Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 84 Qin Yun Comes

Chapter 84 Qin Yun Comes

"Lord Emperor Qin, the old lady bids farewell!"

The ancestor of Tianyu chuckled at Qin Yun, then winked at Fairy Jueyu, and his figure flashed.

The ancestor of Tianyu disappeared into the inn with another disciple of the Seven Emotions Sect.

"Desperate, I have met His Majesty Emperor Qin!"

As the old woman left, the Desperate Fairy smiled slightly, and then walked gracefully to Qin Yun's side, bowing slightly.

With this stoop.

A large piece of gauze on the chest of the Desperate Fairy slid off, revealing a piece of white.

"The hoof..."

Seeing this scene, Chi Muxi was full of anger.

"Get up!"

Qin Yun said lightly, turned around and entered the inn.

"Thank you, His Majesty Emperor Qin!"

The Desperate Fairy had a bright smile on her face.

As the number one beauty of the Seven Emotions Sect, she is very confident that Qin Yun in front of her will never escape from her palm.

The next day, early morning!

The four of Qin Yun rushed to the capital of Qi Yun with the two demon kings.

After things in Vientiane City.

After that, it was a lot quieter.

Along the way, there was no more disturbance.

But what made Qin Yun helpless was the cheap skeleton that was finally thrown off by him.

Followed up again!
"If you want to talk about the majesty of the ancestor back then, I'm afraid you two can't imagine a ten-thousandth of it!"

"Your move of the Nine Absolute Sword should be like this, that's right, it's just like this..."


On the Zijin monkey, the cheap skeleton was holding the jug, as if pointing the country, and on the night wolf, Qin Yun's eyes flashed with light.

"Nine Absolute Sword, although it is not the sword art of the peak of the Nine Heaven Realm!"

"But it's also very scary!"

"This cheap skeleton can actually see the essence of it!"

In Qin Yun's mouth, Na Na murmured to himself, and he could see the essence of the Jiujue Sword. This cheap skeleton is definitely not as simple as Qin Yun imagined, it is very possible.

He's an old monster too!

"As long as you don't block the emperor's growth path, you and I can become friends!"

As if thinking of something, the corner of Qin Yun's mouth raised slightly. He started anew in this world. What he needs most is a right-hand assistant. If this skeleton can be subdued.

Not bad!

"Sao hoof, it's all your fault, if it weren't for you, why would I walk with you!"

Behind the buttocks of the Night Wolf and the Zijin Monkey, Chi Muxi looked at Fairy Judgment with an ugly expression on his face. Because of Fairy Judgment, there was not enough room for the Night Wolf.

Qin Yun simply asked the two of them to follow behind the two demon kings.

"Miss Chi Mu, you can't blame me for that. If His Majesty Emperor Qin really cared about you, he wouldn't let you be with me, giggling..."

The Desperate Fairy laughed so hard that her delicate body trembled, but her eyes looked at Qin Yun from time to time.

The closer she got to Qin Yun, the more the Desire Fairy felt it.

Qin Yun in front of him is unfathomable!


Chi Muxi's face was full of anger.

A group of people continued to rush towards the capital of Qiyun Kingdom.

After seven days.

A vast ancient city appeared in front of everyone. This ancient city has a radius of hundreds of miles.

In the ancient city, it was extremely prosperous, and the aura of countless strong men came from the ancient city.

"Whoa, it's finally here!"

A group of people had just arrived outside the city, and the cheap skeletons began to scream strangely.

"What's the name of the monster!"

Chi Muxi gave the cheap skull a vicious look.

"Hey hey hey..."

The cheap skeleton grinned, and then said with a cheap smile: "Little girl, I have already said that if you take me as your teacher, I can let you..."

"To shut up!"

Chi Muxi's face flushed with shame.

In the past few days, the cheap skeleton came to her more than once, and couldn't help being curious, but she watched the cheap skeleton's exercises, which are really hard to talk about.

If this is used on Master...

Thinking of this, Chi Muxi couldn't help but glanced at Qin Yun, her pretty face turned even redder!

"Quack quack..."

The cheap skeleton looked at Chi Muxi with a strange smile, then shook the sexy thin waist of the skeleton and walked towards Qin Yun.

"Dragon egg, it's impossible to give it to you!"

Looking at the cheap skeleton, Qin Yun's eyes were extremely indifferent.

"Cough cough..."

Hearing Qin Yun's words, the cheap skeleton's eyes flickered slightly, and then he said creakingly, "Boy, how about we make a deal?"

"You give me balls, I'll give you..."

"The emperor refuses to trade!"

Before the cheap skeleton could finish speaking, Qin Yun directly refused.

"Boy, think about it, you won't be able to hatch that dragon egg at all, why don't you give it to Patriarch, Patriarch, I can accept you as an apprentice for free..."

"Can't hatch!"

"I don't know how to fry it?"

A faint voice sounded, Qin Yun walked directly towards the ancient city without turning his head.

"Fried to eat?"

The cheap skeleton was slightly taken aback.

The next moment, the cheap skeleton jumped up directly.

"Boy, you dare to fry my eggs..."

"The ancestor fought with you!"



The cheap skeleton followed up with a strange scream.

A group of people entered the capital of Qiyun Kingdom.

And the moment Qin Yun entered the capital of Qiyun, Min Hua finally returned to the Min family in the depths of the capital.

"Dead, all dead..."

Min Hua knelt on the ground, his body trembling unceasingly, the aura on his body fluctuated crazily, and a sentence was repeated in his mouth, Min Hua's eyes were full of fear.

"Hua'er, what happened?"

Looking at Min Hua, Min Yuan quickly asked.



Min Hua laughed loudly, then quickly looked at Min Yuan and said, "Father, don't go looking for him anymore, he is a devil, he is a devil..."

"Come on, the third young master!"

"Take it off!"

Min Yuan's deep voice sounded, and for a moment, several figures followed Min Hua.

disappeared over the hall.

"Patriarch, what happened, how did the third young master become like this?"

An elder of the Min family looked at Min Yuan with a surprised expression.

"what happened?"

Min Yuan's eyes flickered with light.

He also wanted to know what happened!
"Qin Yun, where are you now?"

Seemingly remembering something, Min Yuan suddenly asked in a cold voice.

"I want to tell the Patriarch that there is news from a disciple just now that this Qin Yun has entered the capital, and beside him is not only Miss Chi Mu from the Tianbao Palace!"

"Even Fairy Desperate Desire is by his side!"

Looking at Min Yuan, the elder Min's family hurriedly said.

"Already here..."

Min Yuan's eyes grew cold.

"People from Tianbao Hall and Seven Emotions Sect..."

"Is there any movement?"

Looking at the elder, Min Yuan asked coldly again.

"I want to tell the Patriarch that there is no movement from the Tianbao Hall and the Seven Emotions Sect. These two great forces seem to be unaware that Qin Yun is here, but it is Liu Xi, the saintess of the Qi Yun Sect!"

"Also looking for news about Qin Yun!"

Looking at Min Yuan, the elder Min's family spoke again.

"Liu Xi?"

In Min Yuan's eyes, the slightest light flickered, and then he said coldly: "Order, my master..."

"Go see him in person!"

"Patriarch, you..."

The elder's expression changed slightly.

"Patriarch, something is wrong!"

"The big thing is bad!"

But at this moment, one after another exclamation suddenly came.

"whats the matter……"

"So frizzy!"

Looking at the kneeling servant in front of him, Min Yuan, he frowned.

"Every family... Patriarch!"

"Qin Yun is here!"

"Qin Yun is here!"

Looking at Min Yuan, the man said hastily.

"Qin Yun is here?"

"What, you said Qin Yun is here!"

Min Yuan stood up directly from his seat.

 The first update, there will be another update at [-]:[-] pm, brothers, vote for support!
(End of this chapter)

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