Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 4 49 Dragon Veins

Chapter 4 49 Dragon Veins

"Nine martial arteries, the realm of a warrior is to open martial arteries, every time you open a martial arteries, your physique will be stronger, according to the introduction of Xuantian Continent!"

"Open one vein, you can have the power of a horse, and open nine veins, it is the power of nine horses!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, there are bright lights shining one after another. Opening the meridians is the foundation of a warrior. This realm is also called the warrior's realm. Only by opening the nine meridians can one gather true strength.

Become a strong martial artist!
"Maid opening formula, spicy chicken, too spicy chicken..."

Qin Yun, just checked the exercises in Qin Yun's mind a little bit. The exercises can't be simpler if they are simple, and can't be more rough if they are rough.

Any kung fu created by Qin Yun will be thousands of times stronger than it!
"I'm still practicing..."

"Asura Heavenly Emperor Art!"

Taking a deep breath, a series of difficult formulas resurfaced in Qin Yun's mind.

"The Asura Heavenly Emperor Art is also divided into nine levels, the first level of which is also to open veins, but it is not martial veins that are opened, but dragon veins, and everyone has dragon veins!"

"Even if my body cannot be cultivated, it can still be opened!"

"The dragon veins are opened, and one can have the power of a dragon. The dragon is the king of the ninety-five. The opened dragon veins are not nine, but seven or seven forty-nine!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, lights flickered, and at the next moment, a boundless force spread from Qin Yun's body.

In Qin Yun's body, an ancient and boundless aura spread quietly!
"Dragon veins, open!"

"Bump bump..."

Explosion sounds came one after another, Qin Yun's body felt like beans were popping, streams of spiritual energy exploded automatically, and the ancient aura vibrated crazily on Qin Yun's body!

"Nine Dragon Veins!"

"Open directly!"

Opening his eyes, in Qin Yun's eyes, there seemed to be an ancient dragon roaring crazily. Qin Yun was surrounded by hundreds of miles, and those beasts were trembling and kneeling on the ground!

"It turns out that this body is not unable to activate the martial veins, but the martial veins have been activated long ago, and all nine of them have been activated. Just now, I practiced the Emperor Art, but it turned the martial veins into dragon veins!"

As if he had discovered something, Qin Yun's eyes burst out, and a chilling light came out. Although the Asura Heavenly Emperor Art is terrifying, the spiritual energy in Xuantian Continent is thin, and it is definitely not easy to open the nine veins!

But Qin Yun only opened his nine veins within an hour!
"King Tianwu bestowed marriage, all nine meridians have been fully opened, but he can't practice. It seems that this body is not simple!"

The corners of Qin Yun's mouth raised slightly, and the nine meridians were opened, that is, the strong man who opened the nine meridians. In this Great Qin Kingdom, among the younger generation, who opened the nine meridians, that is definitely a peerless genius!

"I am now a strong man with nine veins. With the terrifying dragon veins and my combat power, I can easily kill Liu Xi in seconds!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, there was a hint of contempt, the ninth-rank Tianmai is very strong?Even if the divine veins are in front of him, they are all scum. Once the ancient dragon veins are all opened, they can have 49 dragon powers!
Leapfrogging and fighting is easier than drinking water.

"There are still seven days until the ceremony of coming of age, continue to practice!"

On the hillside, Qin Yun continued to practice, and the aura around him frantically gathered towards Qin Yun. After an hour, the surrounding hundred miles became a vacuum!
"It's too barren, it's really too barren, I have only opened ten dragon veins, and I can't practice!"

On the hillside, Qin Yun stood up. There was no spiritual energy in the surrounding area for a hundred miles, but Qin Yun's dragon veins only formed ten!

In Qin Yun's body, ten dragon veins stretched across his body, like an ancient giant dragon, and the ancient aura made people crawl!

"Body Protection Dragon!"


One after another dragon chant came from Qin Yun's body. On the surface of Qin Yun's body, ten dragon-shaped meridians protruded, and Qin Yun's eyes burst with light.

The next moment, a fist hit the ground.


The entire hillside vibrated, and the violent vibration shocked the monsters in a radius of a hundred miles. They ran away in various ways, and even in the imperial city, several eyes opened instantly!

"Power, it's okay!"

On the hillside, in Qin Yun's eyes, there was some dissatisfaction. In front of Qin Yun, a pit with a radius of three to four feet appeared. The depth of the pit was more than one foot!
If this pit was taken by ordinary warriors, it would take four or five levels of warriors to do it!
"It's time to go back!"

With a flash of light in his eyes, Qin Yun dodged and disappeared on the spot.

That ghostly figure.

I'm afraid even the great martial artist can only see an afterimage!
Tianlong step, this is the lowest step of Qin Yun's cultivation in his previous life. His level, in this Xuantian Continent, is barely higher than the god level!

"What a domineering power..."

"Could it be the coming of the king!"


On the hillside, not long after Qin Yun left, several old men came down. Although these old men were standing on the ground, their footsteps were a finger's distance from the ground!

Martial spirit powerhouses, with spiritual power to control the sky, if there are warriors here, they will definitely be shocked. The few old men who appeared here are all martial arts powerhouses!
"Qin Zhan, tell me to go on. If this person appears, he must not be offended!"

One of the old men stood up and said solemnly, and the other old men also showed surprise on their faces.

"Yes, old man!"

Qin Zhan's eyes flickered, and then he seemed to notice something. Qin Zhan's brows suddenly frowned.

"His breath, this is impossible!"

A cold and arrogant figure appeared in Qin Zhan's mind, but the next moment, Qin Zhan shook his head, Qin Yun, that is a well-known waste in Qin State, how could he possess such domineering power!

In the imperial city, Qin Yun didn't know, because his punch actually attracted the attention of the entire Qin family royal family, even the ancestors of the Qin family!
"The aura here is really too thin!"

"Asura dragon veins, there are a total of 49. The following dragon veins are more difficult to cultivate than the last. If this continues, it will probably take several years to open the dragon veins!"

In the imperial city, Qin Yun's brows were slightly frowned, and the dragon's veins were opened. Although it was terrifying, the aura needed was incomparably vast, the aura of the capital of the Qin Kingdom.

It's simply not available!

"Qin Yun, so you are here..."

Just as Qin Yun was thinking for a while, a sneer came suddenly, and the next moment, three figures stood in front of Qin Yun.

"Qin Chao, the Seventh Prince!"

Looking at the three people in front of him, Qin Yun paused slightly. The seventh prince is the third prince's follower. In Qin Yun's memory, there is no such person. Don't bully yourself!
 The second update, brothers, let's go for the recommended tickets, brothers passing by, bookmark and support a wave.


(End of this chapter)

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