Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 183 Let's get started!

Chapter 183 Let's go together!
"It's really shabby!"

Qin Yun grinned, if Mo Zhong knew that there were only four members in his Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group three days ago, he would not have said such a thing, the current Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group.

Enough to be comparable to the general big power!

"Head, why don't you go to my Demon God Mercenary Group first, so that I can call other disciples in the group!"

"Let's enter the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group together!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Mo Zhong said hastily.

"The Demon God Mercenary Group?"

Qin Yun paused for a moment, then nodded and said, "That's fine too!"

"Brothers, go!"

Called by the cheap skeleton, a group of people walked towards the outside of Wolf Warrior City.

An hour later.

A small mountain village appeared in front of Qin Yun.

In the mountain village, all kinds of rooms are well arranged, and the aura here is also good. Seeing Mo Zhong appear, the village instantly became commotion.

"The captain is back!"

"The captain is back!"


A series of exclamations came, and countless warriors came to welcome them.

"Captain, you are finally back!"

After a while, more than a dozen figures appeared in front of Qin Yun and the others.

Looking at Mo Zhong and the others.

There was excitement in the eyes of these dozen people.


Mo Zhong's face flushed a little, and he said in a deep voice.

"From today, Qin Yun is your new regiment leader. My Demon God Mercenary Group will also join the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group from today and become a member of the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group!"

Looking at the dozen or so people in front of him, Mo Zhong said coldly.

"What? Join the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group?"

"what happened?"

"Who is Qin Yun?"


A dozen or so warriors started discussing in an instant.

"I am Qin Yun!"

But the next moment, Qin Yun stood up.

A faint voice resounded in the void.

"You are Qin Yun?"

"This kid looks like he's only fifteen or sixteen years old. I'm afraid he hasn't been weaned yet. The head of the group won't be confused, and let him be the head of the group!"

"My Demon God Mercenary Group is one of the 38 nine-star mercenary groups in the Seventh Domain, and this Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group has never even heard of its name. Why should we join the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group?"


A group of warriors looked at Qin Yun angrily.

In the small village, countless warriors seemed to have sensed the changes in this place, one by one warriors rushed over quickly, and in a short while, hundreds of warriors gathered on the opposite side.

Most of these warriors are in the realm of Wu Zun, and a few are in the realm of Emperor Wu and Wu Zong!

Each warrior looked at Qin Yun angrily.

"This kid must have used despicable means, and the leader of the Demon God will join the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group as a last resort!"

"This kid is too hateful!"

"What a shitty Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group, I will never join!"


A group of warriors was extremely chaotic.

"Shut up!"

Mo Zhong's face was a bit ugly, what despicable means, he was completely defeated in Wolf Warrior City back then, if Qin Yun wanted to kill him.

It's so easy!


A group of warriors were full of unwillingness in their eyes.

"You are not convinced?"

But at this moment, Qin Yun's faint voice suddenly sounded in the void.

Not convinced?
A group of warriors glared at Qin Yun!

Of course they are not convinced!
As mercenaries, these warriors only admired force in their hearts. Qin Yun seemed to be only sixteen or seventeen years old, so it would be no wonder they didn't look down upon him!
"Head, they are just..."

Mo Zhong, his face has changed a bit!
Qin Yun's horror, he is very clear, one finger is enough to destroy him, let alone the group of warriors in front of him, these people's strength is worse than him!

"You step back!"

Qin Yun glanced at Mo Zhong lightly.

Immediately step out!
"Captain, I..."

Mo Zhong swallowed, then gritted his teeth and took a step back!
"This kid is an evil star. If you provoke this kid, this group of people will be out of luck!"

The cheap skeleton took out half of the flagon jug, and then his sympathetic eyes fell on this group of warriors from the demon mercenary group!
"Unlucky, unlucky..."

The baby dragon patted his fleshy palm, and the voice in his mouth was a bit vague.

Take a closer look.

This little guy is eating a elixir!
"Boy, our regiment leader is a perfect martial artist of Emperor Wu, and we are all Emperor Wu. If we want to submit to you, then we must show our strength, otherwise we will get out!"

A middle-aged man stood up and said indifferently.

"It's Qi Ran, the deputy head!"

"The cultivation of the deputy head has reached the peak of Emperor Wu, this kid will definitely be unstoppable!"

"I don't know what despicable means this kid used to get the leader to agree to add my demon god mercenary group to his Heavenly Emperor mercenary group!"


A group of warriors looked at Qin Yun angrily.

This man named Qi Ran was even more cold and arrogant.

"Peak Emperor Wu, that's too bad!"

"too poor!"

Qin Yun shook his head slightly. The current Qin Yun could easily kill Emperor Wu. In the realm of Emperor Wu, Qin Yun's fighting spirit could no longer be raised.

"Boy, do you dare to fight me?"

Looking at Qin Yun, the man named Qi Ran shouted coldly.

"Fight with you?"

"No no no..."

Qin Yun shook his head slightly.

"Boy, if you don't dare, get out and let our leader go!"

"That's right!"


Seeing Qin Yun shaking his head, a group of warriors thought that Qin Yun was afraid, and immediately shouted sarcastically.

"This emperor doesn't fight you, it's not because he's afraid of you, but because you hot chickens!"

"I can't bring up my desire to fight!"

Qin Yun looked at the group of warriors in front of him with boundless contempt.


Following Qin Yun's words, Qi Ran's eyes instantly became colder.

other warriors.

There is also boundless anger in the eyes.

Emperor Wu, can't you arouse his desire to fight?This is too fucking arrogant.

"Deputy head Qi Ran, put this kid on the ground and let him know what will happen to his arrogance!"

"That's right..."

"Fuck him!"


A group of warriors clamored.

"Damn you, come out and fight!"

Qi Ran let out a roar, and the next moment, he stepped forward and punched him.

To kill Qin Yun.

"Frog at the bottom of the well!"

"It's ridiculous!"

The corner of Qin Yun's mouth raised, and the next moment, the aura on Qin Yun's body suddenly rose sharply.

"Spicy chickens, let's go together!"

The cold and proud voice resounded in the void.


"This kid is too arrogant!"


A group of warriors, with boundless anger.

Only Mo Zhong, who was behind Qin Yun, sighed secretly. He only prayed in his heart that Qin Yun would not be too harsh, otherwise this group of warriors would not be enough for Qin Yun to kill!
"Batian Fist!"

With a cold shout, Qi Ran punched Qin Yun.

Domineering power.

The void trembled endlessly.

"Deputy head, mighty!"

"This kid is going to die. The deputy commander's punch has killed even a martial artist at the peak of the Emperor Wu. This kid will be disabled if he doesn't die!"

"Destroy him..."


A group of warriors shouted excitedly.

As for Qin Yun, watching the punch come, his eyes were very calm.

The next moment, a touch of disdain spread from the corner of his mouth.

"Kid, die!"

There was a sneer in Qi Ran's eyes. He was confident that this punch would knock the arrogant kid in front of him to the ground.




But just when Qi Ran's punch was about to land on Qin Yun's body.

Qin Yun's eyes suddenly shone brightly.

PS: The second update, there will be another update at [-] o'clock,

(End of this chapter)

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