Chapter 794

"Order my disciples to quickly retreat one hundred thousand miles!"

Looking at Lu Song, Qin Yun's expression was extremely indifferent. Qin Yun's eyes fell on the front of the Baizhang palace. Han Xiu in front of the palace had not had time to breathe a sigh of relief.

A graceful figure appeared beside him.

"grown ups……"

Seeing this beautiful figure, Lu Song hurriedly saluted.


Qianying gave Han Xiu a cold look.

The contempt in her eyes was undisguised.

"My lord, this person is very strong, my lord, be careful!"

When Han Xiu was scolded, there was no anger on his face. Instead, he reminded the woman to be careful of Lu Song.

"Do you think this seat is the same as you?"

The woman glanced at Han Xiu lightly.

"My lord, calm down!"

Han Xiu quickly knelt on the ground.

"Get up!"

The woman frowned slightly, but the next moment, her eyes fell on the sky boat in the void, and in the void, the disciples of the Heavenly Emperor Sect had already receded.

Only Qin Yun and the other three were left standing on the sky boat.

"The Emperor..."


Both Xue Song and Lu Song looked a little dignified.

"Tiantian Quadruple Layer!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, there was a glimmer of light. The cultivation of the woman who appeared was somewhat beyond Qin Yun's expectations. This person's cultivation had reached the fourth level of the sky.

"Emperor, let the two of us take action!"

Lu Song stood up and said in a deep voice.

"You two?"

Qin Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

Lu Song's combat power is between the second level of the sky and the third level of the sky, and although Xue Song is stronger than Lu Song in terms of cultivation, his combat power is not much stronger!

"You two are not her opponents!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely low.

"Emperor, then we..."

Xue Song's expression changed slightly.

"You catch this Han Xiu, as for this person, leave it to me!"

Standing on the sky boat, Qin Yun's voice was extremely low.

"here you are!"

"The Emperor..."

The expressions of Xue Song and Lu Song changed in an instant. Qin Yun's cultivation was only at the 25th level of the Lord God Realm. Qin Yun could really block the woman in front of him!
"Do not worry about me!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, a trace of fighting spirit rose.

The fourth level of Tongtian is indeed very strong, but it is not enough to make Qin Yun afraid.

The current Qin Yun's cultivation is at the 25th level main god realm. Once he performs the dragon blood transformation, he can reach the perfection of the main god. If he transforms into a dragon god again, Qin Yun's cultivation can break through the main god and enter the heaven-reaching realm.

Coupled with the methods of Divine Bow and Qin Yun, it is not impossible to compete against the Heavenly Four Layers!

But if you want to kill...

"To kill her, you must seize the opportunity!"

In Qin Yun's mouth, na na said to himself, the fourth level of the sky, the spirit has already crossed the gate of heaven, it is not easy to kill them with ordinary spirit attacks, even Qin Yun is not absolutely sure!
"Emperor Shura, I didn't expect you to be alive!"

A chuckle came, and in the void, with a wave of the woman's hand, the palace was directly shattered. As for the nine flood dragons, they turned into blood-colored blood energy and were swallowed up by her.

"What a weird technique!"

Qin Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

Following the devouring of the nine flood dragons, the aura on the woman's body seemed to be much stronger.

This exercise is somewhat similar to his Asura Heavenly Emperor Jue.

"I'm lucky today. I can devour the peerless Emperor Shura of the Nine Heavens Realm. If I devour you, I will get your soul memory!"

"Then my bloody lady, can I enter the Nine Heaven Realm!"

"Become a peerless powerhouse?"

Qianying looked at Qin Yun, with a terrifying scorching heat in her eyes, and the blood in her body surged even more frantically at this moment, and that aura was very strange.

"Blood Lady!"

Qin Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Kung Fu Heavenly Demon!"

"I see!"

As if thinking of something, a coldness rose in Qin Yun's eyes.

The meritorious demon is the top skill of the meritorious gate. In the meritorious gate, cultivation is divided into two attributes, one is holy and the other is demon. Han Xiu of Jiuyun holy land is practicing the way of saints.

With the help of the power of the Holy Gate, suppress everything.

As for the way of the virtuous demon, it is to plunder everything, but this way of the demon has shortcomings, that is, the state of mind is not enough, the power of devouring is complex, and the power is impure.

Therefore, it is very easy for them to go crazy and fall into a situation of eternal doom.

"The little devil also wants to devour this emperor. Could it be that you are not afraid that your soul will collapse directly and fall into a place where there will be no redemption?"

Looking at the bloody lady, Qin Yun said indifferently.


"The land of eternal doom, so what? Your flesh and blood is too attractive. I am going to devour you now!"

"Blood Door of Merit!"

The cold and arrogant voice came, and the void was shattered directly. In the endless void, the billowing demon energy surged. What appeared this time was not the terrifying holy gate, but a bloody demon gate.

On the magic gate, countless magic patterns flickered, which looked extremely strange.

"court death!"

"Dare to disrespect the emperor, die!"

Lu Song's eyes instantly turned cold, and the next moment, the light of the Heavenly Ghost Knife in Lu Song's hand soared, holding the Heavenly Ghost Knife in his hand, Lu Song killed it with one blow.

"Frozen thousands of miles!"

Cedar also shot at the same time.

"Two Tongtian and one heavy, giggling..."

"I like the taste of your flesh and blood very much. Today I will devour you two first, and then I will devour Emperor Shura!"

An indifferent voice sounded, and the blood-colored Demon Sect soared to the juniors.

"Jie Jie..."

Countless phantoms were wantonly in the void, and strange cries came from the void, with a radius of thousands of miles. At this moment, they completely turned into a demon realm.


Lu Song's Heavenly Ghost Knife directly slashed at the Void Demon Gate.


Cedar also waved countless cold air and gathered it towards the void. This cold air seemed to freeze the entire world, and the demon realm in the void was instantly frozen by the cold air.


Liu Song's knife fell on the magic gate.

A violent collision came, and the next moment, Lu Song's body flew upside down.

"Jie Jie...I didn't expect your combat power to be so strong. As expected of Emperor Shura, the people around you are also so terrifying, but it's a pity!"

"You are all going to die today!"

A strange voice sounded, and the bloody lady's body turned into blood-red strangely, and she rushed into the blood-colored demon gate, and the power of the demon gate rose greatly.


Powerful power surged out.

Lu Song's body flew upside down.


From Lu Song's mouth, a mouthful of blood spewed out.




At this moment, the icy air of the cedar was completely shattered.


Cedar's body also retreated several hundred feet.

"Lu Song, Xue Song!"

Qin Yun's expression changed slightly.

In the void, the ten thousand zhang demon gate is many times stronger than Han Xiu's holy gate.

(End of this chapter)

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