Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1593 Inheritance Appears

Chapter 1593 Inheritance Appears
"The power of civilization of the entire human race?"

Qin Yun murmured to himself, the luck of the entire human race was concentrated on this delicate figure in front of him.

"Let's go!"

A faint voice sounded, and the emperor walked out of the cave step by step.

"Boy, don't keep up!"

The Eastern Emperor Battle Spirit said hastily.


Qin Yun hurriedly followed.

After a while, the two had already left the cave and returned to the city again. At this moment, the restrictions in the city are already very terrifying!
In the void, countless sword qi are wanton.

"What a strong restriction!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath. Fortunately, the terrifying sword energy will not hurt himself, but will only attack the people of the Gods and Heavenly Clan.

"This is Jun Yun?"

For a moment, Qin Yun paused slightly.

I saw a figure falling on the ground. This person was none other than Lord Yun. Under this terrible restriction, even Lord Yun, who was ranked second in the Divine Ceremony, could not stop him!

"Liu Qiang..."


Qin Yun's eyes were extremely plain.

Although these arrogants of the Gods and Celestial Clan didn't have much grievances with him, he had already spared their lives.

They died under the restraint, that's no fault of their own.

"I don't know Ah Jiu, can you block it?"

Qin Yun took a deep breath.

After a while, Qin Yun and the two continued to walk towards the center of the city.


But at this moment, a terrifying power fell towards Qin Yun, and in the void, a huge ball of fire was seen falling down in an instant.

"not good!"

The light in Qin Yun's eyes soared, and he shot at himself. It could only be the restriction imposed by the gods.


But this is not over yet, the next moment, the entire Nine Swords City vibrated, and countless fireballs were seen falling from the void, and those fireballs carried rolling power.

"so much?"

Qin Yun's expression became serious.

The power of those fireballs, each one, is enough to be comparable to the powerhouse of the ancient king. If so many fireballs fall, even Qin Yun will be turned into ashes!

But at this moment, the emperor waved slightly, and the next moment, the countless sword qi in the void seemed to be controlled by something, and suddenly began to gather towards the top of the two of them.

For a moment, countless sword qi formed a net above their heads.

All the fireballs in the void were blocked.

"Such a terrible restriction, if I am alone, I will definitely die!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath.

This time, the Celestial Clan was really cruel. A hundred disciples of the ancient king were sent to die, and the purpose was to kill Qin Yun!

"Boy, the emperor is looking for the inheritance of Sword Master!"

The voice of the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit sounded.

Qin Yun quickly looked towards the emperor, and saw the eyes of the emperor. He looked towards the center of the ancient city, and in the eyes of the emperor, one after another could be seen.



Those figures were fighting together.

"How is this going?"

Qin Yun asked quickly.

"The emperor is searching for the lost civilization. The battle between the Nine Swordsmen and the Gods and Heavenly Clan is also part of the civilization of the human race. She is collecting it!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said in a deep voice.

"Collecting civilization?"

A gleam of light flashed across Qin Yun's eyes.

Qin Yun's eyes fell on the emperor's eyes. Those cold eyes seemed to be the whole of human civilization, showing the entire human race in front of Qin Yun.


The next moment, the emperor's body suddenly trembled.

Immediately, traces of blood overflowed from the emperor's mouth.


Qin Yun looked shocked, and hurriedly stepped forward to support the emperor.

"I'm fine!"

A soft voice sounded, and the emperor's face was flat, as if the sky and the earth were torn apart, and the sea was dry, and there was no expression on her face.

"Look there!"

The emperor looked towards the center of the ancient city.

But at this moment, in the center of the ancient city, there are only nine ancient swords floating in the void. Each of the nine ancient swords is extremely ordinary, and the sword is even covered with dust!
"The inheritance of the Nine Swordsman?"

Qin Yun muttered to himself, those nine ancient swords stood proudly in the void, but in Qin Yun's eyes, those were not nine swords, but nine people.

I saw them waving their swords in the void.

"The remnant soul is back!"

"The remnant soul is back!"


When the emperor's soft voice sounded, Qin Yun felt as if his mind had been sucked away by something, and the next moment, a miraculous scene appeared.

I saw nine figures gathered in the void.

"Nine sword masters?"

In Qin Yun's eyes, the radiance soared, and the nine figures in the void were none other than the nine sword masters, and the empress actually summoned the nine sword masters back!
"Senior War Spirit..."

"Boy, this is the horror of the emperor. As long as she is alive, he can summon the civilization of the human race. The fighting power of these nine remnant souls!"

"Although it's not as scary as the Nine Swords Master, it's definitely not difficult to kill an ordinary Gu Zun!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said in a low voice.

"This is too strong!"

Qin Yun gasped. At this moment, Qin Yun finally understood why the Gods and Celestial Clan paid such a high price to capture the emperor.

"By the way, why didn't they kill the emperor daughter?"

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun couldn't help asking.


"Boy, it's not that the people of the God and Heaven Clan don't kill them, but that the people of the God and Heaven Clan can't kill them. The Empress gathers the civilization of the Human Race, and he has already merged with the civilization of the Human Race!"

"If the human race is not destroyed, she will not be destroyed!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said with a cold and arrogant face.

"So scary!"

Qin Yun was stunned for a while, so the emperor's daughter is invincible.


As if thinking of something, the voice of the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit turned slightly.

"But what?"

Qin Yun asked in a deep voice.

"But I remember that there is a way to kill the emperor, and the Celestial Clan has this method, but why don't they kill the emperor?"

"I do not know!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said in a deep voice.

"Is there a way for the Celestial Clan?"

Qin Yun took a deep breath. If he couldn't be killed, wouldn't the Empress be too terrifying, even the Emperor Shenwu couldn't compare to her!

But at this moment, the nine phantoms in the void are becoming more and more solid at this moment.

"Meet the Empress!"

"Meet the Empress!"


After a while, the nine figures suddenly knelt down to the emperor, and there was a touch of respect in the eyes of the nine!
"Come back..."

The emperor, muttering to herself, nine ancient swords flew towards the emperor.

"this is for you!"

Turning her head, the emperor said flatly to Qin Yun.

"give me?"

Qin Yun was stunned for a moment. The Empress wanted to give him nine ancient swords. These nine ancient swords were the inheritance of the Nine Sword Masters!
"This kid's cultivation base is a bit poor!"

"Strange, I can't see through his body!"

"There is still the breath of the emperor..."


At this moment, the nine remnant souls were also observing Qin Yun.

Nine figures revolved around Qin Yun!

(End of this chapter)

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