Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 73 Breakthrough, Dragon Soul Realm

Chapter 73 Breakthrough, Dragon Soul Realm
That figure is almost reaching the limit.

It was so fast that even Min Hua couldn't react, and he was charged with life!
"I lost!"

At this moment, in the void, a trance voice came.

Min Hua, I just feel like I'm dreaming!

It was terrible. He only saw an afterimage of that figure. When he wanted to resist, Qin Yun had already controlled him. At that moment, he seemed to feel it.

Death has come!
But for some reason, Qin Yun didn't kill him.

"He must be afraid of my Min family's strength!"

Min Hua breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. At this moment, he no longer dared to underestimate Qin Yun. The Qin Yun in front of him was comparable.

He is that monster of the Min family!


"Young Master Min Hua lost, it's true!"

"Mr. Min Hua hasn't made a move yet, so this can't be procrastination!"

"Emperor Qin won!"


Cheers came one after another, and the entire imperial city was boiling.

"Mr. Min Hua brought a message to Patriarch Min for this emperor, this emperor will be one month later!"

"Will visit him personally!"

Just when Min Hua relaxed, Qin Yun spoke in a low voice.

Suddenly it sounded in his ears.

"Visit the Patriarch!"

Min Hua's expression changed slightly. Looking at Qin Yun, he opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say anything. Qin Yun's words were correct.

He is not qualified, challenge him!
"Emperor Qin's words, I, Min Hua, will definitely take them back!"


Min Hua cupped his hands slightly, turned and left!

"Senior Brother Min Hua, you just now..."

"Let's go back first!"

With a cold drink, Min Hua and the two quickly disappeared.

"Master, why didn't you kill this Min Hua!"

In the void, Chi Muxi looked at Qin Yun and said with some doubts.

"kill him?"

Qin Yun grinned, then said with a smile.

"It's not fun to kill. If the Min family moves people from my Qin family, then I will let them die in despair!"

Qin Yun's eyes suddenly became cold and boundless.

Chi Muxi, who was beside her, only felt her body tremble, and the terrible cold chilled her body.

"The Min family offends the Qin family, this is absolutely the most stupid thing!"

Chi Muxi couldn't help sighing, and Chi Muxi was even more fortunate in her heart, fortunately she was not Qin Yun's enemy, otherwise she would end up in a miserable situation!

"Command, Tianwu Hall, start recruiting disciples!"

In the void, Qin Yun's faint voice suddenly resounded throughout the imperial city.

"Tianwutang has recruited disciples, what Emperor Qin said is true, I can enter Tianwutang now!"

"I want to be the protector of the Qin family, I want to follow Emperor Qin, and become a peerless powerhouse!"

"Thank you, Emperor Qin!"


Cheers came one after another. In the imperial city, some disciples from humble families knelt on the ground. Qin Yun gave them a chance to become strong!

This kindness cannot be repaid!
"Qin Kingdom..."

"It's going to change!"

In the imperial city, the expressions of the hidden powerhouses from all over the world have changed drastically. When the Tianwu Hall is opened, there will inevitably be countless arrogance in the Qin Kingdom.

At that time, how can they be comparable!

"Master, these warriors..."

In the void, Chi Muxi's eyes gleamed with coldness. These powerful men from various countries hidden in the crowd naturally couldn't hide from Chi Muxi's eyes.

"These people, don't worry about them, with this deterrent, no one will dare to touch my Qin family unless it is a big family of Qi Yunguo!"

A faint voice sounded, Qin Yun turned around and flew towards the palace.

"Congratulations to Emperor Qin!"

"Congratulations to Emperor Qin!"


A series of figures sent Qin Yun off respectfully.

"Damn it, I want to sign up, I want to become a disciple of Tianwu Hall!"

"Come on, don't jump in line!"

"I came first..."


The entire imperial city was boiling, countless young warriors lined up in front of the Tianwu Hall, and the ones who received these people were the guardians of the court!
Qin State, above the imperial palace!

Seeing Qin Feng, Qin Yun smiled slightly.

"Yun'er, good..."

"very good!"

Qin Feng had tears in his eyes.

Looking at Qin Yun, another figure seemed to appear in his eyes. That figure had the same outstanding talent, and he brought countless honors to the Qin family.

"You are better than him..."

Qin Feng muttered to himself, compared to Qin Xiao, Qin Yun is more terrifying, and his methods are many times stronger. The current state of Qin has become the head of all vassal states!

"Yun'er, next..."

"How do we do it?"

As if thinking of something, Qin Feng looked at Qin Yun and suddenly asked in a deep voice.

"Grandpa, the current strength of our Qin Kingdom is not bad, you let Zhang Heng lead ten martial kings to the Jin Kingdom, and destroy the Jin Kingdom directly!"

"As for the other fighters, give me a good practice!"

Looking at Qin Feng, Qin Yun said with a smile.

"Destroy the Golden Kingdom!"

Qin Feng's expression changed slightly.

"Yun'er, although you have defeated Min Hua this time, if you destroy the Kingdom of Jin, then the Kingdom of Qiyun will definitely not sit idly by. At that time, you will anger the royal family of the Kingdom of Qiyun, I'm afraid..."

There was a bit of worry in Qin Feng's eyes!

"Annoy the royal family of Qiyun Kingdom!"

The corner of Qin Yun's mouth raised slightly, and then he said indifferently.

"Grandpa, just feel free to do it. As for Qi Yunguo, within half a year, I, Qin Guo, will definitely replace him!"

"Replace Qi Yunguo in half a year?"

Qin Feng, with a dazed face, and Chi Muxi next to him.

He also looked at Qin Yun in astonishment.

Qiyun Kingdom, those are not these vassal states. In Qiyun Kingdom, there are hundreds of big and small families. Of these families, the most powerful is the Martial Emperor, and the weaker ones are also Martial Kings!
As for the royal family of Qiyun Kingdom, it is even more terrifying!
It is rumored that this empress is now a strong Wuzong.

It is so terrifying that no one dares to defy her majesty!

"Yun'er, I believe in you!"

Looking at Qin Yun, a terrifying light rose in Qin Feng's eyes.

The empress is scary, but is she as scary as Qin Yun?

Surpassing King Wu in a month, what else is Qin Yun unable to do!
"By the way, this exercise is for you!"

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun handed a skill to Qin Feng.

"This is……"

"Grandpa, this technique matches your attributes, and it can allow you to quickly reach the realm of Martial Emperor!"

Looking at Qin Feng, Qin Yun said with a smile.

"Quickly reach the Martial Emperor!"

Qin Feng was stunned, and was about to ask something, but found Qin Yun.

Turn around and leave!
"This kid, you practice too hard!"

Seeing Qin Yun leave, Qin Feng shook his head slightly. Although the current Qin Yun is the Emperor of Qin, except for solving some things that they couldn't solve, Qin Yun just threw his hands away.

Stay in the courtyard and practice!
"Master, wait for me..."

Chi Muxi hurriedly followed.

In the small courtyard, Qin Yun sat down cross-legged.

"The affairs of the Qin Kingdom can be regarded as stable..."

"Wait for me to break through the Dragon Soul Realm!"

"I'll go to Qi Yun Country!"

A gleam of light flashed across his eyes, and Qin Yun fell into cultivation again.

Qin State is just a small vassal state.

Qin Yun naturally won't stay here forever!
That even wider world is where he soars and transforms into a dragon.

 The third watch, brothers, tickets, tickets
(End of this chapter)

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