Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 15 Ancient Ruins?

Chapter 15 Ancient Ruins?

Sitting on Xiao Hei's back, Lin Tian casually played with the imperial treasure medicine that he had just frightened from the hands of those demon emperors, with a slight smile on his face.

There are countless elixir in the world, and they are divided into several grades according to their efficacy.

Among them, the first-grade elixir is the worst, and every time it is upgraded by one tier, the efficacy of the medicine doubles, and the ninth-grade elixir is the most effective, and the efficacy is at least 250 six times that of the first-grade elixir.

Above the ninth-grade elixir, it is a precious medicine.

The precious medicines are also divided into three grades, the ordinary treasure medicines, the king grade treasure medicines and the imperial grade treasure medicines. Among them, the imperial grade treasure medicines are the most precious, and each grade is also a ninth grade.

"The harvest is not bad."

Lin Tian smiled and nodded. The imperial treasure medicines in his hand are all above the fifth grade, and their efficacy is dozens of times higher than that of ordinary imperial treasure medicines.

Maybe before, he didn't like this kind of thing.

But now, these things are also very good resources for him.

In a small place like Yunyang City and Tianyun Dynasty, taking out a random plant can cause a bloody storm.

Lin Tian naturally also knows the truth that a man is not guilty but he is guilty. Although he is not afraid, he does not want to cause trouble.

Without any reluctance, Lin Tian directly swallowed four of the five precious medicines.

There is not much difference in the efficacy of these four strains. They are all precious medicines for recovery, and one of them is even more for repairing the soul. Among the royal treasure medicines, they are all extremely precious varieties, which are very suitable for Lin Tian's current state. .

Xiao Hei smashed his mouth, noticed Lin Tian's actions, and felt a little emotional in his heart.

A boss is a boss, and this imperial medicine can be eaten as a snack.

If it were it, it would definitely wish to hide it as a treasure, and would never eat a little unless it was absolutely necessary.

After all, for many people, having a recovery-type royal treasure medicine in their body is equivalent to an extra life.

But now, Lin Tian ate four plants lightly.

Xiao Hei couldn't help feeling a little heartbroken looking at it.

After closing his eyes and adjusting his breath for half an hour, Lin Tian opened his eyes, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter, and after taking the four imperial treasure medicines, his mind and soul recovered by one ten millionth.

Although not much, he was quite satisfied.

With a thought in Lin Tian's mind, powerful spiritual power swept out, and every move in a radius of fifty miles around was instantly reflected in Lin Tian's mind.

Xiao Hei under Lin Tian also immediately felt a terrifying coercion.

Although Lin Tian didn't target it, the aura inadvertently revealed by Lin Tian's soul would also affect it.

After all, even though the dragon died, its power still exists.

What's more, Lin Tian is not dead yet, and his soul is still that supreme level soul, no matter how weak it is, its power cannot be resisted by a little demon emperor like Xiao Hei.

"Go down."

Soon, Lin Tian found several familiar auras in the Yunyang Mountains, and immediately ordered Xiao Hei to restrain his aura, and then said: "Remember, don't reveal your aura easily without my order, let alone in front of others. speak face to face."

"Okay son."

Xiao Hei fell down quickly, Lin Tian walked down from the top, looked at the huge roc in front of him, thought for a while, and then said: "Well, if you make it smaller, it looks too big, it's not convenient to follow me around."

Hearing this, black light flickered on Xiao Hei's body, and his body shrank immediately.

After a while, it flew around the sky like an ordinary black kite.

"Still too big."

Lin Tian shook his head and said, "Smaller."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei couldn't help shrinking again.


"Brother son, can we stay so young?"

Xiao Hei looked at Xiao Qiao himself and felt awkward all over.

It is a descendant of the golden-winged roc, the overlord of the sky, no matter how you look at it now, it looks like a crow.

Black feathers, sharp beak.

Only the trace of golden eyes made it a little different from ordinary crows.

"This image is pretty good. If you don't have anything to do in the future, just keep it."

Lin Tian glanced at Xiao Hei, nodded and decided on its bird life.

Hearing this, Xiao Hei felt a little sad in his heart.

I have just broken through to the God Embryo Realm, and I have become a crow before I have tried the majesty of the Demon Emperor. This is too tragic.

Lin Tian ignored the dejected Xiao Hei behind him, and walked towards the familiar aura not far away.


There was a loud shout from the forest.

Immediately afterwards, several figures jumped out from the forest.

"it's me."

Lin Tian pushed aside the bushes in front of him and walked out.

"Young master?"

These big men in gray clothes with the word "Lin" embroidered on their left chests couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw Lin Tian, ​​they were very surprised.

These people are none other than the servants of the Lin family, and they are all Lin Longxiao's confidantes, otherwise, other members of the Lin family would not call him young master.

Lin Tian glanced not far away, Lin Longxiao's breath was there, he asked curiously: "What are you doing here?"

Hearing this, a black-faced servant Ding in the head hesitated for a moment, and then whispered, "Master, it's like this. A while ago, news suddenly spread to Yunyang City that near the Yunyang Mountain Range, there are ancient ruins that have been dusty for a long time. , attracted the catastrophe, and now all the forces in Yunyang City have entered the mountain like crazy, and they have been searching for five days, but they have not found anything."

Hearing this, Lin Tian had a strange expression on his face.

He couldn't be more clear about how the catastrophe came about.

Also the ancient ruins...

Lin Tian admired the imagination of these people a little in his heart, it is really quite rich.

However, in this way, Lin Tian was actually helped a lot.

He was still worrying about how to attract some strong people to help him dig out the palace after all the energy completely disappeared in the Grand Canyon a month later.

Now it seems that the catastrophe has alarmed many people.

I am afraid that many people have already paid attention to this place.

At that time, as long as I do some small tricks and release the news about the palace, I believe there will be countless people who are willing to go there and give him a free job.

After all, no one can resist the temptation of a 'Great Emperor's Ruins'.

When Lin Tian was thinking about how to ask someone to work for him for free, the black-faced man seemed to think of something, and immediately said: "By the way, young master, the owner of the family is looking for you everywhere..."

Hearing this, Lin Tian asked in confusion, "Oh? What does father want from me?"

He remembered that before he came out, he told Lin Longxiao that he would not go back until a month later, and told him not to look for him.

Why did Lin Longxiao start looking for him in less than a month?

Hearing Lin Tian's question, the black-faced man looked a little hesitant, as if he was struggling, should he tell Lin Tian about it.

"Master, if we tell you, don't be angry..."

Another servant said hesitantly.

Seeing this, Lin Tian frowned, and then said lightly: "Just say it."

(End of this chapter)

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