Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1587 Call from the Empress

Chapter 1587 Call from the Empress

"Sura, do you know that there are restrictions here?"

Ah Jiu and the others also looked at Qin Yun curiously. This restriction is not weak at all. Even Mr. Xiaohan was almost seriously injured. One can imagine how angry Mr. Xiaohan was!
"This one……"

The corner of Qin Yun's mouth raised, and then he said flatly: "I don't know that there is a restriction in it, but guess, you can always guess!"


Ah Jiu took a deep look at Qin Yun.

"Look, everyone!"

But at this moment, an exclamation sounded, and everyone hurriedly looked forward, only to see a cave appear.

In the center of the cave is an ice coffin.

On the ice coffin, there are only nine iron chains pulling it. I don't know where the end of the iron chain is.

"What is this?"

Jun Yun asked in a deep voice.

"I do not know either!"

Ah Jiu shook his head slightly, a group of people, at this moment, no one dared to approach the ice coffin, and Mr. Xiaohan had learned the lesson from the beginning, so naturally he didn't dare to mess around now!
"I know something about the things on the ice coffin!"

At this moment, Zi Luo suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Junior Sister Ziluo, can you tell me?"

Ah Jiu said in a deep voice.

"I have seen the chain above this in an ancient secret book. The secret book introduced that this is a kind of ancient large formation, which seems to be called!"

"Nine-Nine Soul Locking Formation!"

Ziluo said in a deep voice.

"Soul Locking Array!"

Qin Yun's body shook slightly.

"Boy, be careful, this ice coffin is probably the emperor!"

The voice of the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit sounded.

"Is the Empress here?"

Qin Yun muttered to himself, the iron chains on the ice coffin carried an extremely ancient aura, that aura Qin Yun just checked, he just felt fascinated, and at this moment he felt severe pain.

"Senior War Spirit, what should I do?"

Qin Yun asked in a deep voice.

"How to do it?"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit also frowned.

"This little girl is right. This is indeed the ninety-nine soul-locking formation. This kind of large formation is very sinister. If you want to open it, you need 99 souls to sacrifice!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said in a deep voice.

"99 souls of destiny?"

Qin Yun was stunned for a moment, 99 souls, all the people present were killed, and there were not so many, so it was impossible for him to activate this large formation!

"It doesn't look like this place is the inheritance of the sword master!"

Ah Jiu shook her head slightly.

Nine-nine soul-locking array, no one knows what this big array is, and no one wants to check it out at this moment!
"and many more……"

But at this moment, Qin Yun's deep voice sounded.

"Boy, what tricks are you playing?"

Lord Xiaohan, the coldness flashed in his eyes. For Qin Yun, the current Lord Xiaohan was very upset. He didn't want to agree to Qin Yun's every word!
"I don't know much about the ninety-nine soul-locking array, but aren't you all curious about the things in the ice coffin?"

Looking at the crowd, Qin Yun said with a slight twinkle in his eyes.

"Not curious?"

Everyone frowned.

Not curious?
This is of course a fake, but this ice coffin is so weird that the people present dare not continue to investigate it!
"In this ice coffin, if I guess correctly, this is Long Rou, the daughter of the number one emperor in the ancient world, and the only emperor daughter in the ancient world!"

Looking at the crowd, Qin Yun's deep voice sounded.



Everyone looked at Qin Yun with shock in their eyes, and the expressions of Ah Jiu and the others changed drastically.

Who is Emperor Shenwu?

That was an invincible existence in the ancient world.

"Sura, is what you said true?"

Ah Jiu asked in a trembling voice.

"This kid, won't be here again..."

"To shut up!"

Ah Jiu gave Mr. Xiaohan a cold look. With this glance, Mr. Xiaohan's body trembled, and his words stopped abruptly.


Mr. Xiaohan has a killing intent in his heart.

At this moment, he wished he could tear Qin Yun apart in his previous life!
"That's right!"

Qin Yun nodded.

After a while, Qin Yun walked towards the ice coffin.

"Ta Tata..."

Step by step, with a very low voice, the eyes of the group of people fell on Qin Yun's body. It was not until Qin Yun walked in front of the ice coffin that everyone's bodies shook violently.

"Since it's all right!"

Mr. Xiaohan also had a face full of surprise.

"Go and see!"

Ah Jiu's deep voice sounded, and a group of people walked towards the ice coffin.

After a while, everyone appeared in the ice coffin, and a group of people looked towards the ice coffin.


A group of people were all stunned.

In that ice coffin, a beautiful figure was lying there, with creamy skin, a veil on her face, and a long white dress, with a sense of holiness.

Standing here, everyone seems to feel that their hearts have calmed down.

"Is it really the Empress?"

Ah Jiu muttered to himself, and Qin Yun's eyes fell on the beautiful figure in the ice coffin at this moment, and a call seemed to come from Qin Yun's mind.

"who are you?"

Qin Yun asked in a low voice.

"Are you a disciple of the human race?"

In Qin Yun's mind, an intermittent voice came. The voice was very soft, but it seemed to fall on Qin Yun's soul.

"who are you?"

Qin Yun asked again.

"Who am I? Who am I..."

That figure was muttering to herself, she seemed to have forgotten who she was, and Qin Yun couldn't help it when she heard the nah-na voice, feeling a little distressed in her heart!

Empress of the human race.

This is how long it takes to be trapped here before I even forget myself!

"Do you know Emperor Shenwu?"

Qin Yun asked in a deep voice.

"Shenwu Emperor..."

"Shenwu Emperor..."


That voice, talking to itself.

"Who is the Emperor Shenwu?"

The next moment, a slightly clearer voice came.

"Emperor Shenwu, that is the only ancient emperor in this world, he is the strongest existence in the entire world, and he is the patron saint of the human race!"

Qin Yun said nah nah.


That figure repeated itself again.

"I want to get out!"

A moment later, a voice sounded in Qin Yun's mind.

"Senior War Spirit, what the hell is going on? Is this voice from the Empress? Why can't she remember anything!"

Qin Yun hurriedly said to the Eastern Emperor Zhan Ling.

"I don't know about this, but if you want the inheritance of the Nine Swordsman, then take her with you, and with her around, you will be much safer!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said in a deep voice.

"How much safer?"

Qin Yun was stunned for a moment.

"Boy, do you think that the emperor's daughter is just a title? At her peak, the emperor's daughter is an ancient and powerful person, and she still has the power of an emperor!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit snorted coldly.

"Gu Zun?"

"So strong?"

Qin Yun grinned, but the next moment, Qin Yun's heart became serious. Such a terrifying emperor was still sealed.

This God and Celestial Clan is equally terrifying!
"99 Dao Fate Soul, where can I find it?"

Qin Yun's eyes flashed with light, but the next moment, the light in Qin Yun's eyes suddenly exploded.

At this moment, I saw countless vast breaths coming from outside.

Those auras are at worst at the peak of the ancient king!
(End of this chapter)

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