Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 48 Level 7 Spirit Fruit

Chapter 48 Seventh Level Spirit Fruit
In the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range.

Qin Yun's figure slowly rushed towards the depths.

a day later.

"Strange, the power of Qi Yun Kingdom..."

"Why did you all enter the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range?"

Qin Yun frowned slightly. In the past day, Qin Yun met more than a dozen small forces from Qiyun Kingdom, large and small. These people have all entered the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range.

You know, the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range is just a small mountain range in the Qin Kingdom!

"Could it be..."

"What happened to the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range?"

In Qin Yun's eyes, there was a flash of light, and Qin Yun could still understand the arrival of small forces, but along the way, Qin Yun also met people from Qi Yunzong, Qiqingzong, and Tianbao Hall.

These three forces are the powerful forces in Qi Yun Kingdom!

"What happened!"

"Catch someone and ask them, and you'll know!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, Qin Yun was about to find someone to ask, but at this moment, a cold shout came suddenly, and the next moment, four figures surrounded Qin Yun!
"Boy, we are members of the Tianbei Mercenary Group!"

"We've taken a fancy to what's on you, hand it over!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the four people's eyes shone with fire. In the past few days, with the major forces of Qi Yunzong entering the Tianshou Mountain Range, they have already encountered several difficulties!

They met Qin Yun alone today, of course they would not let it go!

"Tianbei Mercenary Group!"

Qin Yun was slightly taken aback. The next moment, Qin Yun laughed. The Tianbei Mercenary Corps really had a relationship with him. Last time he beheaded more than a dozen people, but they didn't even know it. Please restrain yourself?
"do not know……"

"What do you want?"

"I have too many things on me. Look at the three-level demon pills, I have hundreds of them. This is the fourth-level demon pills, and the fifth-level magic pills..."

Qin Yun looked at the three of them with a smile on his face.

"Hundreds of third-level demon pills..."

"Fourth-level demon pill and fifth-level spirit pill?"

The four of them laughed so hard that their saliva almost drooled, and the look they looked at Qin Yun became more and more frenzied. If these things were passed on, wouldn't they post them!

"Give it all, give it all..."

"Things on you!"

"We want it all!"

Looking at Qin Yun, one of the four stood up and said excitedly.

"I want it all!"

The corner of Qin Yun's mouth raised slightly, and then a sneer flashed across his eyes!
"Are the Tianbei Mercenary Group a bunch of idiots?"

Looking at the four of them, Qin Yun's eyes were full of disdain. A group of great martial artists also want his things?What the hell, isn't this courting death?

"stupid guy?"

The four of them froze for a moment, but the next moment, their eyes became angry.

"Boy, you dare to call my Tianbei mercenary group idiots, what the hell are you..."


Before the man finished speaking, Qin Yun appeared on him in a flash. The next moment, the man's voice stopped abruptly, and he fell to the ground.

"Senior Brother Hao..."

"Senior Brother Hao..."


Seeing the man fall, the expressions of the other three changed instantly.

"Boy, who are you?"

Looking at Qin Yun, the three said sternly.

"My name is……"

"Qin Yun!"

Qin Yun grinned towards the three of them.

"Qin Yun?"

The three of them were taken aback for a moment, but the next moment, the three of them seemed to think of something, and the eyes of the three of them were instantly shocked.

"you you you……"

"Are you Qin Yun who beheaded more than a dozen great martial masters from our Tianbei Mercenary Regiment?"

Looking at Qin Yun, one of them stood up, swallowed and said.

"A dozen people?"

"more or less!"

Qin Yun smiled indifferently, but when the smile fell on the eyes of the three of them, the expressions of the three of them instantly became stiff, and even their legs trembled.

Damn, if you met Qin Yun while robbing, isn't that courting death?
Even Qin Yun, the deputy head, was killed, let alone them!

"Master Qin Yun, this..."

"This is a misunderstanding!"

One of the three men stood up with a smile that was uglier than crying.


Qin Yun's eyes fell on the three of them playfully.

"My prince, I have always been kind-hearted, as long as you answer my questions..."

"I can consider letting your dog's life go!"

Looking at the three of them, Qin Yun suddenly said with a smile.

"Save our lives?"

The three of them were overjoyed, and said quickly.

"Mr. Qin Yun has any questions, just ask, we will definitely answer Mr. Qin Yun's questions properly!"

"it is good!"

Seeing the respectful expressions of the three of them, Qin Yun nodded in satisfaction, then asked indifferently.

"What happened to the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range? Why did your Tianbei Mercenary Group come here?"

"This one……"

"You do not know?"

Hearing Qin Yun's words, the three of them looked at Qin Yun in a daze.


Qin Yun's voice was indifferent.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The three of them turned pale with fright, and said quickly.

"Master Qin Yun, in fact, this is not a secret. Seven Stars Taoist, the suzerain of the Seven Stars Sect, sent a message that the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range..."

"There are past lives born!"

"Past fruit?"

Qin Yun frowned slightly. Although the fruit of the past is precious, it is not an important thing for the powerful forces in Qi Yun Kingdom!

"Except for this past fruit..."

"Anything else?"

Looking at the three of them, Qin Yun asked coldly.

"other things?"

The three of them paused for a moment, then seemed to remember something, and one of them stood up and said.

"Mr. Qin Yun, I once heard from the head of the group that the fruit of rebirth is not easy!"

"Rebirth is not easy..."

Qin Yun's eyes flickered.

"Could it be..."

As if thinking of something, a bright light rose in Qin Yun's eyes.

"Seventh level..."

"Past life fruit!"

Qin Yun's face was filled with ecstasy. Ordinary fruits are only level five, but if you don't pick them, after ten thousand years, they will become level seven fruits.

Even the Martial Emperor will fight for it!

"The seventh-level fruit of rebirth..."

"It can definitely help me!"

"Fusion of Dragon Soul!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, a frightening light flashed. The first level of Shura Heavenly Emperor Art is to open veins. There are 49 dragon veins. Once all of them are opened, Qin Yun can obtain 49 dragon powers!
But this is not the end, the dragon veins are opened, and soul gathering is still needed.

49 dragon veins.

49 dragon souls can be formed. At that time, Qin Yun will have 49 dantians. Each dragon soul contains extremely terrifying power!

In the same realm, Qin Yun is absolutely an invincible existence!
"I didn't expect such a small place..."

"And such a baby!"

"This trip to the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range..."

"It's not in vain!"

The corner of his mouth raised, Qin Yun waved his hand, and three bursts of energy shot out, and the three disciples of the Tianbei Mercenary Group in front of Qin Yun fell directly to the ground.

"Didn't you say..."

"Let us go?"

The eyes of the three are full of unwillingness!

"Leave you alone..."

"Did I say so?"

In Qin Yun's eyes, there was boundless indifference. He seemed to have only said just now, think about it, since the members of the Tianbei Mercenary Group have become enemies, how could he let Qin Yun go!
 The third update, brothers recommended tickets to go, brothers passing by, bookmark and support, the big professor is very grateful.


(End of this chapter)

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