Chapter 165

"Boy, hand over the things, we can give you a way to survive, otherwise you will die here today, and you won't even leave your bones!"

The most ferocious man among the four looked at Qin Yun with a fierce look on his face.

"Boss, what nonsense are you talking to this kid? A martial artist in a small training place, if you kill him, you will kill him. Let's kill him now so that we can go to Chunlou to play!"

"That's right, I haven't been to Chunlou for several days!"

"kill him!"


The four of them looked at Qin Yun, their eyes full of evil spirits.

"Boy, you can't blame me for that. If you had brought out your things earlier, there would still be a way to live. Even if you want to live now, it's too late!"

The young man looked at Qin Yun and said indifferently.

"is it?"

Looking at the young man, Qin Yun had some mockery in his eyes, and then said with a smile: "So, I have to thank you?"


The boy's face became even more ugly.

"If you don't make a move, kill this kid!"

The boy looked at the four of them and shouted coldly.

"Boy, you are really stubborn, if that's the case, then die!"



In the eyes of the four of them, it was extremely cold.

"If you want to kill me, just rely on you few ants?"

Looking at the four people who surrounded him, Qin Yun's eyes also turned cold.

Just entering Tianyu, Qin Yun did not expect that he would meet someone who made his own plans, but it is a pity that this group of people found the wrong person!

Four Martial Venerables and one Martial Sect, Qin Yun really didn't pay attention to them.

"Arrogant boy, I'll see later, do you still dare to be stubborn!"

In the eyes of the four people, the fierce light rose sharply. They are all outer disciples of the Wolf Warrior Sect. Qin Yun, a warrior in a place of experience, dares to ridicule them?

This is simply courting death!

The four of them rushed down towards Qin Yun.

"This Emperor originally wanted to spare your lives. Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, there was boundless indifference. Seeing the four people killing them, Qin Yun didn't even bother to move. Even Emperor Wu couldn't hurt him, let alone a few little Wu Zun.

"Boy, you are dead!"

Seeing Qin Yun standing still, the four of them instantly rejoiced.

They are all Wu Zun.

They were confident that this punch could kill Qin Yun directly.

"Do your own fault, don't live!"

A faint voice sounded, and the next moment, the four of them felt a blur in front of their eyes, and then a chill came from their chests, and the next moment, the four of them opened their eyes wide and looked at Qin Yun in disbelief.

There is a blood hole in their chest.

Blood holes run through their bodies, and the scene behind them can be seen.

"This this this..."

"how can that be!"

Among the four people, a word was uttered, and the next moment, four consecutive muffled voices sounded, and the four Martial Venerables, who were still extremely arrogant just now, all fell to the ground.

"The four senior brothers are all dead!"

The boy's face paled slightly, and he froze in place.

"You, you... who are you?"

Looking at Qin Yun, the young man asked with a look of surprise.

"This emperor is called..."

"Qin Yun!"

Qin Yun looked at the young man and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"Qin Yun...Qin Yun..."

The young man muttered to himself, but the next moment, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly said with a face full of embarrassment.

"You are the Qin Yun from the No. [-] training place. You killed the elder of the outer sect of the Wolf Warrior Sect? You also killed the inner disciple of the Wolf Warrior Sect?"

Looking at Qin Yun, the young man's body trembled. Qin Yun, this name is no stranger to the Wolf Warrior Sect, but the fighters in the place of experience dared to kill the disciples of the Wolf Warrior Sect.

How insane is this.

The young man did not expect that the fat sheep he found today was the evil star Qin Yun.

"So I'm so famous?"

Qin Yun grinned, but the next moment, Qin Yun stretched out a finger and pointed towards the void, and the next moment, the dragon force pierced through the void and passed through the youth's eyebrows.


The boy's eyes were wide open, and the next moment, he fell to the ground.

"Wolf Warrior Sect, since you have come here by yourself, then this emperor..."

"It starts with you!"

Na na muttering to himself, Qin Yun disappeared in a flash, and not long after Qin Yun disappeared, several figures descended on the place where Qin Yun disappeared.

"The one who died was an outer disciple of the Wolf Warrior Sect!"

"Isn't this a scar face? This person is enough to rank among the top three in the outer sect of the Wolf Warrior Sect. How could he die here!"

"Quickly pass the news to the Wolf Warrior Sect!"


The expressions of the several figures changed, and they quickly retreated.

And Qin Yun at this time.

Having already entered the depths of the Experience City, holding the space rings of the four, Qin Yun found an inn and stayed comfortably.

In the inn, Qin Yun sat down cross-legged!

"Second-class Tianyu? Xiao family? I, Qin Yun, will come soon!"

With the corner of his mouth raised, Qin Yun fell into cultivation.

A day later, outside the city of Lilian, a vast and boundless aura descended from the void.

"Look, that's a longhorn, a big longhorn!"

"There is also a Thunder Eagle!"

"My God, could this be the No. 1 Jinzong of the outer sect of the Wolf Warrior Sect!"

"No, even the second-ranked Zhang Lang is here!"


The entire experience city was alarmed.


In the void, the tianniu roared and landed in front of the city gate. Its hill-like body made none of the surrounding warriors dare to approach it at all!
"Second brothers, you are finally here!"

At this moment, in Lilian City, several figures came out. Most of this group of people are in the realm of Wuzong, and there are a few who are in the realm of Wuzong.

Looking at the two, the expressions of these people instantly became extremely respectful.

"What the hell is going on? Scarface is also a strong man of the fifth level Martial Venerable. How could he die in this training city?"

Looking at several people, Jin Zong asked with a cold and arrogant face.

Experience City, this is the worst city in the seventh domain, most of the people who walk here are disciples from the outer sects of the major forces who have entered the place of experience.

With the cultivation base of a five-level martial venerable with a scarred face, it is enough to run rampant here.

"Jin Zong, you and I find out this person and kill him, why waste time, as long as we kill this person, you and I will be inner disciples, as for this person's identity, could it still threaten our Wolf Warrior Sect? "

At this moment, behind Jin Zong, Zhang Lang stood up and said with a sneer.

"Killed directly?"

Jin Zong frowned, but did not refute.

The Wolf Warrior Sect is one of the top three forces in the seventh domain, who dares to provoke it?

"Go to the city and search for this person immediately!"

"Yes Yes!"

A group of figures retreated quickly.

For a moment, the entire experience city was looking for Qin Yun.

in the inn.

"These people came very quickly!"

By the window, Qin Yun ordered a few small dishes, took a jug of wine, and drank leisurely. Outside the inn, four outer disciples of the Wolf Warrior Sect were walking towards the inn with a portrait. .

This portrait is exactly Qin Yun!
PS: The first update, the fourth update today, the last two days of the holiday, and the fifth update tomorrow for the brothers, there are a little few recommended tickets today!
(End of this chapter)

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