Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1646 Breaking Through the Ancient Zun

Chapter 1646 Breaking Through the Ancient Zun
"Arrogant boy!"

Shenxu's eyes were extremely cold, and Qin Yun in front of him was really too crazy, with terrifying sword energy flying across billions of feet, killing towards the city of heaven.

"Go away!"

Shen Xu let out a sharp drink.

The next moment, I saw countless rays of light rising above the sky city, and the rays of light with vast power crazily struck towards the divine sword in the void.


There was a violent collision sound.


Dao Dao Jian Qi collided with Tiancheng crazily, and the power of Dao Dao's divine patterns on Tian City carried an extremely terrifying power.

In a moment, the sword energy dissipated.

"What a strong Tiancheng!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, a trace of light flickered frantically. This Tiancheng is indeed terrifying. Even the Nine Swords Formation can't do anything about it.

"Boy, you can't hurt my Tiancheng. In this ancient world, no one can hurt my Tiancheng unless it's the ancient emperor!"

The eyes of Shen Xu are cold and arrogant.

At this moment, he is standing in the sky above Tiancheng.

On Shenxu's body, vast power was wantonly, and terrifying powers rose from the sky city and gathered towards Shenxu's body.

The aura on Shenxu's body became more and more terrifying!
"Can't damage Tiancheng?"

A cold light flashed across Qin Yun's eyes.

Amagi?There is really no way to damage it. Could it be that in the ancient world, Tiancheng was invincible?
"Senior War Spirit, is there really no other way?"

Qin Yun said in a low voice.

At this moment, Qin Yun's aura has reached the limit of the ancient emperor, and he is only one step away from entering the realm of the ancient venerable.

But this step is extremely difficult!
For the ancient emperor, if he wanted to enter the ancient venerable, he had to kill nine ancient venerables and seize the ancient venerable's sky pattern, otherwise, it would be extremely difficult to break through.

"Boy, if you step into the realm of the ancient venerable, maybe you still have a chance!"

At this moment, the voice of the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit rang out in Qin Yun's mind.

"Ancient Venerable Realm!"

A light flashed in Qin Yun's eyes.

"Then I will step into the Ancient Venerable Realm!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, indifference instantly fell, and the next moment, a bright light rose in Qin Yun's eyes.

Behind Qin Yun, the terrifying galaxy formed a vortex of billions of feet, and the vortex crazily devoured the surrounding primordial power.

"What are you doing, kid?"

In the sky above Tiancheng, Shenxu's eyes flashed with light. The Shenxu at this moment dare not underestimate Qin Yun. If Tiancheng was not there, he would have been swallowed up by Qin Yun from the very beginning!


The billowing primordial power gathered towards Qin Yun, and the endless primordial power was devoured by Qin Yun crazily, and Qin Yun's aura began to strengthen.

But that galaxy did not expand at this moment.

But as the power of the primordial spirit was devouring, Qin Yun clearly felt that the Galaxy was becoming stronger and stronger, and it seemed that the Galaxy was still growing stronger.

"No, it's not that my galaxy has reached its limit and doesn't grow, but the growth of the range has become the growth of internal strength!"

Qin Yun instantly noticed the change in Xinghe.

The expansion of the galaxy seems to be growing, but the inside is not terrible. With the power swallowing at this moment, Qin Yun seems to feel that his own galaxy is stronger.

The power on the galaxy has also become more and more terrifying.

Every star in the galaxy is growing in power at this moment, and that power is becoming more and more terrifying, and with it, Qin Yun's power will also increase.

"This kid, could it be that he can break into Gu Zun directly?"

In the East Emperor Bell.

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said with a slight twinkle in his eyes.

"Without the fusion of the sky pattern, it is impossible to comprehend Gu Zun's artistic conception, but this kid's cultivation has already surpassed the ordinary artistic conception. If the energy is enough, the breakthrough is also normal!"

The soul of the lamp is not extinguished, and the light in the eyes is shining.

"Not good, this kid is still devouring the power of the primordial, he wants to break through!"

In the eyes of the godless, the coldness suddenly rose sharply.

Not only Shenxu, but also the other powerhouses in the chaos at this moment, also saw some tricks. Qin Yun, who was fighting with Shenxu, fell into cultivation at this moment.

"Human race disciples are really ridiculous. If you want to break through at this time, this is simply a fantasy!"

Shen Tianzu said with a cold expression.

The other Celestial Clan powerhouses were also full of sarcasm.

"This kid, what's going on?"

The eyes of the strong human race shone with light, and the expressions of the three patriarchs also became serious. At this time, Qin Yun wanted to break through, which was simply impossible!

"Boy, die!"

But at this moment, the spirits on Tiancheng couldn't bear it anymore.

This person merged with Tiancheng and directly hit Qin Yun who was in the void.

"Good come!"

Seeing Shenxu attacking, the light in Qin Yun's eyes soared, the ancient sword appeared in Qin Yun's hand, and Qin Yun greeted him with a sword.


A metal crash sounded.

In the Primordial Meng, everyone seemed to be able to see that a bright spark rose up, and that spark was wanton, and the terrifying power exploded in the Primordial Meng.

"So strong!"

The light in the eyes of all the people soared. If the fusion of gods and gods was terrifying, then Qin Yun at this moment would be impressive, without Tiancheng's help.

Qin Yun actually blocked Tiancheng.

"Qin Yun is too strong. The cultivation base of the ancient emperor's peak has blocked the ancestral realm powerhouse who merged with Tiancheng. Even if he is the emperor of Shenwu, he is not so terrible!"

"That's right!"


The strong ancestors of the human race looked at the void with a shocked face, and the eyes of the three ancestors also flickered.

Qin Yun's combat strength exceeded everyone's expectations.


But at this moment, Qin Yun's body flew upside down.


Blood gushed out of Qin Yun's mouth, and Qin Yun's eyes were even more icy cold at this moment. Behind Qin Yun, the galaxy, the rolling power gathered towards Qin Yun.

"Tiancheng, it's really good!"

Qin Yun's voice was icy-cold and terrifying. Tiancheng merged with the strong in the ancestral realm, and the combat power is indeed too strong. If it wasn't for Qin Yun's ability to transform into a galaxy, he might have died here long ago!
"Boy, you will die today, and your human race will also be destroyed!"

In Shenxu's eyes, there was a wild and wanton killing intent.

Moments later, behind this person, the aura of that day city increased crazily, countless divine patterns gathered towards the void, and the aura of Shenxu also suddenly increased.


As soon as the word "kill" fell, a terrifying killing intent came out wantonly, and at this moment, the body of Shenxu was filled with countless powers of Tiancheng, and the physique of Shenxu began to grow crazily!


In just a few breaths, his mentally deficient physique has reached billions of feet, and his body is still growing.

On the body of Shenxu, the power is oscillating crazily!

"So strong!"

Qin Yun's eyes flickered frantically. At this moment, his mind was empty, and he had already displayed his peak combat power. This blow was terrifying.



Seeing the terrifying emptiness, Qin Yun's eyes suddenly brightened.

(End of this chapter)

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