Chapter 17 Apology?

"Okay, I'll wait."

Lin Tian didn't argue with the third elder, he just smiled and walked past him, walking towards the dense forest not far away.

Xiao Hei hurriedly jumped up and down to follow.

Only then did everyone realize that Lin Tian was followed by a crow.


The third elder laughed on the spot, and said with contempt on his face: "The waste is indeed waste. Others raise a battle pet, which is an extremely ferocious beast. No matter how bad it is, it is also a good-looking pet. This guy actually raised a crow. "

"Hehe, only a fool like Lin Tian would like such an ugly bird." Lin San followed with a laugh in order to please the third elder.

Xiao Hei was extremely angry when he heard these words.

Fuck your uncle's crow, it's a roc! ! !
If it hadn't been for Lin Tian's warning, it would have eaten and swallowed all the ants that dared to ridicule today, and it dared to call it ugly, it was looking for death.

Xiao Hei turned his head and glanced coldly at the third elder.

The third elder who was laughing at the crow happened to meet Xiao Hei's gaze.

At that moment, the third elder felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his whole body shivered, as if he was frozen.

Fortunately, Xiao Hei immediately looked away.

The chill on the Third Elder's body also disappeared instantly at this moment.

"Is it an illusion?"

The third elder looked at the crow following Lin Tian in amazement, feeling a little dazed.Just now, he seemed to see killing intent in the eyes of a crow.

The third elder stared at Xiao Hei closely, until it followed Lin Tian and disappeared into the dense forest, the third elder was relieved.

He didn't feel any breath on the crow.

It seems that just now, this was just an illusion.

The bird raised by Lin Tian is not a powerful beast, but just an ordinary crow.

The third elder laughed at himself, shook his head, and murmured with some emotion: "It seems that I am really old. After I came out nervously and searched for the ruins for a while, I was in a trance, and I was raised by a waste." The crows are frightened..."


Following the familiar breath, Lin Tian found Lin Longxiao.

At this time, Lin Longxiao was standing next to a waterfall, surrounded by the sound of running water.

A servant was reporting something to Lin Longxiao, only to see Lin Longxiao's face was ugly.

"Too deceiving!!!"

After Jia Ding finished speaking, Lin Longxiao clenched his fists and couldn't help saying angrily.

"Father, what's wrong?"

Lin Tian walked over and asked curiously.

Hearing this, Xiao Hei's eyes widened, and he kept looking at Lin Longxiao, wanting to see what kind of character his father should be for a character like his son brother.

It's just that the more I look at Xiao Hei, the more confused I feel.

This Lin Longxiao was completely an ordinary person.

He didn't even have a spiritual sea level in cultivation, so he was in the body training level.

In the usual way, it is an ant that can collapse to death with a fart.

How could such a person become the father of his brother?

Little Hei's eyes were full of doubts.

However, it did not dare to ask more questions.

Thinking that an expert like Lin Tian acts in a strange and mysterious way, he must have a reason for doing so.

"My God? Why are you here?"

Seeing Lin Tian who suddenly appeared, Lin Longxiao was very surprised.

He has been looking for Lin Tian for almost a month, but there is no sign of him.During this period of time, Lin Longxiao was often worried about Lin Tian's safety, fearing that he would run into the depths of the mountains and encounter fierce monsters.

Unexpectedly, just after the Su family sent people over today, Lin Tian came back. This is really a coincidence.

Lin Longxiao remained silent, not knowing how to speak to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian remembered what the third elder said just now, and couldn't help asking: "Is father worrying about the Su family's affairs?"

Hearing this, Lin Longxiao looked at Lin Tian in surprise, "Do you know about the Su family?"


Lin Tian nodded and said: "When I came here just now, I met the third elder, and they told me about it."

Hearing this, Lin Longxiao couldn't help clenching his fists.

Without thinking about it, he knew that Lin Tian must have been severely mocked by the third elder and others just now.

"Tian'er, I blame my father for being useless."

After a while, Lin Longxiao looked distressed, and said with some annoyance: "If I was good enough to be as good as your grandfather, his Su family would not come to you to divorce the engagement."

"It's okay, father. Anyway, we are all ordinary people. We can't afford to be the eldest lady of the Su family. If this marriage is divorced, it will be retired."

Lin Tian didn't care.

He was really not angry at all when the eldest lady of the Su family came to withdraw the engagement, on the contrary, he was very happy.

What Lin Tian was afraid of was that not only did the young miss of the Su family refuse to withdraw the engagement, but she had to marry him with shamelessness, and that would be troublesome.

"It's good that you can see it."

Seeing Lin Tian so free and easy, Lin Longxiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that Lin Tian would do something irrational driven by his strong self-esteem.

After all, no matter where it is, it is a shameful thing to be divorced by a woman.

And the Su family is so strong.

If Lin Tian dared to act recklessly, Lin Longxiao would not be sure to keep him.

After all, the Su family, which has lost their old man, will not think about any old feelings, and give Lin Longxiao half of the face.

"By the way, how is your practice now?"

Lin Longxiao seemed to have thought of something and couldn't help asking.

Lin Tian heard the words, and said calmly: "Oh, I just found a good feeling, and I plan to start practicing in a few days."

"……In a few days?"

Hearing Lin Tian's words, the corners of Lin Longxiao's mouth twitched.

He probed a little.

Sure enough, there was no aura in Lin Tian's body.


Lin Longxiao couldn't help but sighed and rubbed his temples, feeling very headache.

In his eyes, compared to the Su family's divorce, the third elder's bet is the most troublesome.

After all, the former is just a little face loss.

The latter, on the other hand, had to lose both arms and become a cripple, and even kneel down to apologize, which was equally embarrassing.

"Tian'er, if this is not the case, you and I will go to the third elder and give him a crime, and this bet will be forgotten..."

Lin Longxiao hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Although he knew that if he went to the third elder now, he would definitely be made things difficult and insulted in every possible way, but no matter what requirements and conditions the third elder had, it was better than seeing Lin Tian with his arms crippled.

"Father, do you not believe me?"

Lin Tian smiled.

"It's not that I don't believe you, but that you now..."

Lin Longxiao looked at Lin Tian, ​​opened his mouth, and finally sighed helplessly, he also wanted to believe Lin Tian.

During this month, he had secretly expected that his son might actually be able to create some miracles.

But now, seeing that the agreed time is coming, Lin Tian has not even reached the first level of Qi Gathering Realm, which makes Lin Longxiao dare to believe him.

Could it be that, in just four days, Lin Tian could go from being an ordinary person to practicing at the seventh level of Qi Gathering?

Is he crazy, or is the world crazy?
Anyway, Lin Longxiao didn't think that Lin Tian could do all of this, and only took his words as the stubbornness of young people who didn't want to admit defeat.

"Tian'er, face is important, but letting it go sometimes is not necessarily a bad thing."

Lin Longxiao was quite helpless, and tried to persuade him: "The third elder is also your elder. With me here, he should not put forward any embarrassing conditions to you. The big deal is that my father will give him all the savings of these years as an apology. That's it."

(End of this chapter)

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