Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 19 The Lin Family Is The Lin Family, I Am Me

Chapter 19 The Lin family is the Lin family, I am me (third update)
"God, you..."

Lin Longxiao also looked at Lin Tian in astonishment.

He knew that Lin Tian was impulsive, but he never thought that Lin Tian would be so impulsive.

Lin Longxiao couldn't help feeling a little regretful. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have brought Lin Tian with him. This time, the matter would definitely not end.

Sure enough, the gray-clothed old man was only slightly stunned for a moment, and then his whole face darkened instantly, and he was full of anger.

In the eyes of the gray-clothed old man, only the Su family has the right to dislike the Lin family, to withdraw the engagement, and to dominate all of this.

He, Lin Tian, ​​why dare to tear up the engagement?

What qualifications do you have to dare to say such a thing?

"Bastard, you're courting death!!!" The gray-clothed old man glanced at the broken marriage contract on the ground, took a deep breath, and murderous intent surged in his eyes.

"This is the Lin family."

Lin Longxiao didn't care about regret at this moment, he hurriedly stood in front of Lin Tian, ​​staring nervously at the gray-clothed old man.

"Lin Longxiao, he insulted my Su family, shouldn't you give me an explanation for this matter?"

The old man in gray pointed at Lin Tian and said in a deep voice, with a threatening momentum.

"What do you want to explain?"

Lin Tian sneered and said sarcastically, "Didn't you always want to regret your marriage? Now that I have fulfilled your wish for you and broke up the engagement, you should thank me."

"You are courting death!!!"

The old man in gray gritted his teeth and said, he couldn't understand Lin Tian's attitude, and felt the disdain in his heart.

"Hehe, I'm looking for death, so what can you do? Want to kill me? Do it if you have the guts."

Lin Tian sneered and said disdainfully.

"Do you think I dare not?"

The gray-clothed old man felt that he was being scorned, and was extremely annoyed. A powerful breath erupted from him, and the surrounding furniture couldn't help shaking.

The tea set beside him exploded in an instant, and the tea splashed out.

The Great Elder next to him hurriedly waved his hand to shake away the fragments flying towards him, and then persuaded hypocritically and gloatingly: "Elder Su, Lin Tian's madness has not healed. Some time ago, he was still with my elder Three bets, to break through to the seventh level of energy gathering within a month, don't be as knowledgeable as a lunatic like him."

"Oh? And this?"

Hearing this, the grey-clothed old man's aura slightly receded.

"That's right, for this reason they also made an oath of heaven, and this matter has spread in Yunyang City."

The great elder smiled lightly.

Hearing the words, the gray-clothed old man stared at Lin Tian, ​​and found that there was no aura in him, so he couldn't help but sneered, "Hmph, he's really a lunatic."

"Master, am I crazy? Don't care about your business? Have you eaten your rice?"

Lin Tian will not be used to the gray-clothed old man. He glanced at him coldly, and said impatiently: "Now that your goal has been achieved, why are you still here? My Lin family doesn't have the hobby of giving charity to beggars. You I got the wrong guy."

Hearing this, the old man in gray was very angry at Lin Tian's poisonous tongue, and pointed at him angrily, his fingers were trembling, "You, you, you are looking for death!"

"Why do I look left and right and think you are a fool?"

Lin Tian looked disgusted, looked at the old man in gray with an idiot-like look, and said, "It's just one sentence, can't you change it to something new?"

"you you--"

The gray-clothed old man pointed at Lin Tian, ​​feeling his blood rushing up.

"Ahhh—I'm going to kill you—"

The gray-clothed old man's eyes were red, and he couldn't hold back in the end. He opened his hands, like a big eagle, and rushed towards Lin Tian.

Lin Longxiao was prepared and blocked it instantly.

The two immediately played against each other, you come and go.

The Great Elder retreated far away, and the rest of the people also stepped aside one after another.

The surrounding tables and chairs were instantly shattered by the two of them.

Although they are both in the body refining state, the gray-clothed old man's cultivation is weaker than Lin Longxiao's.

So now even if Lin Longxiao was injured, it would be very difficult for him to defeat Lin Longxiao, get rid of Lin Longxiao's obstruction, and attack Lin Tian.

"Lin Longxiao, do you dare to oppose my Su family?"

After several attacks to no avail, the gray-clothed old man shouted sharply, trying to suppress Lin Longxiao with the help of his family.

"Lin Tian is my son."

There was no unnecessary nonsense, just six simple words, which showed Lin Longxiao's determination.

He may have made many concessions in his life, but that doesn't mean that Lin Longxiao is a weak person.

Basically, all his concessions are for the Lin family and Lin Tian and Lin Muyu brothers and sisters.

They are Lin Longxiao's bottom line.

Now that the gray-clothed old man wanted to attack Lin Tian, ​​Lin Longxiao naturally wouldn't back down.

"Lin Longxiao, do you know what you are doing?"

At this time, the Great Elder suddenly made a sound. He pointed at Lin Tian and shouted coldly: "Who is he? Others don't know, don't you?"

"For such a wild species you picked up, you want to drag our entire Lin family into the water?"

Hearing this, Lin Longxiao's body trembled, his movements stopped, and he turned his face abruptly, staring at the elder, his eyes were red with killing intent, and he shouted angrily: "Lin Shoubai, shut up!!!"

Seeing Lin Longxiao's murderous gaze, the Great Elder couldn't help but swallowed the words, and he was also afraid that Lin Longxiao would run away violently.

"God, don't listen to their nonsense."

Lin Longxiao took a deep breath and forced a smile on Lin Tian.

Although Lin Tian's identity is not a secret, in Lin Longxiao's eyes, it is better not to let Lin Tian know.

After all, no one likes to be an abandoned orphan.

"It's okay, I know all this..."

Lin Tian smiled sarcasticly, without the slightest bit of astonishment and shock of knowing his miserable identity, he looked at Lin Longxiao and said seriously: "I have noticed how you treated me all these years, so..."

Hearing this, Lin Longxiao suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

"So, no matter what happens in the future, you will be my Lin Tian's father, and Mu Yu will also be my younger sister, but from now on..."

Speaking of this, Lin Tian paused, a trace of sarcasm flashed in his eyes, and then said: "The Lin family is the Lin family, and I, Lin Tian, ​​am Lin Tian, ​​not the Lin family anymore."

"Tian'er, what nonsense are you talking about? Shut up!"

Lin Longxiao anxiously interrupted Lin Tian's words.

"Lin Longxiao, have you seen it? This is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. Since no one recognizes our Lin family, why do you keep him?"

The Great Elder sneered beside him.

"Lin Shoubai, if you don't shut up, do you believe I'll kill you?"

Lin Longxiao's eyes were already red, and he growled hoarsely at the elder, if it weren't for this bastard, how could Lin Tian choose to leave the Lin family.

"Lin Longxiao, since this kid now thinks that he is not from your Lin family, let me handle it."

The old man in gray gave a strange laugh, and then rushed towards Lin Tian quickly.

"Go away."

Without hesitation, Lin Longxiao punched him, and shouted angrily: "Even if he leaves the Lin family now, he is still my Lin Longxiao's son. As long as I am here, it is impossible to hand him over to you."

"Lin Longxiao, pay attention to your identity, do you want to start a war with the Lin family and my Su family for an outsider?"

The gray-clothed old man punched Lin Longxiao, shook his numb arm, and shouted coldly.

"Lin Longxiao, stop!"

At this time, another old man came, none other than the second elder of the Lin family, the old man who presided over the coming-of-age ceremony of the Lin family that day.

He has always been a neutral faction in the Lin family, but today, he is also on the side of the great elder.

"Lin Longxiao, since Lin Tian doesn't recognize the identity of the Lin family, why do you care about him? Let Elder Su take him away."

The second elder looked calm, and said lightly: "Remember your identity, you are the head of the Lin family, and your words and deeds represent our Lin family."

"Long Xiao, don't mess around."

"Long Xiao, what the Great Elder said just now is correct. Our Lin family has raised him for 16 years no matter what, and we have done what we should have. It's fine if he doesn't want to repay him. He even spoke rudely and contradicted the elders. Now we give it to our Lin family. Make enemies everywhere, why do you keep such a person?"

Another group of people walked in.

Without exception, these people are all elders of the Lin family.

The old man in gray looked at Lin Longxiao with a sneer, he wanted to see how the Patriarch of the Lin family could protect Lin Tian under such circumstances.

(End of this chapter)

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