In the sky, Xiao Hei soared up, his wings spread out, covering the sun's rays, his aura exploded, terrifying and powerful, and its passionate screams echoed throughout the canyon.

There was thunder, and dark clouds gradually gathered in the sky.

This is a catastrophe.

Whether it is human beings or other living beings, as long as they cultivate to the realm of 'transcendence', they all need to experience the baptism of the catastrophe.

Because as long as you step into this realm, you will break the shackles of heaven and earth, start to break away from the boundaries of the mortal body, and increase your lifespan by 500 years.

After that, every time you break through a small realm, you will increase your lifespan by at least a hundred years.

Therefore, people or living beings who have reached this level can be called kings.

Before Xiao Hei, he was the top demon king in the Transcendent Realm.

Now, it has broken through the shackles of the bloodline and has broken through to the realm of the divine fetus. As long as it successfully crosses the catastrophe, it can become the emperor.

Although it seems that from the Ninth Level of the Transcendence Realm to the Divine Embryo Realm, it is only one step away.

But this step, for any living being, is a qualitative leap.

Because in a place, there can be many kings, but there can only be one emperor.After reaching the Transcendence Realm, every small realm is extremely difficult to cross, not to mention, this is a leap of a big realm.

It can be said unceremoniously that the small gap between the Ninth Level of the Transcendence Realm and the Divine Embryo Realm is more difficult than challenging the strong in the Transcendence Realm from the Body Refining Realm, across the two realms of Spiritual Sea and Vision .

Because in the realm of the gods, any living being will transform into a very important thing, that is the soul.

A person with a divine soul is very difficult to kill.

If the opponent's soul cannot be wiped out, even if the opponent's physical body is crushed, the opponent still has a chance to make a comeback.

Therefore, even if you are a rare genius in the world, if you want to challenge the realm of the gods with the strength to escape the mortal realm, it is still difficult to do so.

Lin Tian squinted his eyes slightly, looking at the dark clouds surging in the sky, subconsciously licked his lips, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

The power of this catastrophe is delicious...

However, Lin Tian also knew that if he devoured Xiao Hei's Heavenly Tribulation, he would not be helping it, but harming it.

Even if it survives, without the baptism of the Heavenly Tribulation, it will only have the realm of a divine embryo, without the strength of a divine embryo, and it will not be able to successfully give birth to a demon spirit.


A gust of evil wind blew up in the sky, like a knife cutting, and rushed towards Xiao Hei.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Hei suddenly ignited a flame of nothingness, baking it, seemingly transparent, but extremely hot.

Boom! ! !
Immediately, there was another loud noise, and a purple thunderbolt fell from the sky, like a giant python, hitting Xiao Hei's back.


Xiao Hei screamed, his body swayed, and he almost fell from the sky.

"Fuck your mother's thief, if you dare to hack your Master Peng, I will fight you!"

Xiao Hei roared angrily, and immediately vibrated his wings, enduring the pain, allowing the scorching fire of nothingness and the bone-shattering wind to penetrate into his body, soaring straight into the sky, running towards the thunder python in the sky.

Boom! ! !
A ray of thunder mercilessly fell from the sky, precisely striking Xiao Hei's body, instantly chopping down the aggressive Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei climbed up, stood on a big rock, stared at the sky, with a hint of rebelliousness in his eyes, and shouted unconvinced: "Come on, if you have the guts, I will kill you and me!"

Boom! ! !
Tian Jie unceremoniously granted Xiao Hei's wish, and successively dropped three thunders that were three times thicker than before.

In an instant, Xiao Hei's feathers all over his body were scorched and smoked, and fell to the ground, revealing his white flesh full of goosebumps.

Seeing that the majestic roc bird instantly turned into a roast chicken, Lin Tian couldn't bear to look directly at it.

"Pay attention to Dantian."

Seeing Xiao Hei's confusion when he was struck by the thunderbolt, Lin Tian couldn't help reminding him.

The Heavenly Tribulation in the Divine Embryo Realm is not a simple thunder calamity, but a wind, fire and thunder calamity, which is a calamity specifically aimed at the soul.

Hearing Lin Tian's words, Xiao Hei, who was going to get up and imitate Lin Tian, ​​and continue to challenge Tian Dao, was instantly scared.

Although he didn't know why Lin Tian let him do this, Xiao Hei trusted Lin Tian 100% in his heart.

At this moment, the illusory fire and evil wind, which had no sense of existence, rushed into the dantian suddenly.

Xiao Hei's face changed suddenly, his hands and feet flustered, and he hurriedly mobilized his spiritual power to resist.

It's just that these two kinds of power are very strange, directly ignoring its spiritual obstruction, and rushing straight to the floating demon core in the center of the dantian.

Unlike humans, when a monster breaks through to the spiritual sea realm, the aura in its body will not melt into the sea, but will form an alchemy.

This demon pill is the source of Xiao Hei's power.

Seeing the illusory fire and the evil wind devouring his demon core, Xiao Hei's face turned pale, and he felt that he was going to be cold.

"Don't panic, let it go, you guard your spiritual sense."

At this time, Lin Tian's voice came into its mind lightly, which cheered up Xiao Hei and cheered him up.

That's right, it almost forgot, and this boss is still there.

Xiao Hei believed that Lin Tian would definitely not sit back and watch himself being killed by the Heavenly Tribulation.

Thinking of this, Xiao Hei felt a little relieved, and immediately followed Lin Tian's instructions, step by step, sticking to his spiritual sense first, resisting the pain from his dantian, and letting the thunder strike, fire and wind blow.


After a while, the Yaodan finally couldn't bear it, and slowly split open.

Xiao Hei felt a little flustered when he noticed this scene.

You know, there is almost no difference between losing a demon pill and losing a life.

"Right now, integrate the divine consciousness into the demon core and turn it into a demon spirit, hurry up!"

At this moment, Lin Tian's voice came again, with a sense of urgency.

Xiao Hei didn't dare to be negligent, and carrying his own spiritual consciousness, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards the demon pill that was split in the dantian.

When breaking through the illusory fire and the evil wind, Xiao Hei let out a scream, and couldn't help but tremble all over.

This illusory fire and evil wind are the nemesis of such things as divine consciousness.

There is no difference between Xiao Hei rushing up like this and courting death, but he still chose to believe Lin Tian.

A moment later, a thunderbolt hit Xiao Hei's dantian.


In an instant, the demon core was completely broken, and the vast spiritual power erupted from it, shaking away the surrounding nihilistic fire and evil wind for a while.

If you can see through Xiao Hei's body now, you will definitely find that after the demon core is shattered, there is a looming shadow in the center of the spiritual power explosion.

This is a Xiaopeng bird. If you look closely, you can find that it looks exactly like Xiao Hei.

This is its demon spirit.

But now, Xiao Hei's demon spirit is still extremely fragile, without any spirituality, and cannot withstand the baptism of wind, fire and thunder.

"Why are you still standing there? Fusion!"

Seeing Xiao Hei in a daze, Lin Tian couldn't help scolding.

Hearing this, Xiao Hei woke up immediately, gritted his teeth instantly, and merged his consciousness into the weak and transparent shadow.

In an instant, Xiaopeng opened his eyes, and the vast soul power swayed from Xiaohei's body, and it let out a sharp roar, shaking the world.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian smiled.

Now Xiaohei can be regarded as a successful breakthrough, and then he only needs to go through the baptism of the catastrophe, and basically there will be no danger.

(End of this chapter)

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