Chapter 710
"This is the reward for the first level of experience. Those who pass the level can choose a box!"

"Experienced, I wish you good luck!"

"Three days later, start the second level of experience!"

A faint voice from the void came, and for a moment, that figure disappeared.

"Can only choose one?"

"Sacred King of Time and Space, you are too stingy!"

Qin Yun smiled faintly, but in Qin Yun's heart, joy blossomed.

This time wheel was originally intended for the disciples of the Nine Heaven Realm to practice. It is estimated that even the Sacred King of Time and Space would never have imagined that there would be warriors from the Middle World coming in!
The rewards here, even if you are unlucky, are things from the Nine Heavens Realm, how could the grade be low!
"Just choose the middle one!"

Qin Yun stretched out his hand and grabbed the box in the middle. As Qin Yun grabbed the box, the two surrounding boxes disappeared out of thin air.


Looking at the two boxes that disappeared, Qin Yun felt regretful on his face.

If it wasn't for Qin Yun's low cultivation now, how could Qin Yun let these two boxes go?

"open to take a look!"

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yun directly opened the box.

"The ancient sacred dragon egg?"

Inside the box lay an egg, and a vitality came from the egg.

The breath on the egg is very ancient!
"The ancient holy dragon is a good dragon species!"

"However, the emperor is too lazy to raise it!"

Qin Yun threw the dragon egg into the wheel of time. As for whose hands the dragon egg fell into in the end, Qin Yun didn't care at all. Whoever likes it can take it. Anyway, he doesn't like it!

With a few words, Qin Yun entered the cultivation process.

And the wheel of time.

"The emperor gave this dragon egg, to whom?"

Liu Song, Xue Song, Mo Zhong, Jiu You...

A group of figures gathered together.

"Didn't the emperor tell anyone?"

Jiuyou asked quickly.


Mo Zhong shook his head.

It was Qin Yun who didn't say anything that made Mo Zhong feel a little embarrassed. Qin Yun looked down on this holy dragon egg, but they are different. Last time, the god son of Xuantian Temple obtained a holy dragon egg from this realm. dragon eggs.

This holy dragon egg is probably due to the lack of resources in the Xuantian Temple, so it grows very slowly.

In the end, it became the ration of Qin Tianguo's disciples!
But Qin Tianguo is different. What Qin Tianguo lacks most is resources!
If it is properly cultivated, this ancient holy dragon will definitely become a peerless powerhouse!

"General Mo, since the emperor didn't say who to give it to, let me give it to you. It just so happens that your cultivation level is the worst among us. If the holy dragon in this dragon egg grows up, you will have more means to save your life." !"

At this moment, Jiuyou stood up and said in a deep voice.

"This one……"

Mo Zhong opened his mouth, but did not speak.

He really wanted this dragon egg!

"General, accept it!"

"Not going to hatch soon"


A group of people looked at Mo Zhong with a smile.

Mo Zhong's talent is considered very poor!
The cultivation base of Jiuyou and others is now the main god, but Mo Zhong is only in the realm of the twentieth heavenly god, which is much lower than the disciples of the Tiandimen. To be promoted to the main god, Mo Zhong's road, Not even close.

If it continues, the gap between Mo Zhong and the others will definitely get farther and farther.

"Thank you all!"

There was a touch of emotion on Mo Zhong's face.

Everyone gave him the dragon egg, of course he knew what it meant!
"Go and practice!"

"go with!"


Everyone smiled and then retreated.

The place of prehistoric experience.

"Damn it, I finally came out!"

On the first floor of the experience, Dejun walked in with a gloomy face, and there were four people standing behind Dejun.

In the past three days, the ghost knows what he has experienced. The terrible restriction almost wiped him out. If it weren't for the high-grade master artifact, he might have died!
"Hateful restriction..."

An angry voice came, and several people appeared outside the hall again.

These people are exactly Ao Ming and the others.

Compared with the disciples of Gongde Tianmen, the people of Longdao are much better, but not that much better.

"Ao Ming!"

In the main hall, De Jun, who was about to recover, had a cold look in his eyes.

"Dejun, there are only four people left in your meritorious deeds?"

Looking at Dejun, Ao Ming narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Only four people left?"

Dejun's face was extremely gloomy.

These four people were discovered outside the restriction.

As for the others, he could no longer sense breath from the sound transmission talisman.

If the breath in the sound transmission talisman disappears, there is only one possibility, they are all dead!
"Ao Ming, there are only five people left in your Dragon Island. Could it be that you still have to fight with me?"

Looking at Ao Ming, De Jun said with a sneer.


Ao Ming's eyes flickered with coldness.

There are 17 people in Long Island, and now, with him, there are only five left!

As for the others, they are all dead!

"Just fight, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

Looking at Dejun, Ao Ming said with a vicious expression on his face.

"and many more……"

At this moment, Dejun seemed to remember something.

His eyes swept across the hall.

"Can you see Emperor Shura?"

Looking at Ao Ming, Dejun asked in a deep voice.

"Emperor Shura?"

Ao Ming paused slightly.

His face also darkened.

"We just came in and appeared directly in the center of the restriction. If it wasn't for my golden dragon body's strong defense, I'm afraid I would have died in the restriction, even we almost died!"

"This Qin Yun is probably dead!"

Looking at Dejun, Ao Ming said coldly.

"Qin Yun is dead?"

Dejun frowned.

For some reason, at this moment, he had a premonition in his heart that Qin Yun might not be dead yet.

"I've already checked, and there aren't many restrictions in this Dao Realm. The place where you and I appear is the place with the strongest restrictions!"

"Don't you think it's a little strange?"

Looking at Ao Ming, Dejun suddenly said in a deep voice.


Ao Ming's eyes flickered.

"You mean..."

In the next moment, the coldness in Ao Ming's eyes soared.

"This Qin Yun probably played tricks!"

Looking at Ao Ming, Dejun said coldly.

"What a Qin Yun, if you dare to scheme against me, I will definitely kill you!"

Ao Ming's voice was extremely cold, and Dejun's eyes flickered frantically.

"Qin Yun, I hope you are still alive!"

Dejun's heart was extremely cold.

The next moment, the second team began to recover in the hall.

And Qin Yun has now reached the fifth floor.

"Take a break, take your things and leave!"

In the center of the main hall, Qin Yun picked a box and opened it. Inside the box was a cheat book. Qin Yun didn't even bother to look at this thing, and threw it into the time wheel. Qin Yun directly entered the sixth floor.

As for the three-day rest mentioned by the time wheel, I'm sorry, Qin Yun doesn't need it.

"Welcome to enter, the sixth floor of the prehistoric experience!"

A faint voice came, and Qin Yun stood where he was, and couldn't help yawning.

(End of this chapter)

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