Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 566 God Lord, can you obey?

Chapter 566 God Lord, can you obey?
But the next moment, the person seemed to have discovered something, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

"Qin Yun, how dare you!"

Li Daojun's face was full of shock and anger.

In the void, Lord Li Dao's body was shaking with devilish energy, and the incomparably terrifying peerless Demon Sword Domain quickly condensed, wrapping Lord Li Dao's body together.


At this moment, Li Daojun's whole body, the void was directly shattered.

Endless void turbulence surged out!

Only six golden arrows appeared in the turbulent flow of the void.

Those six arrows had an incomparably terrifying power!
"It's the divine arrow of the divine bow. This divine arrow passed through the turbulence of the void, and even went straight to kill Mr. Li Dao!"

"What a terrifying divine bow!"


There was a sound of exclamation.

"Go away!"

"Go away!"


Li Daojun roared again and again, and the devilish energy on his body ignited a terrible flame.

The flames formed layers of magic light, covering Mr. Li Dao.


But at this moment, an arrow burst out.

The arrows were like ancient dragons, and they rushed towards Mr. Li Dao one after another!

A mouthful of blood spewed out from Mr. Lidao's mouth.

Li Daojun's face was even more shocking!
Six arrows, the first one, seriously injured him.

"Block me!"


Mr. Li Dao roared crazily, and the remaining six arrows came one after another. The terrifying power directly smashed the demon realm around Mr. Li Dao.

Towards Mr. Li Dao's chest, he shot away.

"Block me!"


Sparks shot out one after another, leaving Dao Jun's chest. At the critical moment, a magic knife blocked his chest.

The magic light on the magic knife collapsed directly, and flew out of the knife master's body.


Li Daojun's body hit the ground hard.

Standing up from the ground, Mr. Li Dao's face was pale and terrifying.

In this person's eyes, there was even a hint of consternation.


From the mouth of Mr. Li Dao, blood spurted straight out.

"Lord Li Dao is defeated!"

The entire Sky City was in an uproar.

Outside Tianqiong City, Kuangmo and the others also trembled. Looking at Qin Yun who was in the void, their faces were filled with fear.

Qin Yun is too scary!

"Mr. Li Dao, can you still block this Emperor's arrow?"

A faint voice resounded in the void, and Qin Yun stepped forward with a single step, looking at Lord Li Dao with contempt on his face, and watching Qin Yun approach, Lord Li Dao's expression changed drastically.

"Qin Yun, what are you going to do?"

Looking at Qin Yun, Mr. Li Dao shouted sharply.

His mind trembled even more.

Qin Yun, it's really scary.

"What did you say I was going to do?"

There was a hint of teasing on Qin Yun's face, and his figure flashed. Qin Yun's figure descended from the void and landed not far from Lord Dao.

"Qin Yun, I am the thirty-seventh elder of Xuantian Temple, do you dare to attack me?"

Looking at Qin Yun, Mr. Li Dao hurriedly shouted.

"Xuantian Temple?"

"Elder 37?"

The corner of Qin Yun's mouth raised slightly, and the next moment, Qin Yun's figure flashed and appeared directly in front of Li Daojun. Looking at Li Daojun, Qin Yun punched him.

"Qin Yun, do you dare?"

"Why didn't the emperor dare!"


There was a violent collision, and outside Tianqiong City, amidst the astonished expressions of everyone, Qin Yun punched Li Daojun and sent him flying.

From Daojun's body, he rolled on the ground dozens of feet away.

"37 elders..."

"Emperor Shura, stop!"



The disciples of Demon City all had extremely angry eyes, Qin Yun, how dare to humiliate Lord Li Dao?
"Qin Yun, I'm..."

"To shut up!"


Qin Yun's kick landed on Li Daojun's head.

Qin Yun stepped on Li Daojun's body into the ground with blood dripping from his mouth.

Mr. Li Dao's face was hideous and terrifying!
He is a strong tenth-layer god, and he was stepped on by Qin Yun, a sixth-layer god?
"Are you satisfied?"

Looking at Mr. Li Dao, Qin Yun's eyes were cold and arrogant.


Mr. Li Dao roared crazily.

The anger in his heart was burning crazily, but when Qin Yun stepped on him, he just couldn't move an inch.

"Are you satisfied?"


Qin Yun stepped on Li Daojun's head again.

Blood overflowed from Mr. Li Dao's head, and his entire face was bloody.

"Are you satisfied?"


"Are you convinced..."



Outside Tianqiong City, Qin Yun stomped down with one foot, and with terrifying force, he stepped on Li Daojun's body to the ground more than ten feet alive. The disciples of Tianqiong City were stunned for a while.

That's a strong ten-level god, just like that, Qin Yun stepped on his feet!


Kuangmo and the others had extremely angry eyes.

But no one dared to take a step forward!
"get out!"


Qin Yun kicked this person's body. The person's body flew upside down and fell hard to the ground.



From Dao Jun's mouth, a mouthful of blood spewed out.

His face was bloody and bloody, and he looked like he was in a mess.

"Mr. Li Dao, I will give you another chance. If you surrender to me, I will give you a chance to survive, otherwise..."

"Then die!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely cold.

"I I I..."

Li Daojun's body trembled.

He wanted to refuse, but the coldness in Qin Yun's eyes made his body tremble.

"Mr. Li Dao, will you surrender?"

In Sky City, everything became quiet.

Countless warriors were all watching Li Daojun.

This is the 37 elders of the Xuantian Temple. If even Lord Li Dao surrendered to Qin Yun's hands, then Qin Tianguo would be too terrifying!
"37 elders..."

The madman swallowed, and his mind also trembled.

At this moment, a trace of remorse rose in his heart. If he had known that Qin Yun was so terrifying, he would definitely not have brought the thirty-seventh elder here, but the seventh elder.

"Qin Yun, I..."

"I surrender!"

Mr. Li Dao's voice was extremely low. After saying this, Mr. Li Dao seemed to have exhausted all his strength and collapsed directly on the ground.

"I really surrendered!"

Sky City, the silence is a little scary!
"37 elders..."

The demon city disciples trembled unceasingly. When they heard this, they seemed to have lost their faith, and the aura in their bodies disappeared!

"Elder 37, you actually surrendered!"

"Emperor Shura, it's too scary!"

"The Emperor is invincible!"

"The Emperor is invincible!"


Cheers sounded one after another, and the entire Sky City was boiling.

The 37 elders of Xuantian Temple.

"Emperor, it's too scary!"

Jiuyou and the others gasped.

At this moment, the figure outside Tianqiong City became incomparably tall, and people couldn't help but feel admiration.

 the second
(End of this chapter)

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