Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 526 Not Enough

Chapter 526 Not Enough


"Then die!"

Qin Yun's eyes turned cold. These five people are optional. If they are disobedient, they will be killed if they are killed. At worst, it will take him a while to suppress the five cities!
"Qin Yun, you..."

Liu Tian's eyes are full of humiliation, being a dog?
He is a warrior of the sixth level of the gods, an inner disciple of the Xuantian Temple, and the city lord of Tianniu City. How could he be a dog for Qin Yun.

"It seems that you want to die!"

Qin Yun's eyes became colder and colder, and the next moment, Qin Yun shot directly.


An icy voice sounded in the void, and Qin Yun's palm fell directly towards Liu Tian.

"I surrender, I surrender..."

Seeing the palm fall, Liu Tian, ​​who was originally full of anger, trembled, and his face was instantly terrified, and he hurriedly called out to Qin Yun.

"Relax your heart!"

"I let go, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"I would like to be a dog!"

Liu Tian's eyes were full of panic.

He was really scared, he was afraid that Qin Yun would really kill him!
"Slave God Seal!"

"to make!"

With a cold drink, Qin Yun made countless imprints, and the next moment, in the void, a quaint word 'slave' formed and appeared along with this word.

A vast aura spread from the void.

"go with!"

With a cold drink, the God of Wrath seal fell directly on Liu Tian's eyebrows.


Liu Tian rolled over on the ground.

As if he had suffered, some terrible pain!
"No no no..."

There was boundless fear in Liu Tian's eyes. After a quarter of an hour, the man calmed down and got up from the ground. Liu Tian respectfully knelt down in front of Qin Yun.

"Meet the master!"

Liu Tian lay down in front of Qin Yun like a dog.

"City Lord Liu!"

"City Lord Liu!"


The remaining four were trembling.

"not bad!"

"Get out!"

Qin Yun glanced at Liu Tian indifferently.

"Yes, Master!"

Liu Tian withdrew respectfully.

"Next, it's you guys!"

At this moment, Qin Yun's faint voice sounded again. Qin Yun's eyes fell on the remaining four people. Looking at the four people, Qin Yun's eyes were indifferent.

"I also surrender..."

"I surrender!"


The four of them lowered their heads. The Qin Yun in front of them was really too strong.

The four of them did not dare to defy Qin Yun at all.

Under the threat of death, the four of them chose to surrender, even if they became Qin Yun's dogs.

"Relax your heart!"

"Yes Yes!"

The four of them took a deep breath and opened their eyes.

"Slave God Seal!"

Qin Yun snorted coldly, and then typed out countless seal formulas. In the void, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered towards Qin Yun quickly.

Countless auras formed four characters for 'slave' in front of Qin Yun.

"Slave God Seal!"

"go with!"

With a cold shout, the four slave god seals rushed into the eyebrows of the four of them.

"No no no..."

"Ah ah ah..."


A series of screams sounded, and the man rolled on the ground.

A quarter of an hour later, this person knelt down in front of Qin Yun.




In the eyes of the four people, they were extremely respectful.

"All surrendered?"

Next to him, Jiuyou was stunned. Six city lords came to look for Qin Yun, but now, one died and five surrendered!
From today, one city of Qin Tianguo has become seven. Jiuyou seems to have seen that the Tiandi Gate is growing rapidly, and Qin Tianguo has stepped on the peak of Tianlan Realm.

"Xuantian Temple, going crazy!"

Jiuyou swallowed, not to mention Qin Tianguo, Qin Yun captured the seven cities of Xuantian Temple, and what Qin Tianguo will face next is the terrible revenge of Xuantian Temple!

"You five, retreat quickly!"

"In the future, in your city, you can only enshrine this emperor, you know?"

Looking at the five people, Qin Yun said indifferently.

"Yes, Master!"



In the eyes of the five people, they were extremely respectful.

Then one by one, they walked out of the small courtyard.

Outside the City Lord's Mansion.

"City lord, the master of Emperor Shura?"

Just as Liu Tian went out, four old men came up to welcome him.

"Don't mention today's matter again!"

"Go back to Tianniu City!"

With a cold drink, Liu Tian got into the carriage directly.

The next moment, the carriage quickly disappeared.

The other four city lords also quickly disappeared.

Except for Jiuyou, no one knows what happened to the four city lords.

But the next day, Qin Yun's faith in the Lord's Mansion of Jiuchong City skyrocketed.

"It's tripled!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, the light soared, and the power of faith surged in Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness.

Qin Yun's soul golden body has grown to over a hundred feet. The golden body is covered with countless mysterious golden divine patterns, giving everyone an eternal and immortal aura.

"What a strong power of faith!"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Qin Yun's soul suddenly opened his eyes.

A terrifying coercion spread from Qin Yun's body.

At this moment, the might of Qin Yun's soul might even be feared by the powerhouses of the Ninth Layer God Realm!

"My soul is comparable to a martial artist in the ninth level of the gods!"

"The next step is to improve your cultivation!"

A light flashed in Qin Yun's eyes, and all the power of faith was imprinted into Qin Yun's body. The billowing power of faith was transformed into dragon power, and hit Qin Yun's No. 40 eight dragon souls.


The rolling power is extremely terrifying.

No. 40 The eight dragon souls, like a giant vein, spread out for an unknown number of feet, and those waves of power crazily hit the dragon veins.

"Bump me!"


Within Qin Yun's body, the heavens and the earth were shaken, but these forces only caused the 48 dragon veins to roll slightly.

"not enough!"

Qin Yun opened his eyes.

The power of faith in Qicheng is actually not enough.

Of course, the current Qin Yun did not have all the power of faith in Seven Cities.

If a period of time passes, the power of faith in Qin Yun's body will at least double.

"Seven cities are not enough, then ten cities, ten cities are not enough, then a hundred cities!"

"This emperor must open this dragon vein!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, a cold light shot up into the sky. The next moment, Qin Yun sat down cross-legged again, and the surging power of faith was swallowed by Qin Yun.

Three days passed again.

Jiuzhong City, City Lord's Mansion.

"Emperor, according to your order, I have swept away several mountain cities. Now centering on Jiuzhong City, the seven cities are all under the control of Qin Tianguo!"

Standing in front of Qin Yun, Jiuyou said respectfully.

"Seven cities?"

Qin Yun opened his eyes.

As Qin Yun opened his eyes, in Qin Yun's eyes, there seemed to be a peerless dragon that was about to roar out, and that dragon seemed to be bound by something, so it could only roar wildly!

"It's still not enough!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely cold.

ps: The seventh update, one update away.

(End of this chapter)

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