Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 30 The Awesome Heavenly Holy Pill

Chapter 30 The Awesome Heavenly Holy Pill

"Yes, miss!"

The two girls breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Chi Muxi is usually cold and arrogant, she is still calm towards the two girls, and this is the first time she is angry like this today!
"Hurry up and get out..."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The two girls quickly backed away.

"Qin Yun..."

In the room, Chi Muxi's pretty face once again appeared in a trance. For some reason, Qin Yun's cold and arrogant face appeared again in her mind!
"It's a pity, you are just a disciple of Little Qin, and if you have any relationship with me, it will only get you into endless trouble!"

"Even the Qin Kingdom may be destroyed!"

Chi Muxi's eyes suddenly turned cold, and it took a long time for Chi Muxi to sit down cross-legged.

But at the next moment, Chi Muxi suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were filled with shock.

"This power, bibibibi..."

"It's even scarier than the Martial King!"

Chi Muxi's delicate body was trembling, and her eyes were full of shock.

After returning from the Qin family, her mind was always in a state of confusion. Only now did she begin to investigate the situation in her body.

A terrifying and boundless force was shaking in her body.

That power has already surpassed the realm of the Martial King!

"666...Sixth level Martial Emperor!"

A quarter of an hour later, Chi Muxi sat down on the ground.

The sixth-level Martial Emperor, that is the sixth-level Martial Emperor, but it just opened up what Qin Yun called the Heavenly Yin Pulse.

Her cultivation level has directly rushed from Wuling to the realm of Wuhuang!

"Qin Yun, thank you..."

As if thinking of something, a smile suddenly appeared in Chi Muxi's eyes.

Immediately after the kung fu started to work, Chi Muxi could only feel the spiritual energy around him frantically gathering.

"The speed of cultivation is at least a hundred times faster..."

An hour later, Chi Muxi woke up from her training, and her realm of reaching the sixth level Martial Emperor actually had a tendency to break through again!
"Qin Yun, who are you?"

Chi Muxi stood up from the ground. At this moment, Qin Yun became more and more mysterious in her eyes.

His body seemed to be covered by countless fogs!

The Qin family, in Tianlan Garden.

"Three servings of Dragon Snake Grass..."

"Three five-level demon pills!"

"Three copies of blood wood..."


Something appeared in front of Qin Yun. These things were exactly what Qin Yun wanted Chi Muxi to prepare. Qin Yun only wanted one, but Chi Muxi prepared three!
"For the sake of your sincerity, the next time I deliver something, my prince will teach you martial arts again!"

Qin Yun grinned, his cultivation base is not there, but his realm is still there. He can see through any martial arts in this small Xuantian Continent at a glance. If Chi Muxi gets half of his guidance.

That will inevitably increase the realm!

"These things are medicines for refining Tiansheng Pill. Tiansheng Pill is the same as Tianling Pill. They both help Wuling advance to Wuwang, but in terms of medicinal effect, there is a difference between heaven and earth!"

"Heavenly Spirit Pill can only increase the success rate of Wu Ling's promotion to Martial King by [-]% to [-]%, but today's Holy Pill is [-]% promoted!"

"Even if you are a pig, as long as you reach the realm of martial spirits and take the Heavenly Sacred Pill, you can be promoted to Martial King!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, there was a bit of contempt. What kind of bullshit heavenly panacea, in his eyes, was scum, and he didn't like it at all.

"Alchemy requires an alchemy furnace. My Qin family seems to have a senior alchemist!"

As if thinking of something, a wicked smile rose from the corner of Qin Yun's mouth.

In Xuantian Continent, alchemists are divided into nine levels, the first three realms are low level, middle level, and high level.

Above the high level, it is a spirit-level alchemist, and then it is a king-level, emperor-level, Zong-level, Zun-level, and Emperor-level.

It is almost the same as the cultivation realm of a warrior!
A senior alchemist, it proves that this person can refine a third-level alchemy.

In the Xuantian Continent, alchemists were scarce, and alchemists above the spiritual level were all in the hands of powerful forces. Rumor has it that Qin Guo paid a lot to keep this high-level alchemist.

But even so, this alchemist only provides the Qin family with a hundred pieces of third-level pills every year, but the elixir needed is enough to refine thousands of third-level pills!

"Senior alchemist, this alchemy furnace can only be borrowed!"

Standing up from the ground, Qin Yun got up and walked out of Tianlan Garden.

"The Seventeenth Prince..."

"Seventeen princes!"

Seeing Qin Yun walking out, Mo Yun and Mo Chong rushed to greet him.

The two looked at Qin Yun with ambiguity in their eyes. Just now at the gate of the small courtyard, they saw Chi Muxi's longing look.

"Look at what?"

Seeing the two staring at him, Qin Yun frowned slightly.

"Cough cough..."

"Prince Seventeen, I just realized now that you are so handsome!"

Mo Yun looked at Qin Yun, and suddenly choked out a word.


Qin Yun was slightly taken aback, and Mo Chong beside him also looked at Mo Yun blankly, but the next moment, Mo Chong hurriedly nodded with empathy and said: "Mo Yun is right, the seventeenth prince is definitely Among my Qin family, the most handsome!"

"Of course, you don't even look at it, Miss Chi Mu just now, that look of reluctance..."



Mo Yun and Mo Chong, both of them had smug smiles on their faces, and they seemed to be more excited than Qin Yun.

"alright, alright!"

Looking at the two people in front of him, Qin Yun waved his hand slightly, then said with a light smile: "Both of you, follow me to the alchemy courtyard!"

"Go to the alchemy courtyard?"

Mo Yun and Mo Chong were slightly taken aback.

"Prince Seventeen, do you want to seek Dan?"

Mo Yun looked at Qin Yun and asked quickly.


Qin Yun shook his head slightly, asking for Dan?Even if you give him a third-level elixir, he thinks it's dirty.

"If you don't ask Dan, what are you going to do?"

Mo Yun and Mo Chong looked at Qin Yun with puzzled faces. In the alchemy courtyard, besides seeking alchemy, could there be other things?
"You'll know when you go!"

Qin Yun said lightly, then turned around and walked towards the alchemy courtyard.

"Prince Seventeen, wait..."

Seeing Qin Yun walking towards the alchemy courtyard, Mo Yun and Mo Chong hurriedly followed.

The Qin family, in front of a magnificent palace.

This palace occupies several kilometers of land, and the aura inside is even more intense. There are countless spiritual medicines planted in the palace. When the disciples of the Qin family passed by this palace, their eyes couldn't help but rise!
A look of awe.

"Prince Seventeen, the Alchemist Luo of this alchemy academy is a high-level alchemist, and he was personally invited by the emperor. In my Qin family, even the emperor is extremely polite to him!"

Standing in front of the palace, Mo Chong looked at Qin Yun and said in a low voice.

This time, Mo Chong was really afraid of Qin Yun, so he rushed directly into the alchemy courtyard.

"Senior Alchemist!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, there was no wave of calm, but the next moment, Qin Yun directly pushed open the palace door and walked in. Outside the palace, Mo Yun and Mo Chong were still in place. The next moment, their expressions changed drastically.

Even with their reminders, Qin Yun still broke into the palace directly.

Rumor has it that what this alchemist Luo dislikes the most is that someone else trespassed on the alchemy courtyard, and Qin Yun broke in like this.

Not to mention asking for pills, I'm afraid I'm going to be kicked out directly!
 The second update, brothers who have a recommendation ticket, the recommendation ticket supports a wave, brothers passing by, remember to collect it, the big professor is very grateful.


(End of this chapter)

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