Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 744 Terrible Qin Yun

Chapter 744 Terrible Qin Yun
Dead, this man is dead!

The soul golden body was obliterated by Qin Yun, and this man didn't even have a chance to make a move, so he was directly obliterated by Qin Yun.

"This is a soul attack, everyone be careful!"

An old man stood up and shouted loudly.

The old man looked at Qin Yun with seriousness in his eyes. The old man's cultivation was the highest among all the people, reaching the 23rd level of the main god.

"Soul attack!"

Everyone took several steps back one after another.

Looking at Qin Yun one by one, their expressions changed drastically.

For warriors, what is the most important thing?
It's not life, nor is it cultivation, but the soul. As long as the soul is still there, you can continue to seize the body and start over. If the soul disappears, you will be completely lost!
"If you want to kill this emperor, I'm afraid you are almost there, but it's you!"

"I'm afraid I'm going to stay here today!"

Qin Yun's faint voice resounded in the void.

Killing a [-]th-level main god, Qin Yun's heart did not fluctuate in the slightest. If others wanted to kill him, could it be that he was still waiting for him to kill him!

"We attack together, no matter how powerful his soul attack is, it is impossible to kill all of us, and his cultivation is only at the thirteenth level of the main god realm!"

The Lord of the Flame Mountain stood up and shouted sharply.

"That's right, let's do it together!"

"kill him……"


A group of figures looked at Qin Yun fiercely.

"Emperor, disciples begging for a fight!"

"Disciple begs to fight!"


In the wheel of time, countless disciples of the Heavenly Emperor Sect transmitted voices to Qin Yun.

Lu Song, Jiuyou, Xuesong...

Everyone's expressions changed drastically!
Qin Yun actually went out to fight alone.

"Thousands of thousands of years..."

Standing on the top of Flame Demon Mountain, a flash of memory rose in Qin Yun's eyes.

Tens of thousands of years ago, he fought from the small world step by step, finally suppressed hundreds of millions of worlds, and became the first emperor of the Nine Heavens Realm!
Everyone only knows that he is the first emperor of the Nine Heavens Realm, but they don't know that he used to be a small ant in a small world.

"Shoot and kill him!"



A fierce killing intent came, and a group of people shot towards Qin Yun in an instant.

On the top of the Flame Demon Mountain, countless terrifying auras exploded in the void.

"It's such a terrifying aura. On the Flame Demon Mountain, why didn't Emperor Shura's sky boat appear?"

"Could it be that he wants to fight alone?"

"How arrogant Emperor Shura..."


Countless warriors looked at the top of the Flame Demon Mountain.

The atmosphere there is boundless chaos!

"Dragon Blood Transformation!"

Looking at the countless warriors who came to kill him, Qin Yun's aura surged. Qin Yun, who was originally in the realm of the thirteenth-level master god, directly rushed to the realm of the sixteenth-level master god.

"He hides his strength!"

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, but when they saw that Qin Yun's cultivation had stopped at the [-]th level main god.

A group of people charged towards Qin Yun again.


The Lord of the Flame Demon Mountain holds a magic knife in his hand.

The magic flame of the magic knife spread for tens of feet, and the Lord of the Flame Demon Mountain swept his knife and fell towards Qin Yun.

"Supernatural Power: Soul Eater!"

A cold and arrogant voice sounded, and the Flame Demon Lord who was close to Qin Yun felt his heart tremble, and the magic knife in his hand fell directly to the ground.

The Flame Demon Mountain Lord of the Nineteenth Level Lord God Realm, had already beheaded and killed his soul by Qin Yun before he met Qin Yun!
"The Lord of the Flame Demon Mountain is dead!"

"This kid's soul attack is so powerful!"


The eyes of hundreds of warriors were filled with astonishment, those warriors who were lower than [-] weights.

He didn't even dare to step forward!

"What a terrifying soul attack!"

The old man who started to speak also took a deep breath. Qin Yun's cultivation base is not strong, but no one dares to ignore the soul attack!

"God bow!"

"Nine Stars Lianzhu!"

With an angry shout, the divine bow appeared in Qin Yun's hands, and the dragon force in Qin Yun's body rolled, and the divine bow was directly pulled into a full moon by Qin Yun.


A boundless aura spread from Qin Yun's body.



The nine divine arrows on the divine bow disappeared strangely, and when they reappeared, nine warriors fell down. These nine people were all seventeenth and eighteenth level main gods.

"You guys are too weak!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, he was unparalleled in coldness and arrogance.

The main god under the twentieth weight, in front of Qin Yun, is courting death.

"Nine Stars Lianzhu!"



The nine divine arrows disappeared again, and in the void, nine figures fell softly to the ground.

And Qin Yun's figure retreated one after another!

"This kid is so fast!"

In the old man's eyes, there was incomparable shock. In the void, Qin Yun opened his bow once and left directly. The speed even he couldn't catch up with.

"This this this..."

In the time wheel, Lu Song and others were dumbfounded.

"Emperor, it's too strong!"

Jiuyou swallowed, in the void, hundreds of fighters surrounded and suppressed Qin Yun, Qin Yun had nothing to do, but on the other side, dozens of them died!

"The emperor is indeed very strong. If the soul attacks, even if the main god is consummated, he will probably be deterred!"


Cedar took a deep breath.

Others saw Qin Yun's strength, but Xuesong knew that the great war in the void was just the beginning, and those who Qin Yun killed were all master warriors under the twentieth weight.

Qin Yun's Divine Bow, the main god above twenty weights, can't kill it at all!

The power of the divine bow is related to Qin Yun's cultivation.

The divine bow is terrifying, but it requires Qin Yun to have the strength to use the divine bow!
The current Qin Yun, performing the dragon blood transformation, is only in the realm of the sixteenth level main god.

Use the divine bow to kill up to nineteen gods!
"Deadly die..."

"Do not……"

"Do not kill me!"


One after another screams sounded, and in the void, Qin Yun drew his bow again and again, and every time he opened his bow, nine figures fell down.

The main god under twenty weights couldn't stop Qin Yun at all.

Qin Yun didn't bother to shoot at those who weighed twenty or more.

"Back down, everyone under the [-]th level master god, back down!"

The old man's startled voice resounded in the void, but within a quarter of an hour, they didn't even touch Qin Yun's body, and Qin Yun had already killed more than 50 people!

There are not many remaining main gods below twenty!

"Fast back..."

"Come on!"


A group of figures backed away in panic.

"Supernatural Power: Soul Eater!"

A cold voice sounded, and Qin Yun suddenly retracted the divine bow. In Qin Yun's eyes, golden lights shot out, and in the void, he was a martial artist whose cultivation base was below the twentieth-level main god.

At the same time, the body stopped.

Immediately, one by one, they fell from the void!

"The main god above twenty!"

"There are 27 left!"

In the void, Qin Yun stopped and stood proudly in the void. The remaining 27 people on the opposite side quickly surrounded Qin Yun. Looking at Qin Yun, the 27 people swallowed their saliva!
so horrible!

Except for 27 of them, none of the other fighters survived!

(End of this chapter)

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