Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 63 Turning corruption into magic

Chapter 63 Turning corruption into magic
"This trash has cultivated the Benlei Sword Art to such a terrifying level, but even so, so what, I am a great martial artist, I want to kill him..."

"It's so easy!"

There was a sharp look in his eyes, and Qin Tian's sword came in an instant!


In Qin Tian's eyes, there was a killing intent.

"It's a pity, the Seventeenth Prince's cultivation base is too bad. If he is also a great martial artist, with his attainments in the Thunder-Bending Sword Art, the First Prince will definitely lose!"

"It's a pity, it seems that the Seventeenth Prince's talent is also terrifying and boundless!"

"It's a pity..."


There was a sound of sighs, and a group of people looked at Qin Yun with regret in their eyes. The sword just now brought them an extremely terrifying visual impact.

But it's a pity that Qin Yun's cultivation is too bad!
No one believed that Qin Yun could defeat Qin Tian!

"Dragon Steps..."

"Run like lightning!"


But just when everyone thought that Qin Yun was certain to be defeated, the dead branch in Qin Yun's hand suddenly bent strangely. The next moment, everyone was shocked.

Qin Yun's dead branch directly stabbed at Qin Tian's wrist.


"Prince Seventeen, isn't this courting death!"

"His dead branch was originally shorter than Prince Qin Tian's sword. I'm afraid he will die before he stabs Prince Qin Tian!"


Among the crowd, the noise was incomparable.

In everyone's eyes, there was only that figure, that dead branch, with strange traces, stabbing at Qin Tian's wrist!
"Trash, you are courting death!"


Qin Tian also laughed. He was a little worried at first, but when he saw that Qin Yun didn't block his sword, but instead charged towards him, he was confident enough at this moment.

This sword beheaded Qin Yun!



Qin Tian's sharp sword came in an instant, piercing Qin Yun's chest!

"It's now!"

Just when the sword was about to touch Qin Yun's chest, Qin Yun's eyes narrowed suddenly, and the next moment, the dead branch in Qin Yun's hand was ten times faster in an instant!

There was a sound of sword energy entering the body.

came at the same time.

There was another scream!

"This is impossible, how could you stab me first, your dead branch is obviously shorter than my sword, this is impossible!"

Qin Tian looked at Qin Yun in astonishment.

His sword fell to the ground, and a small hole appeared on his wrist, and blood gushed out.

"Run like lightning!"

"This is the true meaning of the Benlei Sword Art!"

At this moment, an exclamation came, and behind Qin Zhan, the third elder, Qin Chong, looked at Qin Yun with a shocked face. His eyes were extremely complicated!

That sword is the true meaning of Ben Lei Sword Art.

He was right, he was not qualified to teach him at all!

"Prince Qin Yun won, how is this possible!"

"That sword is so fast!"

"What a powerful sword..."


There was an instant commotion in front of the entire capital city. A group of people looked at Qin Yun with disbelief in their eyes. Even a great martial artist could only see a sword light with that sword.

Before they came back to their senses, Qin Tian had already lost!

"This is impossible……"


Qin Tian's face was a little pale. At this moment, his honor was crushed by Qin Yun. The Qin family's number one pride, but lost to a waste that he always despised.

What a disgrace!


A mouthful of blood spewed out from Qin Tian's mouth.

"In this world, nothing is impossible!"

"Turning decay into magic, this is just the beginning of martial arts!"


"don't know!"

Qin Yun looked at Qin Tian, ​​shook his head slightly, those contemptuous eyes made Qin Tian almost vomit blood again, you don't understand, what kind of disregard is this!

As if in his eyes, he, Qin Tian, ​​was just a little grasshopper!
"Turning decay into magic..."

"It's really scary!"

Chi Muyu gasped, the dead branch in Qin Yun's hand was still the same, and the moss on it didn't change at all.

Rotten branches are more terrifying than sharp swords!
This is, turning decay into magic!

"Qin Yun, I'm going to kill you..."

"Kill you!"

At this moment, Qin Tian stood up again, and the killing intent in his eyes soared, and the next moment, he picked up the sword on the ground, and once again killed Qin Yun with the sword!
"The frog in the well..."


Qin Yun looked at Qin Tian with some sympathy, and the next moment, a killing intent flashed across Qin Yun's eyes.

"God, come back!"

After Qin Tian died, Qin Zhan finally recovered from the shock just now, and just in time, Qin Zhan saw the terrifying killing intent in Qin Yun's eyes.

That killing intent made his heart shudder!

Subconsciously, Qin Zhan wanted to call Qin Tian back, but unfortunately, it was still too late!

"Ben Lei!"


There was a burst of thunder. At this moment, a destructive force seemed to rise from Qin Yun's body. The next moment, Qin Yun made a strike with a sword.


The same sword, the sword in Qin Tian's hand, was an inch away from Qin Yun's chest.

But Qin Yun's sword.

Has gone through his chest!


"Elder Prince!"

"The First Prince..."


One after another exclamation came, and the expressions of everyone in the crowd changed drastically.

In the middle of the battle, Qin Tian looked at Qin Yun with a blank face. At this moment, he seemed to understand something!
"I'm not willing!"


Qin Tian's body slowly fell to the ground.

The breath on his body slowly dissipated.

"My God!"

"My God!"

Qin Zhan stepped forward and hugged Qin Tian. In his eyes, there was boundless madness.

"The eldest prince is dead!"

"The seventeenth prince killed the eldest prince!"

"What a powerful sword!"


There was a sound of gasping for air, and everyone looked at Qin Yun with boundless astonishment. Qin Tian was the most talented disciple of the Qin family, but now he died at the hands of a trash?

Qin Feng opened his mouth to say something.

But then he gritted his teeth and turned around, since he had already decided!

Then he will never hold back!
"Little bastard, how dare you kill Tian'er!"

"I'm going to tear you apart!"

Putting Qin Tian down, Qin Zhan stood up directly from the ground. Terrifying forces shook his body, and the world dimmed at this moment.

"The world is changing, this is the wrath of King Wu!"

"Quickly step back..."

"Prince Qin Yun, it's over!"


A group of figures retreated quickly.


Qin Feng looked at Qin Yun with a worried face.

"Grandpa, this is the grievance between my father and Qin Zhan..."

"You step back!"

Qin Yun looked at Qin Feng and said lightly.

The next moment, Qin Yun suddenly let out a long roar, and the sky and the earth shook, and forty dragon veins rolled out of Qin Yun's body!


There seemed to be thousands of dragons singing together in Qin Yun's body!

(End of this chapter)

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