Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 735 Striking at the top of Jiu Niu Mountain

Chapter 735 Attacking at the top of Jiuniu Mountain




Just as Qin Yun appeared, cold shouts came one after another in an instant.

In a moment, more than a dozen figures surrounded Qin Yun.

"It came pretty fast!"

Looking at the dozen or so people surrounding him, the corner of Qin Yun's mouth twitched.

The cultivation bases of these people are all below the fifteenth level main god.

"Who are you?"

Looking at Qin Yun, a disciple from Jiuniu Mountain stood up and asked in a cold voice.

The Qin Yun that appeared in front of them made several people feel puzzled.

Qin Yun's cultivation is only in the realm of the eighth-level main god!

"Ahem... I'm sorry everyone, I'm in the wrong place!"

Looking at the few people, Qin Yun grinned.

"Wrong place?"

The brows of several people frowned.

"Jiuyou, make a move!"

"Nirvana Gun!"


A cold voice sounded, and Jiuyou's figure appeared strangely.

The next moment, the nirvana gun burst out, and the dozen or so people hadn't recovered their senses, and their bodies were all pierced.

Even the soul was wiped out!

"Emperor, complete the task!"

Standing behind Qin Yun, Jiuyou said triumphantly.

"Don't get complacent!"

"go back!"

Looking at Jiuyou, Qin Yun shouted coldly.

"Emperor, remember to call me later!"

"go back!"

Qin Yun played out the seal formula and directly put Jiuyou into the time wheel.


"Let's begin!"

Watching Jiuyou disappear, a bloodthirsty smile rose from the corner of Qin Yun's mouth.

The next moment, Qin Yun disappeared strangely.

"Who dares to kill me from Jiuniu Mountain?"

"Be vigilant, be vigilant..."


In a short time, the entire Nine Niu Mountain was alarmed.

The dozen or so people killed by Jiuyou have been discovered!

"There are indeed many strong ones!"

Qin Yun's figure was moving on Jiuniu Mountain. As for the disciples of Jiuniu Mountain, they were directly ignored by Qin Yun. As long as Qin Yun didn't want to be discovered, it was impossible for these people to find him.

"Jiuyou, make a move..."


There was a scream, and more than a dozen disciples fell down again.

By the time the other people from Jiuniu Mountain arrived, Qin Yun and the others had already slipped away.

"Emperor, there are tens of thousands of disciples on Jiu Niu Mountain, if not hundreds of thousands, you continue to kill like this!"

"It is estimated that it will take several years to kill!"

On the back mountain of Jiuniu Mountain, Jiuyou caught a wild rabbit and was roasting it.

"What do you know?"

Looking at Jiuyou, Qin Yun smiled faintly.

Let Jiuyou kill people, this is not to kill all these people, but to attack the heart!

Now the entire Nine Niu Mountain people are probably in a state of panic!
Qin Yun's guess was right, Jiuniu Mountain was indeed in a mess.

On the top of Jiuniu Mountain, on the Jiuniu Palace.

"Great Elder, tell me, who is the person who killed my disciple at Jiuniu Mountain?"

"That's right, who is it?"


A group of disciples were extremely angry.

On the main seat, sat an old man.

The aura of this old man was in the realm of the seventeenth level main god. Behind him stood a dozen people. The cultivation base of these ten people was several times stronger than that of the old man.

"Don't be impatient, everyone..."


"It's dead again!"

There was a scream, and countless disciples rushed out of the hall.

Just at the gate of the main hall.

The two guards of the hall fell to the ground.

The two fell to the ground with their eyes wide open, as if they had encountered something terrible before they died.

"Who is it?"

The Great Elder had boundless anger in his eyes.

Some people dare to rush to the top of Jiuniu Mountain and behead their disciples?
"This person has sneaked into my Jiu Niu Mountain!"

"Will he kill us?"

"Look, there are words!"

An exclamation sounded, and everyone hurriedly looked under the fallen two, only to see the flowing blood forming a line of bright red characters.

"Game, play slowly!"

A few faint words, with a touch of contempt.



The great elder struck out with one palm, and the bodies of the two dead disciples were shattered into pieces.

In the eyes of the great elder, there was boundless anger.

"Could it be Emperor Shura who attacked Zhanyun Mountain last time?"

"I heard that the people above are also looking for this person. Will this person follow me on Jiuniu Mountain?"

"Let's leave Jiuniu Mountain as soon as possible!"

"That's right..."


The eyes of countless disciples flickered.


A series of screams sounded in the dark night.

The entire Jiuniu Mountain, at this moment, seemed to have become a place of life-threatening. More than a dozen main gods and powerhouses above the fifteenth level looked down on the entire Jiuniu Mountain in the void, but unfortunately, they still couldn't find it. , whoever made the shot!
"Boss, you are too cruel!"

In the time wheel, Jiuyou gasped.

One day passed, and the number of people who died at the hands of Qin Yun and Jiuyou had reached more than 100.

These more than 100 people are nothing to the entire Jiu Niu Mountain!
But it was enough to cause panic in the entire Jiuniu Mountain!
"They want to play, how can this emperor not accompany them to have fun!"

Qin Yun smiled lightly, this is just the beginning, the next step is the fun part.

These people want to kill him, Qin Yun, then he, Qin Yun, will let the people of the meritorious Tianmen understand what it means to die!

"You can do it again..."


Several screams sounded, and the Jiuniu Mountain was completely shaken.

Even if more than a dozen peerless powerhouses stared at him, they still couldn't stop the fall of the Jiuniu Mountain disciple.

"I'm going down the mountain..."

"I'm going down the mountain!"


A disciple of Jiuniu Mountain rushed directly down Jiuniu Mountain.

"I'm going down the mountain too!"



A group of figures quickly left Jiu Niu Mountain.

"not good!"

The Great Elder's face was gloomy and scary.

But in one day, only one-third of the people in the entire Jiuniu Mountain are left.

Most of them fled directly.

Even if they wanted to stop it, there was nothing they could do.

There are too many people who want to escape!
"Emperor, this time Jiuniu Mountain will definitely lose its vitality!"

In the time wheel, Jiuyou said with a smile on his face.

"Severely hurt?"

"That's not enough!"

Qin Yun smiled lightly, and two-thirds of the people in Jiuniu Mountain left. Next, it was time for him, Qin Yun, to make a real move.

He will let the remaining people die on Jiuniu Mountain, and those who leave will spread the fear of Qin Yun to the entire world of merit!
"Lu Song!"

"The disciple is here!"

Lu Song's figure kneeled respectfully in front of Qin Yun.

"Lu Song, you are leading three thousand disciples of the main god, and thirty sky boats!"

"Guard the East!"

Looking at Lu Song, Qin Yun said coldly.

"Yes, Emperor!"

Lu Song quickly and respectfully agreed.

"Mo Zhong, you lead three thousand disciples of the main god and thirty sky boats to guard the south!"

"Yes, Emperor!"

Mo Zhong also stepped back respectfully.

"Jiuyou, lead three thousand disciples and thirty skyboats to guard the west!"


Jiuyou's face became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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