Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 529 Terrible Lu Song

Chapter 529 Terrible Lu Song
"We have to work hard to cultivate, otherwise we will be left behind by the emperor!"

In Mo Zhong's mouth, Na Na said to himself, his cultivation is only at the peak of the triple god realm, and he is getting farther and farther away from Qin Yun. If the difference is too big, then he will never be able to help Qin Yun again.

"Your name is Ji Xia, right?"

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun looked at the woman and asked lightly.

"It's this seat!"

Ji Xia looked at Qin Yun, frowning slightly.

In her eyes, there was a cold killing intent.

Qin Yun in front of him, although his cultivation was not strong, was terrifying.

The triple god realm, but the combat power is so terrifying.

If Qin Yun was allowed to grow up, wouldn't it be...

"You really want to kill me?"

Looking at Ji Xia, Qin Yun smiled faintly, it is impossible for Ji Xia's eighth-level god realm cultivation to kill him!
"If you fight against the temple, you must die!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Ji Xia said coldly.

"The temple?"


Qin Yun snorted coldly, and then said coldly and arrogantly.

"What is the temple? In less than ten years, this emperor will stand at the peak of the Tianlan world. At that time, let alone the temple!"

"The entire Tianlan Realm belongs to Qin Tianguo!"

"The entire Tianlan Realm belongs to Qin Tianguo..."

Ji Xia froze in place, Tianlan Realm, thousands of miles across, is the Middle World.

In the Tianlan world, the strong don't know how many.

How dare Qin Yun, a warrior of Lv [-] God Realm, say such words?

"Ji Xia, your talent is good. This emperor will give you a chance to surrender to this emperor. This emperor can give you countless cultivation resources and allow you to enter the supreme Nine Heaven Realm!"

"Otherwise, die!"

Looking at Ji Xia, Qin Yun said coldly and arrogantly.

"Submit to you?"

Ji Xia finally came back to her senses, looking at Qin Yun, Ji Xia seemed to be looking at a fool, the Nine Heavens Realm is the top of all realms, not to mention Qin Yun, even if he is the arrogance of the great world, he dare not say that he can enter !
"Do you think that you, Qin Tianguo, can stop me today?"

As if remembering something, a sneer appeared on Ji Xia's face.

She is a strong person in the eighth level of God Realm, Qin Tianguo, who can stop her?
"You don't surrender?"

Ignoring Ji Xia, Qin Yun asked indifferently.

"court death!"

Hearing Qin Yun's words, Ji Xia's eyes soared with murderous intent!
"Nine Lives Sword Art!"


Ji Xia, the anger in her heart can no longer be suppressed, she is a strong person in the eighth level of God Realm, what cultivation level does Qin Yun dare to despise her?

In the void, a green sword energy came towards Qin Yun's throat.

"Xuanwu Shield!"


But when this sword energy has not yet fallen.

In the void, the Baizhang Xuanwu Shield fell directly.


The sword energy fell on the Xuanwu shield and collapsed immediately.

"It seems that you chose to die!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely cold, and he wanted Ji Xia to submit because he was quite talented.

But if Ji Xia does not surrender, there is only one end, and that is death!

"Lu Song!"

"The disciple is here!"

Following Qin Yun's cold shout, Lu Song stepped forward and appeared in front of Qin Yun.

"Within three breaths!"

"I want her to kneel before me!"

Looking at Lu Song, Qin Yun said indifferently.

"Three breaths?"

Lu Song paused for a moment, and then the light in his eyes suddenly brightened.

"My lord, there is more time!"

"Just one breath!"

Lu Song's cold and arrogant voice sounded in the void, and the next moment, Lu Song stepped out.

"Heavenly ghost knife!"


The cold voice carried an aura of death.

But Ji Xia on the opposite side was full of anger.

One breath and make her kneel?

What arrogance!
"Nine Lives Sword Art!"

"A sure kill sword!"

Ji Xia's face was filled with coldness, and when she struck out with a sword, the incomparably terrifying vitality in the void was directly transformed into the power of death, and a billow of death energy enveloped Lu Song.

"Life and death conversion!"

In the void, Qin Yun's eyes lit up.

This Ji Xia is really good!

"Heavenly ghost knife!"

"Chop chop chop!"

The word "cut" fell three times in a row, and Lu Song in the void didn't even evade at all. Faced with the terrible death, Lu Song chopped off with one knife!


The void trembled, as if it was about to shatter in the next moment.



Two cold voices fell, the terrifying Excalibur and the Heavenly Ghost Knife collided together.


A crisp voice came, amidst the astonished expressions of everyone.

The Heavenly Ghost Knife chopped Ji Xia's divine sword into pieces, and the domineering blow landed on one of Ji Xia's arms.


With one blow, Ji Xia's arm was cut off directly.

"This is impossible?"

In Ji Xia's eyes, there was incomparable astonishment, Lu Song, who was in the seventh level of God Realm, that terrifying knife was really too domineering.

Even her Monarch-level Excalibur couldn't block a blow!

"The emperor wants you to surrender, that is your honor!"

"Your Majesty!"

A cold and arrogant voice resounded in the void, Lu Song's figure appeared behind Ji Xia at some unknown time, and the next moment, his foot landed on Ji Xia's body.

"court death!"

In Ji Xia's eyes, there was boundless anger.

But her heart was trembling!
She is an eighth-level god realm fighter, how could she kneel in front of Qin Yun, a triple god realm warrior.


A violent collision came, and Ji Xia's body hit the ground directly.

"Your Majesty!"

"Do not……"

An unwilling voice sounded, and Lu Song stepped on Ji Xia's body.

Her body was kneeling in front of Qin Yun, but in her eyes, there was boundless madness.

"Report to the Emperor!"

"mission completed!"

Lu Song, a respectful voice came.

"One breath!"

"Not bad!"

A smile spread from the corner of Qin Yun's mouth. The two fought for several rounds, but in fact, it was only a breath.

"Let go of me, let me go..."

"I am the core disciple of Xuantian Temple, you dare to touch me, I am Xuantian Temple!"

"I will definitely not let you go!"

Ji Xia looked at Qin Yun and the others with insane eyes.

Kneel down!
Really knelt down!
She is the core disciple of the Xuantian Temple, the disciple of the elders, the arrogance of the temple, and a strong person in the eighth-level god realm, but now, she is kneeling in front of a third-level god-level warrior.

"Xuantian Temple?"

Qin Yun bent slightly, looking at Ji Xia with his eyes.

In Qin Yun's eyes, he was extremely indifferent!
"Emperor Shura!"

Seeing Qin Yun, Ji Xia gritted her teeth for a while, but a purple rune appeared in her hand, and that rune shone with mysterious light.

"Ninth Rank Rune!"


With a flash of light in Qin Yun's hand, he directly snatched the amulet from Ji Xia's hand.

"Do not……"

Seeing Qin Yun take away the talisman, Ji Xia's expression changed instantly.

"You want to crush this rune?"

Looking at Ji Xia, Qin Yun's eyes were full of teasing.

But the next moment, in Ji Xia's daze, Qin Yun directly threw the rune into the void, and a sword energy fell on the rune!


Rune, smashed directly.

 The second shift is seven shifts today, five shifts away.

(End of this chapter)

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