Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 59 The Sui Clan's Ancestor

Chapter 59 The Sui Clan's Ancestor
On Tiancheng Mountain.

"Master, the aura here is so strong!"

Chi Muxi, standing behind Qin Yun, as he got closer to the top of Tiancheng Mountain, the surrounding aura instantly became stronger several times.

"Aura is really good!"

There was a flash of light in Qin Yun's eyes, and he continued to walk towards Tiancheng Mountain.

An hour later.

"This is a ban..."

Qin Yun, standing in front of a pitch-black stone lion, this stone lion is very ferocious. The stone lion has been placed here for many years, but on it...

But there is no dust at all!

"Master, what is prohibition?"

Chi Muxi was slightly taken aback.

"Restriction is an upgraded version of the formation, something beyond the Xuantian Continent. If you break through Emperor Wudi, you should come into contact with the existence of the restriction!"

Looking at Chi Muxi, Qin Yun smiled lightly.

"Things beyond Xuantian Continent?"

Chi Muxi was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes were full of yearning!Emperor Wu, that is the strongest in Xuantian Continent.

"There are restrictions here, I'm afraid it's not easy, be careful!"

Qin Yun gave a reminder, and then continued to walk forward. After a while, an abandoned building appeared in front of Qin Yun. This place is indeed an abandoned city!

"Master, look quickly, the rebirth fruit!"

At this moment, Chi Muxi's exclamation suddenly came. Hearing this, Qin Yun quickly raised his head and saw a golden tree on the top of Tiancheng, emitting a bright light.

On the branch of the golden tree, hung a golden fruit!


On the fruit, waves of spiritual energy vibrated in the surroundings. Qin Yun could only feel that an overwhelming wave of spiritual energy struck, and even the dragon veins in his body became agitated!
"Sure enough, it is the seventh-level rebirth fruit!"

"It's really not wrong this time!"

Qin Yun's eyes were full of smiles.

Then he cautiously approached the past fruit, and when he was not far away from the past fruit, Qin Yun realized that the place where the past fruit was located was a mansion!

In front of the mansion is a stone tablet, on the stone tablet.

Engraved with two simple words!

"Master, this Sui clan..."

"What force?"

Chi Muxi hurriedly asked Qin Yun.


Qin Yun's brows also frowned, but the next moment, Qin Yun seemed to think of something, touched it from his bosom, and a pitch-black token appeared in Qin Yun's hand.

This token is extremely cold, and I don't know what material it is made of.

There are also two words engraved on the token.

Sui Shi!

"There are traces of prohibition here, and this token is also very mysterious!"

"I don't know who left this ancient city behind!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, there was a slight gleam of light, but at this moment, the token in Qin Yun's hand suddenly blazed brighter.

The pitch-black token directly shook Qin Yun's arm away.


Qin Yun's body took three or four steps back!


Chi Muxi hurried forward to support Qin Yun.

"Quack quack..."

"The ancestor is finally back!"



In the void, strange laughter came one after another, and Qin Yun and Chi Muxi were dumbfounded, and saw the pitch-black token explode directly.

The next moment, a pitch-black skeleton appeared in the void.

"Who dares to hurt my master!"

"Freezing Technique!"


The frightening cold air spread crazily, directly smashing the skeleton into the void.

It was frozen.


Seeing that the skeleton was frozen, Chi Muxi breathed a sigh of relief.




But at the next moment, there was a sound of shattering, and the ice on the black skull was directly shattered.

"not good……"

Seeing this scene, Chi Muxi's expression changed again.

"and many more……"

Just when Chi Muxi was about to make another move, Qin Yun suddenly stopped Chi Muxi.

"Who dares to touch this ancestor!"

"Damn it ate the guts of the ambitious leopard!"


In the void, one after another arrogant voices came, and I saw the skeleton, with both hands straightening the somewhat shifted skull.

The bones creaked and creaked, and this sound came from this skeleton!
"Master, what kind of monster is this?"

Chi Mu Xi's eyes were full of surprise.

"It was you who hurt my ancestor..."

The skull looked at Qin Yun and the two of them. In his eye sockets was a cloud of pitch-black gas. This cloud of gas seemed mysterious and boundless. Qin Yun seemed to see a pair of cold and arrogant eyes!

"Who are you?"

Looking at the skull, Qin Yun asked coldly.

"Who am I..."

"Quack quack!"

"Listen up!"

"I am the ancestor of the Sui clan of the human race!"

The hollow skeleton, with an extremely arrogant voice, swings its small arms and legs, as if it is proud of itself!

"The ancestor of the human race?"

Qin Yun was stunned. Damn, in his previous life, he was a terrifying existence that was only one step away from becoming the Emperor of Heaven. He didn't even dare to call him ancestor. This skeleton dared to call him ancestor.

"Take him..."

"Give me a hard pump!"

Qin Yun looked at the skeleton in the void, and suddenly said with a vicious expression on his face.

"Yes, Master!"


Chi Muxi took a step forward, and the next moment, he punched the skeleton. The skeleton flew upside down, and its hands were bombed. I don't know where it flew to!

"What ancestor of the human race!"

"If you are the ancestor of the human race, my master will be the ancestor of all races!"

Chi Mu Xi's eyes were full of disdain.

"Quack quack..."

"You little girl, how dare you doubt me!"

But at the next moment, a strange laugh came again, and the skeleton stood up unsteadily again. From nowhere, he found his arm.

Put the arm back on.

"It's not dead?"

Chi Mu Xi's eyes were a little lost.

"Master, I..."

"let me!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, there was also a hint of solemnity. Damn, this is the first time he has seen a skeleton that can talk, and this skeleton is too arrogant!
"Master be careful!"

Chi Muxi backed away.

"Boy, this ancestor woke up today, thank you very much. I feel that you have the luck against the sky. Are you willing to worship this ancestor as your teacher, and this ancestor can teach you every move!"

"It will make you invincible!"

In the void, the skeleton looked at Qin Yun and said arrogantly.

"I am invincible to your sister!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, the cold light soared, and the next moment, Qin Yun transformed directly, and rushed forward with his whole body.

"Boom boom boom..."

On the top of Tiancheng Mountain, there was a series of violent collision sounds.

"A gentleman uses his mouth but doesn't move his hands..."


"This ancestor will not accept you as a disciple!"


One after another shouts came from the top of Tiancheng Mountain. Not far away, Chi Muxi was stunned. One person and one skeleton fought for half an hour!




There was a sound of bones rubbing against each other, and the top of Tiancheng Mountain was in a mess. Qin Yun was a little out of breath. Not far away, a skeleton was picking up his hand bones!
(End of this chapter)

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