Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 226 Get out of here!

Chapter 226 Get out of here!

In a short time, one after another figure, under the leadership of Mo Zhong.

Walking towards Qin Yun.

The one at the front was Qi Yu, and besides that, there was an old man whose cultivation had already reached the peak of Tianfu Realm!
This old man is the president of the Seventh Domain Mercenary Union.

And behind the old man.

It is the Patriarch of the Li family in the Demon City, and three sixth-field powerhouses at the peak of Tianfu.

"Brother Qin Yun, congratulations on getting the Huntian Stick!"

"Congratulations, brother Qin Yun!"



When a group of people saw Qin Yun, they hurriedly greeted him with smiles.

"Everyone came at the right time!"

Looking at a few people, Qin Yun stood up, and then suddenly said with a smile: "Everyone, retreat all of your people, this Tianshan Mountain will belong to my Heavenly Emperor Sect from now on!"

"Heavenly Emperor Gate?"

Several people were stunned!

"Brother Qin Yun, this Heavenly Emperor Sect!"

"You, you, the owner of the Li family in the demon city, that's right, it's you, who is your brother, pay attention to what you say, what kind of identity is our Tiandimen, how can we do it with your Li family in the demon city? brother?"

The Patriarch of the Li Family in the Demon City, before he finished speaking, the cheap skeleton stood up at some point, pointed at the Patriarch of the Li Family in the Demon City, and said arrogantly.

"This one……"

The Patriarch of the Li family in the Demon City had a slightly embarrassed expression on his face.

The heart is even more angry.

But dare not say anything!
"There are a few of you, this Tianshan and that are the gates of my Heavenly Emperor Gate, you dare to break in, whoever gave you the courage, tell you, dare to come again next time!"

"The ancestor breaks your legs!"

The cheap skeleton pointed arrogantly at the suzerain of the July Sect, and a group of Tianfu powerhouses from the sixth and fifth domains.

"Cough cough..."

Looking at the arrogant cheap skeleton.

Qin Yun couldn't help but coughed lightly.

"Everyone, my Heavenly Emperor's mercenary group will be renamed as the Heavenly Emperor's Gate in the future. This emperor will be the head of the Heavenly Emperor's Gate. From now on, this Tianshan Mountain will belong to our Heavenly Emperor's Gate!"

"Whoever dares to take a step will be killed without mercy!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, a cold light burst out, and the blood-colored Hunting Stick trembled behind Qin Yun's back, as if he was about to strike the next moment!

"Kill without mercy?"

A group of warriors flickered wildly on their faces.

Tiandimen was established.

With Qin Yun present, that leap became immediate.

The peak power of the seventh domain!

"Get out of here, get out!"

The cheap skeleton looked at the group of warriors in front of him with a cold and arrogant face.

"Brother Qin Yun, I am the Seven Moon Sect, I will visit you later!"

"The same goes for the Li family in the Demon City!"



One after another, the figures retreated.

Qin Yun's establishment of the Heavenly Emperor Gate meant that it was impossible for Qin Yun to enter their power.

"Captain, we really..."

As everyone left, Mo Zhong hurried up.

"What the emperor said is of course correct. You order it, my Heavenly Emperor mercenary group will be the Heavenly Emperor Gate from today, as for the mountain gate of the Heavenly Emperor Gate!"

"This is Tianshan!"

Looking at the void, Qin Yun's eyes were cold and arrogant.

Heavenly Emperor Gate.

I'm finally going to stand in Tianyu.

This is just the beginning, and soon, he will bring the Heavenly Emperor Gate and stand on the peak of Tianyu. Even the God of Xuantian can only tremble under the Heavenly Emperor Gate.

"Yes, Captain!"

Mo Zhong's face was full of excitement.

above the Tianshan Mountains.

The warriors of the major forces began to disperse.

Tiandimen and Qin Yun's name.

It even spread throughout the seventh domain, not only the seventh domain, the sixth domain, and the fifth domain!

Qin Yun's name also sounded.

Tianshan, seven days later!
"My lord, the ancient city has been cleaned, and my disciples from the Heavenly Emperor Sect can enter the ancient city immediately!"

Standing in front of Qin Yun, Mo Zhong said respectfully.


"Order to go down, start immediately, enter the ancient city!"

In a word, Qin Yun stood up. In seven days, the eighteen dragon souls in Qin Yun's body had been completely consolidated. Now Qin Yun is already a strong man at the peak of Tianfu Realm.

in the ancient city.

"Yes, this palace is worthy of the identity of the ancestor!"

"Build it well, the ancestors have rewards, come, come, rewards!"

As soon as he entered the ancient city, Qin Yun heard the arrogant voice of the cheap skeleton. When he looked up, he saw that the cheap skeleton built a gorgeous palace directly in the center of the city.

In the hands of the cheap skeleton, he took out a few jade bottles and threw them directly to the disciples below.

"Thank you, Uncle Skull!"

"Thank you, Uncle Skull!"


A group of disciples from the Heavenly Emperor Sect were full of excitement.

The elixirs thrown by the cheap skeletons are all heavenly elixirs. To them, these things are treasures.

"Hahaha... Hurry up and build it!"

The cheap skeleton grinned stupidly. He seemed to have seen the scene where he lived in this palace.

But the next moment.

The cheap skeleton's smile froze.

"Bitch, thank you for building the palace for me!"

The corner of Qin Yun's mouth raised, and he walked into the palace. In the magnificent palace, all the floors were covered with spirit stones, and I don't know where this cheap skeleton came from, but he also set up several spirit gathering arrays!

"Boy, this palace belongs to my ancestor..."


Seeing Qin Yun's appearance, the cheap skeleton's expression changed drastically in an instant.

"Where is your palace!"

Qin Yun pointed to the gate of the ancient city. Beside the gate of the ancient city, there was a small stone house. That stone house should be a resting place for the gatekeepers.

"Boy, the ancestor doesn't want to guard the gate..."

"Return my palace!"

The cheap skeleton rushed in quickly.

But the next moment.

The body of the cheap skeleton flew upside down.

"Continue to build!"

"The emperor is very satisfied!"

Qin Yun's voice came from the palace.

The next moment, I saw Qin Yun unleashing countless seal formulas, one after another of mysterious power, covering the palace, and Qin Yun directly deployed a large defensive formation on the palace!
"Yes, Sect Master!"

The disciples of the Heavenly Emperor Sect quickly and respectfully agreed.

"The patriarch's palace..."

"It belongs to the ancestor!"

The cheap skeleton stood in front of the palace and howled, but with the defensive array, the cheap skeleton couldn't get in at all, so he could only stand outside the palace with a resentful look on his face.

"Uncle Skull is so kind, this palace was actually built for the sect master!"

"That's right, no wonder the sect master gave him all the pills!"

"Uncle Skull, you are really selfless!"


The surrounding Tiandimen disciples looked at the cheap skeleton with admiration on their faces.

And cheap skeletons.

A burst of want to cry but no tears!

He never thought of this palace as being for Qin Yun to live in.

"The establishment of Tiandimen will call for the entire Seventh Domain, but now our Tiandimen's foundation is weak, the most important thing is to improve our strength. For me, the most important thing is to improve our strength!"

On the top of Tianshan Mountain, Qin Yun's eyes shone with light.

But the next moment.

Qin Yun seemed to have discovered something, and a terrifying light suddenly shot out from Qin Yun's eyes.


Trembling in the void, an old man appeared strangely on the top of Tianshan Mountain.

 The fourth update, there will be another update at [-] pm, brothers, the last day of PK, let's vote for recommendation!If you can't make it to the third round, it depends on tomorrow!


(End of this chapter)

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