Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 753 Merit, Heavenly Punishment, Heavenly Ghost Sword?

Chapter 753 Merit, Heavenly Punishment, Heavenly Ghost Sword?


Qin Yun paused for a moment, then a light flashed in his hand, and the token appeared in Qin Yun's hand, with three numbers engraved on it.

Nine nine nine!
"I am number nine hundred and ninety-nine!"

Qin Yun smiled lightly.

"I am the thousandth!"

At this moment, the voice of blood bones came, and a token appeared in her hand. On the token, there were four numbers, with a one at the front and zeros at the back.

"It seems that there are quite a few people participating in the exchange meeting this time!"

Jiuyou slightly shook his head and said, the number reached one thousand, which means at least 2000 people participated.

"Look, they're fighting!"

At this moment, the voice of blood bones came.

I saw that on the arena, the battle had already begun, and the two warriors of the seventeenth level main gods were fighting together.

"Blue Dragon Palm!"

"Cold Wind Fist!"

"Boom boom boom..."

The entire arena was full of vigor.

The two of them fought together, the power and influence were extremely terrifying, and the arena was extremely lively.

Countless warriors, their faces flushed, wished they could go up and fight.

"If this fight continues, there will be no more than three days, and it will not be my turn at all!"

"Let's go!"

With a few words, Qin Yun turned around and left.

As for the battle in the arena, Qin Yun didn't pay attention to it at all. In Qin Yun's eyes, a group of main gods were no different from children. Watching them fight was like watching a group of children fight.

"Emperor, wait for me..."

Jiuyou hurriedly followed.

"Don't watch?"

"What a strange person!"

Bloody, with flickering eyes watching Qin Yun leave.

"Sister Bloodbone..."

"Sister Bloodbone..."


Following Qin Yun's departure, a gap was torn open in the palm of the bloody bone, and then a small head protruded out. It was the head of a fox.

The little head is fluffy and very cute.

"Little fox, don't mess around!"

Bloody Bone's expression changed, and he quickly stuffed the little fox in forcefully, and then sealed the space on the palm of her hand. She seemed very afraid that others would find the little fox!
In the inn, Qin Yun and the two entered the wheel of time.

"Xue Song, go out and check the news. I want all the information about Fairy Han, and the news about the Li people. I want to inquire about it too!"

In the time wheel, Qin Yun looked at Xuesong and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Emperor!"

Xue Song quickly agreed.

"Emperor, I will go too..."

Jiuyou hurried forward and said.


Qin Yun glanced at Jiuyou slightly.

"Yesterday, it was a three-month deadline. Both Xi'er and Qingling reached the level of the [-]th-level Lord God yesterday, and now you are the only one left!"

"In these three days, if you can't break through!"

"Then don't go out!"

Looking at Jiuyou, Qin Yun's eyes were extremely indifferent.

"Emperor, I object, how can I break through in three days, and I want to participate in the exchange meeting now, once I break through, I can't participate!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Jiuyou hurriedly said.

"Hmph... I will handle the matter of the exchange meeting. As long as you make a breakthrough, this emperor can make no one see your true cultivation, but if you can't make a breakthrough!"

"I see this exchange meeting, so don't go!"

Looking at Jiuyou, Qin Yun snorted coldly.

"The Emperor..."

"Don't go down to practice!"

With a cold shout, Qin Yun directly issued a seal formula, and Jiuyou's figure was blocked by Qin Yun and entered the first floor of the prehistoric experience, allowing him to practice slowly on the first floor.

"My cultivation needs to improve quickly!"

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yun sat down cross-legged.

Exercising the Shura Heavenly Emperor Art, the surrounding spiritual energy quickly gathered towards Qin Yun.

Three days outside, in the time wheel, it is equivalent to nearly ten thousand years.

"Cultivation, only the peak of the fifteenth level main god?"

Qin Yun shook his head and woke up from his cultivation. For the past 1 years, Qin Yun has been cultivating, but the effect of cultivation is negligible.

Qin Yun's cultivation has only increased by a small realm!

"The power of faith is increasing..."

As if he had discovered something, a smile spread from the corner of Qin Yun's mouth, and the power of faith was increasing, which meant that Lu Song and others were going well.

Countless middle worlds have fallen under the control of Qin Tianguo.

"It's almost time to go out!"

With a few words, Qin Yun was about to leave.

"Ow ooh..."

"Emperor, I have broken through!"

At this moment, Jiuyou's excited voice came, and for a moment, a figure appeared in front of Qin Yun. Jiuyou's breath was a little unstable.

But it has already reached the realm of the twenty-fold main god.

"Twenty Lord Gods?"

Looking at Jiuyou, Qin Yun laughed.

"The power of cause and effect!"


After playing a seal formula, the aura on Jiuyou's body began to change.

At this moment, the original cultivation level of the twentieth-level main god actually dropped, and stopped at the peak of the nineteenth-level main god.

"My cultivation is still there, but my aura..."

Jiuyou also looked at Qin Yun in a daze. Qin Yun really hid his cultivation at the peak of the nineteenth level main god.

"My power of karma is considered to be the master god's consummation powerhouse!"

"I can't see through it either!"

"Let's go!"

In a word, Qin Yun took Jiuyou and left the time wheel.

"Emperor, I have heard the news clearly!"

Qin Yun had just appeared at the inn, and Xue Song's figure just came back.


Seeing Xuesong, Qin Yun's eyes lit up.


Qin Yun said in a deep voice.

"I tell the emperor, this Fairy Han is the arrogance of the Nine Clouds Holy Land. This person's cultivation talent is incomparably terrifying, and he is now a 24-level main god powerhouse!"

"In addition, she entered the general's battlefield when she was a thousand years old!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Xue Song said hastily.

"Can you find out what she got in the general's battlefield?"

Looking at Xuesong, Qin Yun said in a deep voice.

"Emperor, I sneaked into Fairy Han's mansion, and learned from her subordinates that she got a heaven-defying inheritance in the general's battlefield!"

"This inheritance is called..."

"What's it called?"

Qin Yun asked quickly.

"God's punishment!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Xue Song hurriedly said.
"Punishment of merit and virtue, this is the practice of meritorious deity!"

Qin Yun's eyes turned cold.

"Apart from that, she got one more thing, that is a knife!"

"A very weird knife!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Xue Song said again.

"Heavenly ghost knife!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath.

"Go in!"

Looking at Xuesong, Qin Yun said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Emperor!"

Cedar, entered the wheel of time.

"Emperor, this Fairy Han really got the Heavenly Ghost Sword?"

Looking at Qin Yun, Jiuyou couldn't help asking.

"Heavenly ghost knife and meritorious punishment, meritorious deity, you dare to touch even the emperor's people!"

"Damn you!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely cold.

"Let's go, let's go to the holy platform!"

A cold voice sounded, and Qin Yun disappeared into the inn with Jiuyou.

(End of this chapter)

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