Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 93 Vice President Lu Jiang

Chapter 93 Vice President Lu Jiang

"Seven Wolf Martial King lost, I remembered, isn't this kid the same Qin Yun who broke into Min's house? How did he become the head of the Tianbei Mercenary Group?"

"Now it's not called Tianbei Mercenary Group, it's called Tiandi Mercenary Group!"

"Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Corps, what an arrogant name, isn't this kid afraid of offending His Majesty the Empress?"


There was a lot of discussion in the entire martial arts arena.

Those mercenaries who had seen Qin Yun's attack in the hall also spoke Qin Yun's name one after another.




On the ring, the members of the Seven Wolf Mercenary Group quickly helped King Seven Wolf Wu up.

"Is he Qin Yun?"

"Why the hell didn't you say it earlier!"

Seven Wolf Martial King looked angrily at the disciples of the Seven Wolf Mercenary Group behind him.

That's the master who even dared to break into the Min family. He actually went to provoke Qin Yun?
"Captain, we..."

A group of Seven Wolves mercenary group, their faces were flushed.

They didn't say anything because they wanted to see the Seven Wolf Martial King teach Qin Yun a lesson. Who knows.

Seven Wolf Martial King also lost!
"Seven Wolf Martial King, you seem to have forgotten the bet you made with this emperor!"

At this moment, Qin Yun suddenly looked at Seven Wolf Martial King and said with a smile.


Seven Wolf Martial King, his expression froze slightly.

"This kid, he won't really want King Qilang Wu to be a slave, you know, King Qilang Wu is the vice president of the mercenary union, General Lu!"

"This kid is too arrogant. He offended the Min family and dared to offend the mercenary union!"

"So what if the talent is terrible, so defiant, I will definitely not live for a few days!"


A series of discussions sounded again.

A group of people looked at Qin Yun, some with awe in their eyes, and some sneered.

Although Qin Yun's talent is strong, in their eyes, how can he be comparable to the great power of the capital of Qi Yun!

"Why, do you want to refrain from fulfilling the bet?"

Looking at Seven Wolf Martial King, Qin Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I I I..."

Seven Wolf Martial King, his face was flushed red.

"Leader, we will fight him!"

"Head, you can't promise him!"



A group of Seven Wolf Mercenary Corps also looked at Qin Yun angrily.

"what happened?"

But at this moment, a deep voice came.

Came suddenly.

I saw an old man walking slowly from the mercenary union.

With the old man coming.

In the martial arts arena, there was an instant silence.

"It's the vice president!"

"Meet the vice president!"

"Meet the vice president!"


One after another figure hurriedly saluted the old man. Among these people, there were many strong Wu Wangs.

Everyone looked at the old man with great respect in their eyes.

"Vice President General Lu!"

Qin Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

And the Seven Wolf Martial King on the opposite side also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Lu Jiangna is the vice president of the mercenary union, and he is also a strong Martial Emperor. Now that he is here, Qin Yun never dares.

Continue to force him to fulfill his bet!
"You dare to disobey the emperor's bet!"

"Your Majesty!"


But just when everyone's attention was on General Lu, Qin Yun's eyes suddenly brightened, and his voice was cold.

Like a thunderclap, it sounded in the mind of Seven Wolf Martial King.

The next moment, Seven Wolf Martial King only felt his body tremble, and a powerful and boundless force fell on his shoulders.

With his strength, his body kneeled abruptly on the ground!


A dull voice sounded in the martial arts arena.

"Qin Yun, how dare you!"

"you dare!"

Two angry voices came.

A voice came from the Seven Wolf Martial King. The Seven Wolf Martial King had a ferocious face. On his shoulder was a foot.

This foot belongs to Qin Yun.

Qin Yun stepped on his shoulder with one foot, and he knelt on the ground, unable to move an inch!

General Lu who came not far away also had an extremely cold face.

When he appeared, Qin Yun dared to force the Seven Wolf Martial King to kneel down, how arrogant and boundless it was.

"Too arrogant!"

In the martial arts arena, a group of people were stunned!
This is not arrogance, it is simply lawlessness!

In front of General Lu, suppressing the Seven Wolf Wu King and kneeling on the ground, the anger in General Lu's heart can be imagined.

"Why don't I dare, Seven Wolf Martial King, you are defeated by me now, that is my Qin Yun's slave, I don't know if Vice President Lu stopped this emperor, could it be my Heavenly Emperor mercenary group, which violated the rules of the trade union ?”

Looking at General Lu, in Qin Yun's eyes, there was boundless arrogance.

"Violation of union rules!"

General Lu looked a little ugly.

The Seven Wolf Martial King on the ground couldn't help lowering his head.

"Qin Yun, give me some face and let the Seven Wolf Martial King go. I can make your Celestial Emperor mercenary group a five-star mercenary group?"

Looking at Qin Yun, General Lu said in a deep voice.

Qin Yun suppressed Seven Wolf Martial King, and took the initiative to bring up the trade union rules. Now he can't find an excuse to attack Qin Yun.

What he wanted was to stabilize Qin Yun. As long as Qin Yun let the Seven Wolf King Wu go, then he would have hundreds of ways in the future.

Kill Qin Yun!
"Face, why does the Emperor want to give you face..."

"My Heavenly Emperor mercenary group is originally a five-star mercenary group, General Lu, don't tell me, you don't know about this?"

Looking at General Lu, Qin Yun said indifferently.

"Qin Yun, my mercenary union is not the Min family!"

"I can't tolerate you acting wild!"

General Lu, a cold light flashed in his eyes, the Tiandi mercenary group was originally the Tianbei mercenary group, and he was the one who did it when the Tianbei mercenary group was downgraded.

Qin Yun mentioned it in public, which is already provoking him!

"A dignified mercenary union, that's all!"

On the martial arts arena, Qin Yun's laughter was extremely wanton. People around swallowed their saliva and looked at Qin Yun. Damn it, it was so exciting. This was the first time they saw it.

Someone dares to challenge General Lu!
"Qin Yun, shut up!"

Looking at Qin Yun, General Lu did not hide the murderous intent in his eyes at all.

Now, he suddenly regretted it.

If he had known that Qin Yun was so arrogant, he should have taken Qin Yun down by force just now.

"Seven Wolf Martial King, you are the emperor's slave. If I want to kill you, no one can stop me, but if the emperor asks you, if you answer well, the emperor promises!"

"How about giving you back your freedom?"

At this moment, Qin Yun suddenly looked at Seven Wolf Martial King with a strange expression on his face.

"kill me……"

Seven Wolf Martial King trembled slightly, looked at General Lu with his eyes, but found that General Lu had no intention of continuing to save him at all, thinking of this.

Seven Wolf Martial King said hoarsely: "Qin Yun, are you really willing to give me back my freedom?"

"Hmph... this emperor is not you!"

"How can you break your promise!"

Qin Yun looked at the Seven Wolf Martial King with a cold and arrogant look in his eyes.

"not me?"

Seven Wolf Martial King blushed slightly, then gritted his teeth and said, "Qin Yun, as long as you give me back my freedom, I will answer whatever you ask!"

"it is good!"

Qin Yun's eyes lit up when he heard these words.

(End of this chapter)

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