Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 7 Dragon Fist

Chapter 7 Dragon Fist
In the Monster Beast Garden.


"Ow ooh..."


The roars of beasts came one after another, and the ancient trees covered the sky and the sun, and the surroundings were filled with an incomparably fierce monster aura. Walking in this deep forest, it was like entering an ancient wild land.

But on the outskirts of this monster garden, a figure seemed to be strolling in a courtyard!
"Fire Rabbit at the beginning of the first level, it's too bad!"

"Level [-] mid-stage monster cheetah, the level is too low!"

"A first-level peak monster beast electric python, just a little bit..."


One after another indifferent voices sounded, and the young man who was strolling in the courtyard was full of disappointment in his eyes, if others heard what he was talking about.

That's maddening!

A first-level monster, that is equivalent to a strong pulse opener!

Even the worst first-level monster, its combat power is comparable to that of a strong man who has opened three or four martial arteries. A monster at the peak of the first level can even compete with a strong martial artist!
Great Qin Kingdom, although there are many martial artists...

But it will definitely not appear on a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy!

"Monster Beast Garden, what a disappointment!"

Under a big tree, Qin Yun finally stopped, and behind Qin Yun, there were three monsters, one of which was an electric python, and the other two were a wolf and a tiger!

If the martial artist was here, he would definitely be able to recognize it. This wolf is the demon beast Howling Sky Wolf at the early stage of the second level, and this tiger is the white dragon tiger at the early stage of the second level!
The three monsters looked at Qin Yun angrily, but their eyes were full of fear!
"If you don't dare to go up, then get out!"

Qin Yun sneered coldly at the three monsters. Among the three monsters, two monsters at the early stage of the second level are not bad. After all, they are second-level monsters and have demon cores!
Although the quality is not good, but in this Great Qin country, it can only be accepted reluctantly!

As for this electric python, although its combat power is not weaker than the monster beasts at the beginning of the second level.

But for Qin Yun.

Without the demon pill, the eggs are useless!


"Ow ooh..."

A tiger and a wolf roared at Qin Yun, and lightning flashed on the head of the electric python, and those cold eyes were staring at Qin Yun!

"If you don't go, then stay!"

His eyes turned cold, and Qin Yun took a step forward. The next moment, Qin Yun's arms bulged three dragon veins at the same time, and the dragon veins rose, giving off an extremely violent aura.

Spread out from Qin Yun's body.




One tiger and one wolf, their eyes instantly filled with fear, and the eyes looking at Qin Yun were even more shocked.

"Dragon Fist..."


Qin Yun punched, and the muscles of his whole body pushed like waves, and the power of dragon veins quickly gathered towards Qin Yun's left hand.


The void was exploded, and dragon chants rose from Qin Yun's body.


Qin Yun rushed out with one step, and the ground under his feet trembled crazily. At this moment, Qin Yun's small body seemed to have turned into a giant beast!

With one punch, one wolf and one tiger fall!



One wolf and one tiger knelt down on the ground when Qin Yun's punch landed!

Their heads were lying on the ground, and their bodies were shaking!


The next moment, a wolf and a tiger flew upside down, their bodies collided with the big tree, and three or four of the trees they hugged were directly smashed into pieces!


A wolf and a tiger screamed and fell to the ground!
With the power of one punch, the two monsters at the beginning of the second level were all beheaded!


Not far away, the electric python curled up on the ground, his body trembling unceasingly, his eyes were staring at Qin Yun, and his eyes were full of fear!
"My cultivation base is really too low!"

"This Dragon Fist hasn't displayed even one ten-thousandth of its power!"

Qin Yun walked in front of a wolf and a tiger, and shook his head slightly. Dragon Fist was also a combat skill above the god level.

With Qin Yun's current cultivation level, he was not qualified to practice this combat skill.

Fortunately, Qin Yun's realm is still there, so he can barely cultivate!

But even so, the power he displayed was comparable to that of a martial artist at the sixth or seventh level!
"I didn't expect that one day I would come to dig up this early-level demon core!"

The corner of his mouth raised a hint of mockery, Qin Yun made a fist with his fist, and punched Bai Longhu's head. Bai Longhu's head exploded, and a small blood-colored bead fell to the ground.

"Asura Heavenly Emperor Art!"



The red bead appeared, and Qin Yun's eyes flashed. The next moment, Qin Yun's palm turned into a claw, grabbing the bead directly, and at the same time.

Ten meridians sprouted on Qin Yun's body!
These ten meridians, like ancient prehistoric giant dragons, spread from Qin Yun's arms to his feet, and the bulging meridians exuded a thick and barbaric air.


A quarter of an hour later, the blood-colored demon pill directly turned into a transparent stone, and it shattered in Qin Yun's palm, while the aura on Qin Yun's body became stronger by several points!

"The monster beast at the beginning of the second level is too weak!"

After absorbing the demon pill, Qin Yun shook his head slightly. A demon pill from a level-11 initial monster beast only opened one-third of Qin Yun's No. [-] dragon vein.

To open 49 dragon veins, how many second-level demon pills are needed?
"Continue to devour..."


Qin Yun smashed Xiaotianlang's head with one punch. Similarly, a blood-colored demon pill appeared. After a quarter of an hour, this demon pill also shattered, and the breath on Qin Yun's body.

Also a little bit stronger again!
"too weak……"

Qin Yun crushed the transparent demon pill left in his palm.

Immediately, the bulging meridians on his body gradually disappeared, and Qin Yun's aura also stabilized.


Seeing Qin Yun waking up, the curled up electric python buried its head in the soil, and his body was trembling. If he had known how terrifying Qin Yun was!
No matter what, he will not catch up!
"A monster beast at the peak of the first level, killing you is also dirty my hands!"

With a hint of disdain in his eyes, Qin Yun turned around and continued walking towards the depths of the Monster Beast Garden.

"Ow ooh..."

An hour later, the curled up monster raised its head, looked at Qin Yun who had disappeared, a look of gratitude rose in the eyes of the electric python, and then quickly disappeared.

A day later, the Monster Beast Park became completely lively.

A series of roars came from the Monster Beast Garden, and the two guards guarding the entrance of the Monster Beast Garden were even more frightened. The roars that came from each monster probably reached the second-level state !
There is even a terrifying existence of the second-level late stage!
(End of this chapter)

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