Chapter 1591

"No, Shura has made another move!"

"Go back!"


The expressions of a group of people changed drastically. Qin Yun's attack this time was no longer Shan Zhan and the others, but a group of disciples of the God and Heaven Clan around him!


Jun Yun and Liu Qiang retreated crazily.

As for the single battle, his expression changed drastically.

"Sura, stop!"

Shan Zhan's angry voice sounded, but unfortunately, it was too late, except for the three of Yunjun who left, it was already too late for the others.

"God Dance!"


I saw afterimages passing by, and I saw the places where Qin Yun's feet landed, one after another, directly exploded.

In an instant, except for the three of Jun Yun, everyone else died tragically!

Fighting alone, with anger in his eyes.

too frightening.

The Qin Yun in front of him is really too strong. Compared with Qin Yun, other people are not of the same level at all.

"This boy, why is he so evil?"

"Is this still Gu Jun?"


A group of strong men who were at the peak of the ancient king were also full of surprise.

Qin Yun's combat strength was truly terrifying.

"The next step is the beginning!"

But at this moment, Qin Yun's figure reappeared. Looking at the people who fell on the ground, Qin Yun's eyes were cold and terrifying.

This is just the beginning!
Next, is the fun!

"Stop this kid and kill him!"

The angry voice of the single battle sounded.

"Let's go together, kill this kid!"

"Yes, kill him!"


A group of people came to surround Qin Yun, not only that, outside the cave, figures were also rushing over at this moment.

In a moment, dozens of people gathered in the small cave.

"Boy, there are 100 people in total. These people's cultivation is at least at the peak of the ancient king, and the strongest is the single battle in front of them. This person has refined five ancient emperor's sky patterns!"

The voice of the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit sounded.

"The worst is the peak of the ancient king?"

Qin Yun took a deep breath. He was a powerhouse at the peak of a hundred ancient kings. This god and heavenly clan really thinks highly of him!

"It's a pity, you still underestimate me, Qin Yun, a group of ancient kings can't kill me!"

Qin Yun muttered to himself.

The next moment, Qin Yun took a step forward.


A cold voice sounded, and the next moment, Qin Yun's figure disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, Qin Yun appeared among a group of people.

"God Dance!"

"Kill kill kill..."

The wanton killing intent soared into the sky.

A group of people surrounded and killed Qin Yun, but at this moment, Qin Yun, instead of retreating, directly killed him.

"This kid is too arrogant, let's kill him together!"

"kill him!"


A group of people, killed up.


In the cave, countless forces were wanton, Qin Yun's finger fell, and the warriors at the peak of the ancient king fell directly.

Even the complete warrior of the ancient king couldn't resist a few moves.

But in the same way, the attacks of these peak ancient kings were too many, even with Shen Tianwu, Qin Yun couldn't stop them.

A series of attacks landed on Qin Yun's body.

"Kill kill!"


The screams sounded one after another, Shan Zhan's face became more and more gloomy, and finally this person's face became even paler.



Qin Yun's wanton voice sounded, and in a moment, Qin Yun's body was directly separated from the group of people. At this moment, there were dozens of corpses on the ground again.

"37 dead!"

In the single battle, he swallowed his saliva, while the eyes of the other warriors turned red at this moment, and no one saw these fallen warriors.

All kinds of mysterious power headed towards the ice coffin.

On the ice coffin, the nine iron chains had already faded from the initial rust, and only mysterious lines were seen rising from the iron chains.

"Kill kill kill..."

In Qin Yun's eyes, killing intent shot out.

The next moment, Qin Yun shot again.

"The stars die!"


Qin Yun attacked one after another. In addition, Qin Yun also summoned the 49 Chaos Dragons in his body, and the battle started again.




In the single battle, numbers spit out one by one from the mouth, and the figures seemed not to be tired, and the figures fell one after another.

But Qin Yun's fighting spirit not only didn't weaken, but became more and more terrifying!
"Boy, there are still thirty!"

The voice of the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit rang out. In the cave, blood was already flowing like rivers. The battle had already gone through for a few days, and Qin Yun could even feel a wave of fatigue coming from him.

The existence of a hundred peak ancient kings is really too strong, even Qin Yun, he is so soft at this moment!

"It's still thirty?"

Qin Yun muttered to himself, and at this moment, there were only more than 30 people left in the cave, fighting alone, and they were also participating in the single battle at this moment.

Of the remaining 30 people, none of them are the peak of the ancient king. These 30 people are all warriors who have completed the ancient king, and more than a dozen of them are also the existence of refining the ancient emperor's sky pattern.

"It's not that easy to kill these people!"

Qin Yun's eyes flashed with brilliance, and the next moment, the light in Qin Yun's hand flashed, and the Eastern Emperor Bell appeared in Qin Yun's hand.

"East Emperor Bell!"

With a cold drink, on the Eastern Emperor Bell, the lines of gods rose up frantically.

For a moment, these divine patterns appeared in the void.

In the void, countless ancient scenes appeared, and the power of Qin Yun's body had increased a lot at this moment, terrifying power and crazily shaking.

"This kid, isn't he exhausted?"

In the single battle, his voice trembled slightly. At this moment, he was also extremely surprised. It was too scary. There were more than 100 people, but at this moment there were only more than 30 people left.

In the single battle at this moment, a hint of retreat has already risen in my heart!
Is this boy in front of him still a human?

"East Emperor Seal!"

With a cold shout, Qin Yun shot out a seal formula towards the void, and a moment later, a huge seal appeared in the void.

This seal fell on everyone in an instant.


On the Eastern Emperor's Seal, it can be seen that countless heaven-shattering powers are gathering, and it feels like it can directly shatter the world.

"What a powerful treasure!"

"Everyone go back!"


The sound of a single battle sounded, and for a moment, a group of people retreated crazily, but even so, screams of pain rang out.

"Seven dead?"

Fighting alone, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

He was scared, really scared!

The Qin Yun in front of him was simply a demon. He was exhausted and could kill seven of them directly. Who knows what other methods Qin Yun in front of him had.

"Boy, it's still 23!"

The excited voice of the Eastern Emperor Battle Spirit sounded.


Qin Yun's face was extremely pale, and the consumption of Qin Yun's Eastern Emperor Seal was also terrific, but Qin Yun was confident that he could definitely last until the ice coffin was opened.

"Boy, they are leaving!"

But at this moment, a group of people in the single battle suddenly rushed out of the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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