, very mysterious!

"It's an ancient sword, it must be the ancient sword left by the Nine Swordsman!"

Mr. Xiaohan was overjoyed, and the eyes of other warriors also lit up at this moment. The ancient sword is here, and everyone knows where this ancient sword comes from without thinking!

"Senior War Spirit..."

Qin Yun gave a low drink.

"Boy, this ancient sword is indeed left by Nine Swordsmen, but it is already a scrapped ancient sword, and there is no inheritance in that sword at all!"

The voice of the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit sounded.

"I see!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath.

"By the way, since it is a scrapped sword, why did the Nine Swordsman stay here?"

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun quickly asked.

"How do I know this?"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit grinned.


Qin Yun shook his head slightly. At this moment, there were already several figures approaching the ancient sword. Even Liu Qiang and Zi Luo were a little moved.

Ah Jiu, on the other hand, has very calm eyes!

But at this moment, a scream sounded, and the first disciple of the Shentian clan who approached the ancient sword, this person's body was directly swallowed up by the ancient sword!


The person's body turned into a mummy, and immediately exploded.

From being devoured to exploding, this is only one ten-thousandth of the breathing process.

During the whole process, a group of warriors seemed to have not come back to their senses.


Two screams sounded again.

A group of people finally came to their senses.

"what happened?"

"This ancient sword is deceitful, retreat quickly..."


A group of figures retreated quickly.

But at this moment, the ancient sword trembled slightly, devouring the three disciples of the Gods and Heavenly Clan. On this ancient sword, it could be seen that the blood energy began to condense.

"Senior War Spirit, what's going on?"

Qin Yun asked quickly.

"Boy, you leave immediately. This ancient sword is a secret method, a technique of nourishing demons passed down from ancient times. In this ancient sword, someone has raised demons!"

The Eastern Emperor Battle Spirit said hastily.

"Raising demons!"

Qin Yun's expression changed.

But at this moment, the ancient sword on the altar raised countless blood energy, and these blood energy entwined in the void, forming a very strange figure.


There was wild laughter, and a strong smell of blood came from the altar.


Without even thinking about it, Qin Yun turned around and left, and the moment Qin Yun left, Ah Jiu also quickly retreated.

"Come on!"



With the sound of screams, Qin Yun and the others retreated quickly, so they were naturally fine, but the other warriors were not so comfortable, one after another figures were directly swallowed up!
In the hall, a strong smell of blood spread.

"Quickly close the door of the hall!"

Mr. Xiaohan hurriedly said to the people behind him.


The expressions of the few people changed slightly. In the main hall, there are still more than a dozen disciples of the Celestial Clan at this moment, and they didn't have time to come out.


Mr. Xiaohan said sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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