Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 162 Variation Demon Veins

Chapter 162 Variation Demon Veins
"Qin Xiao's descendants, no wonder they can kill people from my Xiao family!"

"You are very good!"

The young man looked at Qin Yun with contempt. His words were filled with admiration, but his eyes were full of disdain. It seemed that the strong Wu Zun was like an ant in his heart.

"Emperor Wu of the Xiao Family..."

"You are also very good!"

Qin Yun grinned slightly as a young man, Emperor Wu, it's rare, this young man should be the first Emperor Wu Qin Yun met in Xuantian Continent.

"It's good that you can see my cultivation!"

Hearing Qin Yun's words, the cold arrogance in the young man's eyes became even more terrifying. If there was a disciple of the Xiao family here, he would definitely be able to recognize him. This person was the No. 1 outside sect of the Xiao family.

Xiao Xue, known as the King of Blood Hands!

This person's talent is even more terrifying than inner disciples. He has cultivated for less than 15 years, and he is already a peerless Martial Emperor. He is valued by the head of the Xiao family, and he may cross the inner sect at any time.

Become the core disciple of the Xiao family directly!

Such a terrifying Tianjiao, no wonder he dared to despise Qin Yun.

"Well, follow me back. After all, you also have the blood of my Xiao family. If the patriarch knows about you, he won't be able to kill you!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the young man said calmly.

"Go back to Xiao's house?"

Qin Yun laughed. This young man is really interesting. He is the only one in the Xiao family who said that he would not kill him but take him back. It's a pity.

He didn't like the arrogance in the young man's eyes!

"The Xiao family? This emperor is from the Qin family, so why go back!"

"Well, I'll give you a chance, retreat now, and you and I will be strangers in the future, otherwise, I will save your life!"

Qin Yun's voice was slightly chuckling.

"Save my life?"

The boy's eyes were full of waves, and his cold and arrogant face was also a bit stern.

He is the Emperor Wu, and he even showed his identity, so Qin Yun dared to resist!
"It seems that you don't want the chance that the emperor gave you!"




The cold drink sounded, Qin Yun punched out, and the next moment, the whole world trembled, and the devilish energy surged out of Qin Yun's body.

Eight demon dragon souls hovered over Qin Yun's body.

"Do you have a mutant demon vein?"

Seeing the countless pitch-black dragon scales spreading from Qin Yun's body, the young man's expression suddenly changed.

The mutated demon vein is an extremely terrifying existence in the sky.

It is rumored that some warriors have the bloodline of ancient monsters. As long as they are given a chance, this bloodline will be activated, and they will gain incomparably terrifying supernatural powers and powers!

This kind of warrior is much stronger than ordinary warriors!

"What bullshit mutates the demon veins, take a punch from me!"

"Dragon Fist: A dragon is in the sky!"

With a cold shout, Qin Yun struck out with a fist. The next moment, the eight demonic dragon souls joined together in the void. Behind Qin Yun, a phantom of a hundred-foot-high dragon appeared.

"What a powerful Longwei, it seems that what you have is the blood of the ancient dragon clan!"

A terrifying light flashed in the boy's eyes.

The next moment, between his hands, phosphorescence also began, but the scales on his hands were very fine, and turned blood-colored, it looked like snake scales!
"You can transform, and so can I, Xiao Xue!"

With a cold drink, the boy's eyes turned a strange blood color, and the next moment, his aura suddenly became extremely violent!
"It turned out to be the blood of the snake clan!"



A violent collision came, and the spirit of the demon dragon in the void hit the young man with Qin Yun's punch. The fists collided, and the two quickly backed away!

"Is this the mutated demon vein?"

"not bad!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, a gleam of purple awns rose. The young man in the realm of the Martial Emperor, coupled with the mutated demon veins, actually performed the dragon's blood change with Qin Yun, and they fought like a cat!
"This is impossible!"

On the opposite side, Xiao Xue was extremely shocked in his heart.

He is the No. 1 outer sect of the Xiao family, and now his cultivation is much more terrifying than the disciples of the inner sect of the Xiao family, and he has demon veins, how could Qin Yun stop him?
"Go on!"

"Dragon Fist: Earth Shaking Style!"

Qin Yun jumped up and charged at the young man again.

"The Supreme Bloody Hand!"


The boy's hands turned blood-colored, and the force of the bloody hands rolled towards Qin Yun.

"Bang bang bang..."

In the passage, violent collisions came again and again.

between a few breaths.

The two have fought dozens of rounds.

"Come again..."

"Come again!"

In the passage, Qin Yun's voice carried a terrifying fighting intent. The young man's cultivation had already aroused Qin Yun's fighting intent, and the rolling fighting intent was shaking.

The breath on Qin Yun's body became more and more terrifying!
"Fuck it, this kid is simply inhuman, no, this physique is not even comparable to a monster!"

On the opposite side, the boy flew upside down again. Looking at Qin Yun who had only taken a few steps back, the boy's expression completely changed. Qin Yun, the more he fought, the stronger he became.

On the contrary, he used the demon veins, and the more he fought, the more exhausted he was.

"I can't drag this kid down, I must defeat him immediately, even..."

"kill him!"

The boy's eyes suddenly turned cold.

The next moment, the boy suddenly fell to the ground.

His body curled up into a snake shape!

On his body, pieces of blood-colored scales vibrated, and his eyes turned into a strange blood-color, and in the passageway, there were streaks of blood-colored glows.

"Innate supernatural power: entanglement!"


The young man's body instantly became extremely soft, and the next moment, he entwined towards Qin Yun directly, and the terrifying power directly enveloped Qin Yun's body.

"Damn you, you still dare to get close to me?"

Seeing the young man approaching, Qin Yun advanced instead of retreating, and went up to greet him directly.

"Boy, you are finished now!"

In the eyes of the young man, there was also great joy. He was very confident in his own bloodline supernatural powers. Not to mention Qin Yun, even a strong man at the peak of Emperor Wu would surely die if he entangled him!

There was a hint of hostility in the boy's eyes.

The next moment, he directly entangled Qin Yun.

"Good come!"

"Dragon Fist: Hugging Style!"

With a cold shout, four dragon souls roared in each of Qin Yun's hands, and the billowing demonic energy was terrifying and boundless. Qin Yun stretched out his hands and hugged the young man.


The next moment, the boy directly entangled Qin Yun, and Qin Yun also hugged the boy!


Blood energy and demonic energy surged wildly, and the passage seemed to have turned into a demonic realm. Even the strongest Emperor Wu would feel palpitations!

"This kid's physique is too strong!"

A look of astonishment flashed in the young man's eyes. His terrifying supernatural powers only smashed Qin Yun's dragon scales, but his body, the snake scales began to shatter.

"No, this kid's hands are a little weird!"

The next moment, the boy seemed to have discovered something, and the light in his eyes soared.

(End of this chapter)

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