Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 749 The Scary Blood Bones

Chapter 749 The Scary Blood Bones

But Jiuyou didn't continue to ask!
If Qin Yun doesn't say anything, it's useless if he asks!

If Qin Yun wanted to tell him, he would have told him long ago.

"People from the Li nationality, how could they appear here?"

Qin Yun's mind was revolving rapidly. In his previous life, Qin Yun was almost beheaded by a semi-ancestral monster in the forbidden area of ​​the Nine Heavens Realm. It was the patriarch of the Li clan who rescued Qin Yun.

Disciple of the Li nationality, the talent is very strange.

What they practiced was beast souls!

Moreover, the disciples of the Li tribe can control monsters and beasts, and the powerful disciples of the Li tribe can directly control even the ancient beasts and the supreme dragon god.

Very scary!
For such a powerful race, if the patriarch of the Li clan hadn't been kind to Qin Yun, Qin Yun in his previous life would have suppressed the Li clan for his own use, but even so, the Li clan has a lot to do with him!
"If you have a chance, just ask this person!"

There was a flash of light in Qin Yun's eyes, and he immediately began to practice. In the room, Qin Yun left a restriction, and as for Jiuyou, he was also caught in the time wheel and fell into cultivation.

in the inn.

"Really let it go?"

The woman's eyes were a little surprised. What she said just now was just a test. She searched countless inns in the entire Jiuyun Holy Land, but she couldn't find a room.

Unexpectedly, with her words, Qin Yun really gave up the room to her!

"Father said that the identity of my Li clan cannot be revealed, otherwise the people from the Heavenly Sect of Merit will definitely drive out all of my Li clan!"

"I want to win the spot and enter the general battlefield!"

"Father said, only by finding the Heavenly Ghost Army can we, the Li Clan, have a chance!"

Taking a deep breath, the woman followed the waiter and went upstairs.

A day passed in a blink of an eye.

In the room, Qin Yun brought Jiuyou out.

As soon as Qin Yun came out, he met a woman from the Li tribe.

"Thank you for the room!"

Seeing Qin Yun, the woman smiled faintly.

"No problem!"

Qin Yun turned around and prepared to leave with Jiuyou.

Although Qin Yun wanted to find out what happened to the Li people, it was obvious that the Nine Clouds Holy Land was not a place. Qin Yun's identity could not be revealed now!
Otherwise, Jiuyun Holy Land will definitely attack him!
"My name is Bloodbone, hello... what's your name..."


The woman yelled from behind, but unfortunately, Qin Yun didn't even stop, and quickly left the inn with Jiuyou, heading towards the center of the city.

"Blood bones!"

"What a strange name!"

Qin Yun secretly remembered this name in his heart.

People of the Li nationality, aren't they surnamed Li? How could they become surnamed Xue?Qin Yun has a very close relationship with the Li people.

I have never heard of this surname among the Li people.

"It seems that the Li people have also undergone some changes!"

With a slight movement in his mind, Qin Yun took Jiuyou and continued walking towards the center of the city.

An hour later, the two appeared in front of a palace.

There was a long queue in front of the palace.

"My lord, what are we doing here?"

Looking at the long line, Jiuyou couldn't help but said.

"Sign up, of course!"

Qin Yun grinned, Jiuyou, besides carrying a nirvana gun, doesn't even have a brain?

"Sign up?"


Jiuyou smiled awkwardly, this time to participate in the exchange meeting, not to sign up.

How to participate?




A series of voices sounded, and it took a moment.

It was Qin Yun's turn.




"Fifteenth Layer Late Stage!"


After a casual conversation, the old man on the opposite side handed Qin Yun a pitch-black sign. As for Qin Yun who was shrouded in black robes, the old man didn't even look at it.





"Nineteen peaks..."


After a few breaths, Jiuyou also came out with a sign.

"So your name is Yun?"

At this moment, a light laugh sounded, only blood and bones appeared beside the two of them at some unknown time.

"You followed us..."

Seeing the blood bones, the coldness in Jiuyou's eyes instantly soared.

"I didn't follow you, it's just that you didn't notice me, I'm right behind you!"

Looking at Jiuyou, Xuegu hurriedly said.

"Behind the line?"

Jiuyou was a little dazed, and Qin Yun was also a little stunned.

During the process of queuing up just now, the two really didn't pay attention to what was behind them.

"Let's go back!"

With a few words, Qin Yun turned around and left.


Jiuyou followed up.

"And someone named Yun?"

"What a strange person!"

Watching Qin Yun leave, the eyes of Blood Bone flickered, and a small fox's tail leaked out from the palm of her hand, which was very weird.

"Sister Bloodbone, he is very strong!"

The fox's tail disappeared, revealing a small head.

Take a closer look, it's kind of scary!
"Xiaohu, don't come out, if someone finds out!"

"I'm miserable!"

Looking at the fox's head, the blood bone said viciously.

"Sister Bloodbone is fierce!"

The fox turned around, waving a tail in the palm of the blood bone.

And the palm of the blood bone seems to have a space, and the palm is the passage of space.

And the fox seems to be in another space.

"How strong can the main god of the fifteenth stage be?"

Blood Bone looked at the direction where Qin Yun disappeared, and muttered to himself.

"Sister Bloodbone, he is really strong, I sense that there is a terrifying power hidden in his body!"

At this moment, the little fox turned around again, and his head stuck out from the palm of the blood bone.

"Okay, I got it!"

Blood Bone made a seal formula, and the space in the palm of his hand was directly sealed.

"I've used my Li clan's induction method to investigate, can he still hide his cultivation?"

"Fifteen Lord Gods!"

"I guess I won't be able to pass one round!"

Shaking his head slightly, Bloody Bone turned and left. At first he also thought that Qin Yun's cultivation was hidden. After all, although this exchange meeting requires a cultivation level above the [-]th level of the main god, he can participate.

But the main god of the fifteenth stage, who will participate?
Even if it is participating, isn't that looking for abuse?
The main god of the fifteenth level, if he is exhausted, he can beat the main god of the sixteenth level, but there are still seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth level main gods behind him, it is impossible to beat!


The bloody figure disappeared.

In the inn, Qin Yun and Jiuyou returned to the wheel of time.

"Emperor, I will definitely win the first place this time!"

Jiuyou looked at Qin Yun with excitement in his eyes.

His cultivation was originally at the peak of the nineteenth level, but in terms of combat power, the current Jiuyou is comparable to the main god of the twentyth level.

In this exchange meeting, Jiuyou is very confident!

Looking at Jiuyou, Qin Yun shook his head slightly.

Jiuyou is indeed very strong, but it is not easy to win the first place.

"Don't underestimate the people in the world, some people look ordinary!"

"But the combat power is incomparably terrifying!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely low.

"Emperor, who are you talking about?"

Hearing Qin Yun's words, Jiuyou hurriedly asked.

"Blood bones!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely low.

(End of this chapter)

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