Chapter 704
"Yes Yes!"

Following Dejun's words, three figures stepped out from behind Dejun.

These three people are all strong in the realm of the sixth level main god.

"Qi Yu, you trash, you are quite courageous, you dare to deceive us people from the Tianmen of Merit?"

"Destroy this kid!"

"Just kill him..."


In the eyes of the three of them, it was extremely cruel.

As for Qi Yu in front of them, the three of them didn't take it seriously at all.

Qi Yu's strength is only at the third level of the main god realm, compared with the three of them, the difference is too far!
"I I I..."

Qi Yu was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he never thought that Dejun would come to trouble him.

"Abandoned him!"

With a cold drink, the three of them directly surrounded Qi Yu.

"Sacred Mountain of Merit!"



The three shouted coldly and shot at the same time.

The void was torn apart, and three hundred-foot-sealed roulettes appeared. On the roulettes, there seemed to be a peerless holy mountain. The aura on the holy mountain was incomparably terrifying, and the majestic power seemed to crush Qi Yu into pieces.

"Sacred Mountain of Merit!"

Qi Yu's face turned pale, then he gritted his teeth and typed out a seal formula.


Behind Qi Yu, a roulette also appeared, but that roulette was only tens of feet in size, and the power on the roulette was far worse than that of the three of them.

"You still dare to resist?"

In the eyes of the three people, it was cold and boundless, and the three sealing wheels were circling in the void, pressing down on Qi Yu.


In just a few breaths, Qi Yu's roulette was directly shattered.


A mouthful of blood spurted out of Qi Yu's mouth.

"Emperor, save me!"

In Qi Yu's eyes, there was terrified horror, as the three roulettes in the void fell, one can imagine his fate.


There was a sinister smile in the eyes of the three of them.

Under this sealed roulette, Qi Yu in front of him might be directly shattered into pieces.

"The emperor's people!"

"You also dare to kill?"

But just when the three of them thought that Qi Yu would surely die, a cold shout sounded.




The eyes of the three meritorious Tianmen disciples were unparalleled.

That voice fell in their ears like thunder. At that moment, the three of them seemed to feel that their souls were about to be shaken away!
"Qi Yu, let's go!"

At the moment when the three meritorious Tianmen disciples were stunned.

With a wave of Qin Yun's hand, Qi Yu's figure was included in the time wheel.


Qin Yun's figure appeared not far from the three of them.

"who are you?"

Looking at Qin Yun, the three of them took a step back in unison.

"This Emperor, Emperor Shura!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely low.

Looking at the three people in front of him, a touch of contempt rose in Qin Yun's eyes.

"Emperor Shura, so it's you?"

Looking at Qin Yun, the eyes of the three of them instantly turned cold.

Ao Ming and De Jun who were behind the three of them also had a cold look in their eyes. Of course they knew who Emperor Shura was!

Their purpose of entering Tianlan Realm is to kill Emperor Shura!
"Brother Dejun..."

The eyes of the three fell on Dejun.

"You step back!"

Dejun's voice was extremely low.

"Yes Yes!"

The three retreated quickly.

"Emperor Shura, the emperor of Qin Tianguo, you killed the Holy Lord and fought together, destroying the Holy Mountain!"

"This is a capital crime!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Dejun's eyes were cold and arrogant.

"A capital crime?"

The corner of Qin Yun's mouth twitched slightly.

"I want you to live a few more days, I didn't expect you, but I personally delivered it to you!"

"In that case!"

"You can die here!"

Looking at Qin Yun, a look of disdain flashed in Dejun's eyes.

Qin Yun in front of him was only in the third level of the Lord God Realm.

This cultivation level is similar to that of Qi Yu!

Although I don't know what method Qin Yun used to save Qi Yu just now, but with such a cultivation base, in front of his disciples of the Heavenly Sect of Merit, that is scum, vulnerable to a single blow!
"There are quite a few people who want this emperor to die!"

"Your meritorious deeds are a piece of shit?"

Looking at Dejun, Qin Yun grinned and made a move. Naturally, Qin Yun would not be polite.


"This kid wants to die!"


Hearing Qin Yun's words, De Jun's eyes turned cold, and the eyes of other meritorious Tianmen disciples were also furious.

Qin Yun's cultivation is only in the realm of the third-level main god. With such a cultivation, he dares to ridicule the Heavenly Gate of Merit?
"If a dragon god is transformed, then I will kill this Dejun!"

"It's so easy!"

As if thinking of something, a cold light flashed in Qin Yun's eyes.

The transformation of the dragon soul into the dragon god is a qualitative change!
But it's a pity that during this period of time, although Qin Yun's cultivation has once again entered the realm of the triple master god from the second-level master god, Qin Yun's dragon soul has no tendency to transform into a dragon god!
"Two Nine Layer Lord Gods!"

"Maybe enough!"

Qin Yun's eyes suddenly flashed with heat.

The belief in the Tianlan Realm is not enough, but these two main gods are genuine ninth-level main gods. If these two are refined, maybe Qin Yun's dragon soul can be successfully transformed into a dragon god!

"Boy, you are really arrogant, but today, you must die!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Dejun's eyes were extremely cold.

"Deadly die..."

Following De Jun's words, all 11 people from Gongde Tianmen stood up and surrounded Qin Yun.


"I'm afraid you are still close!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, there was boundless indifference, surrounded by eleven main gods above the sixth level, but there was no trace of fear on Qin Yun's face!
"Shoot, suppress him!"

In Dejun's eyes, a touch of anger rose.

Qin Yun's arrogance is simply a humiliation to him!

The triple master god, dare to be arrogant in front of him?
"Emperor, do you want me to fight?"

In the time wheel, Lu Song's voice rang in Qin Yun's mind.

"No problem!"

"Let me play first!"

Qin Yun's voice was relaxed. After five months of training, Lu Song's cultivation had already reached the realm of the seventh-level main god. Now Lu Song's combat power is at least comparable to the eighth-level main god, or even the ninth-level main god!
As for Qin Yun himself...

"Sacred Mountain of Merit!"


"Boom boom boom..."

The eleven holy mountains pressed down towards Qin Yun, and the boundless aura directly shattered the surrounding void, and the turbulent flow of the void seemed to drown everything!
"Go away!"

Watching a holy mountain of merit fall, Qin Yun's eyes lit up coldly.

The next moment, layers of dragon scales spread across Qin Yun's palm, and Qin Yun's punch fell towards the empty holy mountain.


Seeing Qin Yun making a move towards the Holy Mountain, the disciples of the Gongde Tianmen instantly sneered.


But at the next moment, the expressions of the few people changed. Qin Yun's punch fell, and the holy mountain in the void was blown away by Qin Yun's punch.

At this moment, the breath on Qin Yun's body also reached the realm of the sixth-level main god from the third-level main god.

"how can that be?"

"This kid hides his strength!"


There were 11 people, and their expressions changed drastically.

"Dragon Blood Transformation!"

"It just works!"

Qin Yun clenched his fists, waves of powerful and boundless power shook Qin Yun's body.

(End of this chapter)

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