Chapter 742

"The Emperor..."


Xuesong and Zhu Dachang's expressions changed drastically. At this moment, the two of them seemed to feel that the sky and the earth were pale, and a sea of ​​blood withered mountains was enveloping them.

That scene was terrifying!
"I'm fine!"

Looking at the two of them, Qin Yun's voice was extremely low.

"When will this exchange meeting start?"

Looking at Zhu Dachang, Qin Yun said coldly.

"Three months later!"

Zhu Dachang said respectfully.

"Order to go on, we will participate!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely indifferent.

"Yes, master!"

Zhu Dachang stepped back respectfully.

"Emperor, will we reveal our identities by participating in this exchange meeting?"

Xue Song looked at Qin Yun and couldn't help saying.

"Exposing your identity?"

In Qin Yun's eyes, traces of light shone.

"Order, all disciples enter the wheel of time. Three months ago, we made a good fortune, so what if we found out our identities?"

"Big deal, leave this great world of merit!"

Qin Yun's voice was cold and arrogant.

"Yes, Emperor!"

Cedar took a deep breath.

A day later, Qin Yun took the time wheel and left.

Three days later, the Great World of Merit and Virtue shook again.

Of the nine hilltops under the gate of Jiuyun Holy Land, the fourth hilltop was robbed, and it was the kind where everyone was killed. The whole hilltop, blood flowed like a river, including the elders of the sect master, all died!


In the time wheel, Qin Yun's voice was extremely cold.

Xue Song stood behind Qin Yun.

She didn't say a word!
Qin Tianguo, the general of ghosts and gods.

Those are a group of terrifying existences that make hundreds of millions of worlds tremble. They are also the number one legion in the Nine Heavens Realm, and the leader of the legion is Emperor Shura!
One can imagine the anger in Qin Yun's heart when the ghosts and gods were about to be killed!

"My lord, this disciple believes that we will definitely return to the Nine Heaven Realm, and we will definitely rebuild the supreme glory of our Qin Heavenly Kingdom. These billions of worlds will definitely be trampled under our feet again!"

Standing behind Qin Yun, Lu Song said firmly.

"I'm fine!"

Qin Yun's voice was somewhat hoarse.

"The Emperor..."

"Go back!"

Turning his head, Qin Yun smiled faintly. In Qin Yun's heart, he was indeed very angry, General Battlefield?The land where ghosts and generals fell!

Who killed his heavenly ghosts and generals back then?

Eternal Emperor, or someone else?
"If it's the Eternal Emperor, I will use his blood to awaken your fighting spirits. If it's someone else, I, Qin Yun, will use the Heavenly Ghost Saber!"

"Cut him to pieces!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely cold.

Three days later, Jiuyun Holy Land shook completely.

Of the nine hills, the fifth hill was robbed.

Everyone on the other four hills is in danger!

Even Jiuyun Holy Land has dispatched more than [-] peerless gods to guard it.

But it has no effect, how many people come, how many people die!
"The third dragon god!"

In the wheel of time, the light in Qin Yun's eyes was extremely bright.

The aura on Qin Yun's body has even reached the peak of the thirteenth-level main god from the peak of the eleventh-level main god.

In addition, the power of faith in Qin Yun's soul has also increased by a thousand times!
Rolling faith enveloped Qin Yun's golden soul body, and Qin Yun's golden soul body began to grow again, reaching the level of eleven thousand feet.

"Report to the Emperor, the disciples have sent news that the next Yanmo Mountain will be guarded by the Nine Clouds Holy Land, and countless strong men will be sent to guard it, including the main god who is above the [-]th level!"

"It has already reached 13 people!"

In the time wheel, Xue Song looked at Qin Yun and said hastily.

"Thirteen main gods above twenty?"

In Qin Yun's eyes, a cold light flashed. The Eternal Emperor killed countless Qin Tianguo disciples. Today, Qin Yun beheaded a group of main gods of the meritorious Tianmen, which is considered to be charging interest.

"Go straight up!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely cold.

"Yes, Emperor!"

Cedar, take a deep breath and leave.

On the top of the Flame Demon Mountain, on an endless mountain of flames.

In the sky above the mountain, there is a surge of demonic energy, and this place is a place where demons cultivate.

The flame on the top of the mountain is also a peerless magic flame!
"Lord of the Flame Demon Mountain, Emperor Shura, here comes a message!"

In Yanmo Mountain Palace, a disciple rushed into the main hall in a hurry.

He held a letter in his hand!

"A letter is coming?"

The expressions of a group of people changed drastically, and the Lord of the Flame Demon Mountain also took a deep breath.

Asura Emperor Qin Yun robbed five mountains in a row.

Before each grab, the biggest feature is sending letters.

Before the mountain was robbed, Emperor Shura would ask someone to send a letter up.

There is only one simple sentence in this letter.

"At noon tomorrow, the emperor will come!"

A few simple words, but it is called the letter of death by countless hilltops.

Because the mountain top that received the letter had dire consequences!

"Everyone, what do you think?"

On the top of the Flame Demon Mountain, he asked in a deep voice.

"Lord of the Flame Demon Mountain, this time we have so many strong people, this person will definitely die!"

"That's right!"


A few old men stood up, their eyes flickering fiercely.

In this hall, the people sitting are all master gods over twenty.

With so many strong men, it is enough to sweep all the mountains!

The Lord of the Flame Demon Mountain took a deep breath, and Qin Yun came to kill him. Now he can only trust people from the Heavenly Gate of Merit, but for some reason, he always has some bad premonitions in his heart!

It seemed that these strong men still couldn't stop Qin Yun.

"Uncle, it's up to you!"

Gritting his teeth, the Balrog Mountain Lord crushed a rune.

As the rune was crushed, an old man in Jiuyun Holy Land opened his eyes.

"Blaze Demon Mountain, something happened!"

With a flash of light in his eyes, the figure of the old man disappeared in Jiuyun Holy Land.

A day passed slowly.

Under the darkness of night, on the Yanmo Mountain, countless disciples could be seen hurrying down the mountain. These people are the disciples of the Yanmo Mountain, even if they are guarded by countless experts from the Jiuyun Holy Land.

These disciples dare not stay!
Emperor Shura, that's too scary!

"Lord of the mountain, the disciples have fled!"

In the hall, everyone's expressions were a bit ugly.

The Lord of the Flame Demon Mountain also darkened.

Even before Emperor Shura came up, Flame Demon Mountain was already defeated!

"This time, Emperor Shura must be killed!"

"Yes, kill him!"


The killing intent in the eyes of dozens of strong men is extremely terrifying.

One night passed quietly.

On the second day, the Flame Demon Mountain was already quiet.

"Ninety percent of the disciples escaped!"

The Yanmo Mountain Lord has boundless anger in his eyes. Ninety percent of his disciples have fled. This is a disgrace to the Heavenly Sect of Merit. Is a Shura Emperor really that terrifying?
"Get ready to fight!"

"Yes Yes!"

A group of figures retreated quickly.

And at the foot of Yanmo Mountain, a young man appeared quietly.

"The Flame Demon Mountain, we're here!"

Qin Yun muttered to himself.

Five of the nine mountains were snatched by Qin Yun, and the Flame Demon Mountain in front of him was the sixth one, which Qin Yun planned to snatch.

the last one.

(End of this chapter)

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