Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 41 The Shocked Zhang Heng

Chapter 41 The Shocked Zhang Heng

"Are you staying?"

Zhang Heng was slightly taken aback, not only Zhang Heng, but also the other protectors were also taken aback!

"If this trash wants to stay, then let him stay. This is his own court of death."

Hearing this, Qin Tian was overjoyed. He was worrying about how to let Qin Yun die in the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range, but he didn't expect Qin Yun to choose a dead end!
"That's right, let this trash stay, so as not to drag us down!"

Qin Jiao also had a sneer all over her face!
"Prince Seventeen, you still..."


Zhang Heng had a wry smile on his face. He had entered the Qin family since he was a child. For the sake of the Qin family, he almost died many times, but he never expected to face danger.

Among the Qin family, only Qin Yun stayed behind!
"Guardian Zhang Heng, although I, Qin Yun, am not strong in cultivation, I am not a person who is afraid of death. If you risk your life to save me, how could I, Qin Yun..."

"Just leave!"

Qin Yun shook his head slightly.

"The Seventeenth Prince..."

Zhang Heng's eyes were full of emotion.

"Hurry up and escort me away, this trash wants to die, then let him die, he's dead, my Qin family happens to be missing a trash!"

At this moment, Qin Tian's harsh voice came.

"Missing a trash?"


Zhang Heng's eyes were full of anger, and now in Zhang Heng's heart, although Qin Yun's cultivation base was low, Qin Yun was recognized by him.

Qin Yun is the one worthy of his life!

"Boss Zhang Heng..."

"Boss Zhang..."


A group of guardians, looking at Zhang Heng!


The sabre-toothed tiger roared one after another, and Qin Tian's expression changed greatly in fright from the ferocious roar.

"Still leaving, could it be that you want this prince..."

"Is it possible to kill all of you from the Nine Clans?"

In Qin Tian's eyes, there was boundless ferocity.

"Punish the Nine Clans!"



The ten guardians looked at Qin Tian angrily, then turned their heads and escorted Qin Tian away.


Following Qin Tian's departure, the saber-toothed tigers that had originally rushed towards Qin Yun and the two suddenly had a fierce look in their eyes, and then charged again!

"not good……"

"Prince Seventeen, hide behind me!"

Zhang Heng's expression changed, and then he grabbed it with his hands, and the big sword behind his back appeared in Zhang Heng's hands.

With the big sword in hand, Zhang Heng's aura instantly became stronger!
"Hiding behind you?"

Beside Zhang Heng, Qin Yun grinned.

"More than 100 third-level monsters..."

"This is enough to make my dragon blood change!"

"Promoted to the second change!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, there was a hidden light. There was a reason for Qin Yun to stay. These saber-toothed tigers were indeed terrifying, but in Qin Yun's eyes, they were all energy!


The saber-toothed tiger came crashing wildly.


When the two collisions came, Zhang Heng knocked the two saber-toothed tigers into the air, but the next moment, more saber-toothed tigers rushed up.


A little carelessly, Zhang Heng was killed by a saber-toothed tiger.

Hit the chest.

The whole person flew out.

A mouthful of blood spewed out of Zhang Heng's mouth, and his eyes also dimmed.

"The Seventeenth Prince..."

"I'm afraid this time, you will follow me, Zhang Heng!"

"Let's fall together in this Heavenly Beast Mountain Range!"

Zhang Heng looked at Qin Yun with apologetic eyes, but Qin Yun beside him had calm eyes, as if he hadn't seen the countless saber-toothed tigers in front of him.

"This can..."


Qin Yun grinned at Zhang Heng.


Zhang Heng shook his head slightly. With so many saber-toothed tigers, even a strong martial spirit would not dare to rush in to save them. There is only one waiting for their end.

That is being dismembered by a saber-toothed tiger!

"Ow ooh..."

Seeing Zhang Heng fall, the saber-toothed tiger gave Qin Yun a look of disdain, and then slowly surrounded Qin Yun, as if he wanted to.

Slowly tear Qin Yun and the other into pieces!
"Open 39 dragon veins..."

"It's time too!"

"Go ahead!"

Looking at the countless saber-toothed tigers, Qin Yun's eyes were filled with contempt.

next moment.

A boundless aura rose from Qin Yun's body.

"This is……"

Zhang Heng looked shocked. At this moment, he only felt that there was a peerless beast beside him, waking up from a deep sleep. The breath made people shudder!




A cold voice came.

Zhang Heng turned his head and saw a scene full of astonishment. He saw dragon veins bulging on Qin Yun's body, and those dragon veins looked like a giant dragon.

It covered Qin Yun's entire body!



This is not over yet, blue scales appeared on Qin Yun's body, these scales shone brightly, and at the same time, there was a terrifying and boundless cold air.

Take Qin Yun as the center!

spread around.

"Ow ooh..."

Countless saber-toothed tigers looked at Qin Yun with suspicion on their faces. At this moment, they no longer dared to take half a step forward.

"Prince Seventeen, you..."

Zhang Heng's face was full of shock. At this moment, the aura on Qin Yun's body made even him tremble. That aura surpassed that of a great martial artist!

"Guardian Zhang Heng..."

"Leave it to me here!"

The indifferent voice sounded, and Zhang Heng only felt a blur in front of his eyes. The next moment, Qin Yun's figure disappeared, and at the same time, there were collision sounds.

"Bump bump..."

Where Qin Yun's body passed, there were more than a dozen saber-toothed tigers.

Bumped out.

"Ow ooh..."

The sad cry of the saber-toothed tiger came from around, and these saber-toothed tigers that were knocked out fell to the ground with desolate faces, and then lost their breath!
"They're all dead..."

"Everyone is dead!"

Zhang Heng had boundless shock in his eyes. It was too strong. A dozen sabre-toothed tigers were all killed in less than one breath. At this moment, Zhang Heng suddenly remembered Qin Yun's words.

"I killed the saber-toothed tiger..."

"No more breathing!"

Qin Yun's smiling face appeared in Zhang Heng's mind again. At this moment, Zhang Heng finally understood that Qin Yun had never lied to him.

"Little saber-toothed tiger, dare to shout in front of me..."

"Give me death!"


Among the saber-toothed tigers, a dark blue figure was seen moving rapidly, his body was covered with a layer of bright scales.

With every punch, a saber-toothed tiger flew out backwards!


There were collision sounds, and Zhang Heng felt his whole body go numb.

Less than a quarter of an hour.

All the saber-toothed tigers fell to the ground.

The strong smell of blood stimulated Zhang Heng. There was blood all around him for thousands of miles. Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Heng felt his throat dry for a while.

"Guardian Zhang Heng..."

"You're done!"

At this moment, a light laughter came.

The next moment, Qin Yun's figure appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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