Chapter 100 Comparison (Fourth)
Lu Feng was going crazy. The moment he met Yue Qingying, he had already imagined Yue Qingying as his woman, and he was working hard towards this direction.

It's just that this dream was just started, and it was poked by Lin Tian, ​​and it was so hard.

Even when he was beaten to death, he didn't expect that the woman whom he regarded as a goddess and wished to hold offerings, in the eyes of others, turned out to be just a maid who could be criticized at will.

This made Lu Feng feel that the world was unfair to him.

Panting heavily, he stared at Lin Tian with fierce eyes as if he wanted to eat people, and said unconvinced: "I want to compare with you!"

"No comparison!"

Lin Tian rejected Lu Feng without even thinking about it. He was only here to help Yue Qingying out of the siege, not to show off, but he was not interested in comparing himself with these people.

"Don't leave today if you don't!"

Lu Feng was also dizzy with anger, if he didn't step on Lin Tian today, his anger would be hard to calm down.

Looking at Lu Feng who was blocking the door, Lin Tian's eyes were a little cold.

"This is my territory, no one can leave without my permission!" Seeing that Lin Tian was silent, Lu Feng said again, with a hint of threat in his words.

Seeing this scene, Yue Qingying couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

In her eyes, Lu Feng was courting death.

"Mu Yu, hold your brother later, don't let him kill people here, this Lufeng has a strong background, if your brother kills him, we will be in a lot of trouble, you know?"

Yue Qingying took a deep breath and whispered to Lin Muyu.

Among the people present, she is probably the only one who can persuade Lin Tian. As for Xiao Hei, it is already thankful for not helping to kill him.

However, to Yue Qingying's surprise, Lin Muyu, who has always been obedient and obedient, did not listen to her this time, but shook her head and said, "Sister Qingying, I can't do this..."

"Why? Isn't your brother doting on you very much?"

Yue Qingying said in a puzzled way.

"It's precisely because he dotes on me so much that I can't interfere with his choice for my own reasons."

Lin Muyu looked at Yue Qingying, and said seriously: "Anyway, no matter what he does, I will support him. At worst, we will run away together and die together."

Hearing this, Yue Qingying fell silent.

Having said that, what else can she say?

Yue Qingying sighed helplessly, rubbed her temples with a headache, and began to plan the escape route in her mind.

Because, she had a hunch that something would definitely happen here today.

Sure enough, soon.

After Lu Feng saw that Lin Tian didn't pay attention to him for a long time, the anger in his heart rose slowly, and he began to warn for the last time: "Boy, I can tell you clearly that this whole city belongs to my family. Today, you have to compare with me, if you win, you still have a chance to go out, otherwise, stay here forever..."

At the end, Lu Feng's eyes were full of coldness, with infinite murderous intent brewing.

Lin Tian's eyes were also icy cold, and Xiao Hei, who was standing on his shoulder, narrowed his eyes even more, and there was a palpitating coldness in the sharp eagle eyes.

As long as Lin Tian gives an order, it will violently kill people and clean up all the blind garbage in front of Lin Tian.

But today, Lin Tian didn't seem to want to kill, or maybe he was tired of killing some time ago, so in the end, he didn't give the order, but chose to compare with Lu Feng.

"You... what do you want to compare?"

After a moment of silence, Lin Tian asked.

When Lu Feng saw Lin Tian agreeing, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Originally, he thought that if Lin Tian could have a maid like Yue Qingying, with such an insolent style of acting, he must have some background, and it would be tricky to move.

Who would've thought that he just threatened, and before he even made a move, this guy would actually be cowardly, so it can be seen that he is really a jerk!
The contempt and disdain in Lu Feng's eyes became more and more, and he felt that he had overestimated Lin Tian before.

"Well, since this is a piano building, let's compare the temperament."

Lu Feng glanced at the guzheng in front of Yue Qingying, he didn't give Lin Tian the right to choose at all, and set the tone directly.

"Better rhythm?"

Lin Tian had a strange expression on his face.

"That's right, it's the rhythm!"

Lu Feng nodded and said: "You and I are both monks, so we will use the way of monks to solve this competition. Each of us will automatically use the rhythm to attack the opponent. Whoever can't bear it first will be considered as the loser."

Speaking of this, Lu Feng glanced at Lin Tian contemptuously, then pointed to the precious precious pianos hanging on the wall beside him, and said, "Don't say that I bully you, the precious pianos in this piano tower, you Use whatever you want, just use it."

"No, I don't like Guqin very much, please."

Lin Tian shook his head.

"Then what instrument are you going to use?"

Lu Feng frowned slightly, looked at Lin Tian suspiciously, and thought to himself, could this guy also know the rhythm and know several musical instruments?
Lin Tian didn't answer him, but said: "You just have to make a move, what musical instrument I use, this is not something you should worry about."

Hearing this, Lu Feng's expression was a little gloomy. He never thought that this softie, who was frightened by his few words, would dare to be so arrogant.

"Okay, since you can't wait to lose, I'll let you go." Lu Feng sneered, with murderous intent hidden in his eyes.

The competition is fake, and killing Lin Tian through the competition is his real purpose.

Lu Feng took down a jade flute from the wall of the qin building, and without asking if Lin Tianzhun was ready, put it on his lips, and played it, with a sneer in his eyes.

Everyone seemed to have guessed his intentions, they stepped aside one after another to make room for Lu Feng, then looked at Lin Tian with pity, shaking their heads, thinking that he was too stupid to compare himself with Lu Feng, and insisted on comparing rhythm.

Comparing the temperament with a master of temperament, isn't this courting death? !

The most important thing is that Lu Feng started to attack, but Lin Tian was still standing there without any expression.

Someone saw this weird scene and couldn't help but wondered: "This guy, could it be that he wanted to admit defeat from the very beginning?"

Some people couldn't help sneering when they heard this.

"Hehe, admit defeat? Are you afraid that you are from outside and don't know the details of Lu Feng? Let me tell you, with Lu Feng's temper, if this kid doesn't have two brushes, he will definitely leave here lying down today."

These words have been approved by almost everyone.

And the entrusted person invited by Lu Feng said bluntly: "Hehe, if you dare to offend our young city lord, even if this guy has nine lives today, he still wants to stay here!"

The moment his voice fell, Lu Feng's flute suddenly became high-pitched and passionate.

Everyone raised their heads in unison. In the air, they seemed to see a few invisible warriors condensed by rhythm, drawing out their long knives and rushing towards Lin Tian swiftly.

At this moment, Lu Feng's murderous intent was revealed.

 Calvin felt a little uncomfortable.

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(End of this chapter)

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