Chapter 557

"Yes, Emperor!"

Chi Muxi took a deep breath and quickly agreed.

This is Qin Yun, do you want to continue the war?
"Go back all!"

"Yes Yes!"

A group of figures retreated quickly.


"That is impossible!"

Watching the few people leave, Qin Yun's eyes glowed with a frightening light. It is impossible to stop, unless it is the Xuantian Temple that surrenders to Qin Tianguo.

Otherwise, the Xuantian Temple will be destroyed!

"It would be great if the cheap skeleton is here!"

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun sighed slightly. Although the cheap skeleton is very unreliable, he has many methods. With him, Qin Tianguo's battle speed will be even faster.

"When he comes back, we must ask to understand!"

Muttering to himself, Qin Yun sat cross-legged, and in the void, countless powers of faith gathered towards Qin Yun.

In Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness, the surging power of faith formed a lake.

Above the lake, Qin Yun's spirit, which is more than 4000 feet high, emits a bright golden light.

"Myriad Divine Soul!"

"In the previous life, I only achieved it when I entered the Great World. In this life, I'm afraid it will be completed soon!"

The corner of his mouth raised, and Qin Yun began to devour the power of faith. Most of the power of faith entered Qin Yun's soul, and a small part entered Qin Yun's body.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye!

The death of Jing Yu, the Xuantian Temple, seems to be unknown!
But the power of faith has increased dozens of times again.


In Qin Yun's body, the billowing power of faith crazily hit the No. 40 nine dragon veins, but unfortunately, these dragon veins have not changed in the slightest.

"Sure enough!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath.

The power of faith in the thirty cities can't even shake the dragon's veins?
The rolling dragon veins spread tens of thousands of feet, as if they were ancient giant veins, exuding an incomparably majestic aura.

No matter how Qin Yun hit it with the power of faith, the dragon vein just wouldn't move at all.

"The harder it is to open, the stronger I will be after opening it!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, a bright light rose, and he sat down cross-legged.

Qin Yun continued to swallow the impact of the power of faith, one after another, as if he would never know how to get tired.

As for the outside world, after half a month, the news finally got out.

But the first to get the news was not the Ninth Elder, but the Lord of the Demon City.

"My lord, what do you think about the matter in Sky City?"

In the Mansion of the Lord of the Demon City, an old man asked Kuangmo, the Lord of the Demon City, with a solemn expression.

Beside the old man's god, there were still five people standing, and the auras of these five people were all in the Ninth Layer God Realm!

"Great Protector, the news you got is true. The Lord of Sky City is actually dead?"

The madman looked at the old man and asked in a deep voice.

"I report to the City Lord that this is absolutely true. Not only Liu Ze, the City Lord of Sky City, but also the two elders, Water and Fire, who were rumored to be hiding in Sky City, also died in the hands of Emperor Shura Qin Yun!"

Looking at the madman, the old man said hastily.

"What? The two elders, water and fire, are also dead?"

The furious expression changed slightly, and the expressions of the other five old men also changed.

Liu Ze is only at the early stage of the Ninth Layer Divine Realm, but the two elders, Water and Fire, are strong in the middle stage of the Divine Realm.

"City Master, besides that, there is another rumor!"

Seemingly remembering what it was, the Great Protector took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Great Dharma Protector, what other rumors are there?"

Looking at the old man, he asked violently and coldly.

"Report to the City Lord, I have received news that half a month ago, Master Jing Yu, a disciple of the Ninth Elder's sect, came to the outside of Tianqiong City. This person brought twelve strong men in the divine realm, and 97 elders!"

"A total of fourteen strong men from the Ninth Layer God Realm have descended. Guess what the result will be?"

"The result is that they all died, and none remained!"




In the main hall, one after another figures all stood up.

Especially the crazy demon, the eyes are even more shocking.

Who is Young Master Jing Yu?That is the true disciple of Xuantian Temple. This person's cultivation base has reached the perfection of the Ninth Layer God Realm, and this person has the king-level artifact Yanlei Sword in his hand, so even the Tenth Layer God Lord can't kill him.

How could this person die in Sky City.

"Dharma protector, you must have heard wrong!"

"That's right, how terrifying is Young Master Jingyu? This little Qin Tianguo just came from a small world, how could it be so terrifying?"

"That's right!"


The other five people were also full of disbelief.

This news is really shocking!
"City Master, I can't believe this news, but the old man went to Tianzhu City personally, and now the Tianqiong Thirty Cities are all under the control of Emperor Shura!"

"And everyone, no one dares to resist Emperor Shura!"

"This Emperor Shura must be terrifying!"

Looking at the madman, the old man spoke again.

"Fourteen Ninth Level Divine Realm, plus 97 Elders and Young Master Jing Yu!"

The madman sat down on the seat. At this moment, his heart felt chills. He was even more grateful. Thanks to Qin Yun, he made a move towards Sky City.

If he shot at his magic city, wouldn't it be...

"Not good, Shao Qing!"

Seemingly remembering something, the madman's expression changed drastically.

"City Lord, Young City Lord..."

The big protector was slightly taken aback.

"Young City Lord has gone to Jiucheng City!"

The expressions of the other five protectors also changed instantly.

"My lord, you are so confused. The Shura Emperor of Qin Tianguo is so terrifying, even if we send him seven cities, it's nothing. You let the young city lord go to Jiucheng City!"

"If this angered Emperor Shura, wouldn't it be..."

The expression of the Great Guardian also changed instantly.

"Notify Shao Qing quickly!"

"Get him back!"

The madman's voice was extremely cold.

"Yes, City Lord!"



The five guardians hurriedly retreated.

"City lord, how many days has the young city lord been gone?"

Seemingly remembering something, the guardian asked quickly.

"Half a month!"

The madman's voice was extremely low, and he also regretted it in his heart.

The last time Qin Yun killed his people from the Demon City, the Mad Demon was furious. In a fit of anger, he dispatched the Young City Lord of the Demon City, leading a group of warriors, to the Jiuzhong City, intending to take back all the seven cities.

But who knew that Qin Tianguo was so terrifying that even Young Master Jingyu of Xuantian Temple died in Qin Yun's hands.

How could the Lord of the Demon City dare to attack Qin Yun now?
"Half a month?"

The great protector had a solemn expression on his face.


The great guardian sighed slightly, and the heart of the madman also jumped violently.

If Qin Yun's killing of Young Master Jingyu is true, then if he provokes Nine Layers City, it is very likely that he will attract a evil star for the magic city, and it is still a bold evil star.

ps: The four chapters that have been updated will be completed today, and I will work hard to complete them!

Seven more today!

(End of this chapter)

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