Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 203 You are too weak, let your real people come over

Chapter 203 You are too weak, let your real people come over
Looking at the menacing strong men of the Tianling clan, Lin Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, and then waved his hands impatiently, "You are too weak, get away, you want to avenge your clan, let The real people of your people will come out and speak."

Hearing this, a strong man from the Heavenly Spirit Tribe couldn't help being angry, his face turned red, and he couldn't help but said angrily, "What are you? If you didn't get a little chance on the Wanlingdao Mountain by yourself, what do you think? Just relying on you, can you kill my holy son?"

"What am I?"

Hearing this, Lin Tian narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed across his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, with a casual throw, the purple gold gourd at his waist flew out and hung in the air.

"This is???"

Everyone was stunned when they saw the purple gourd that appeared suddenly, not knowing what it was.

In the next moment, Lin Tian poured the abundant spiritual power in the spiritual sea, which has surpassed that of ordinary kings, and the power contained in the two major meridians into the purple gold gourd in an instant.

Compared with the Heavenly God Sword, this thing is even more powerful.

Especially after arriving in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, Lin Tian only left behind a Celestial Sword that he used fairly easily, and the rest of the weapons he got were basically fed to Zijin gourds and let him refine them by himself. Transformation, devouring the essence, repairing itself.

It can be said that the current Zijin Gourd has regained the power of many innate treasures.

Compared with ordinary real treasures, it is much stronger.

Under the urging of Lin Tian, ​​the light shines instantly.

"This is the innate treasure, the Purple Gold Gourd!!!"

Suddenly, someone recognized Lin Tian's spiritual treasure, and was shocked.

Only now, it's too late.

The light of chaos, under the guidance of Lin Tian's divine sense, precisely landed on a king of the Sky Spirit Race.

In an instant, the emperor's body gradually disintegrated.

"Save me! Save me!"

The man looked at his body that was gradually disappearing, and couldn't help making a sound of panic.

It's a pity that everyone is very afraid of the light of chaos, which can divide any material in the world, and no one dares to touch it lightly, let alone save him.

"Originally, I thought that this guy only had a real treasure in his hand. In a state where he couldn't be fully activated, we could take him down easily with the help of the few of us. I didn't expect that he had such an innate treasure like a purple gold gourd. What a miscalculation, we withdraw!"

There was an emperor of the Tianling clan who looked at him with an ugly expression. The companion who had gradually disappeared between the heavens and the earth suddenly got cold from his feet, turned around and left without thinking, not daring to stay here any longer.

The treasure in Lin Tian's hands is really too strong.

They can't stop such a person at all.

Not to mention, catch him and go to the Qilin Saint Clan to claim credit.

At the moment Zijin Gourd came out, these were unrealistic ideas.

It's just that they want to be simple.

But if he wanted to leave, he had to ask Lin Tiantong if he disagreed.

For this kind of person who wants to kill himself, Lin Tian has never been so soft.

The moment Zijin Gourd launched an attack, he himself also moved.

I saw a flash of the figure, and in the blink of an eye, Lin Tian suddenly appeared in front of an emperor.


The emperor of the Tianling clan was startled, and before he could react, Lin Tian slashed at him with a sword.

With the incomparably weird movement skills of the close-up Tianya and Lin Tian's almost extreme swordsmanship, the emperor had no time to take any countermeasures, and was beheaded by a sword.

At that moment, the sword energy swept across.

Kill all the souls in his body.

This sudden change surprised everyone.

Originally, everyone thought that the reason why Lin Tian was so strong in the Wanling Mountain Range was basically due to the power from the Wanling Dao Mountain.

Who would have thought that he himself was so strong.

Although in front of them, the emperors of the Tianling clan who came out to intercept them are not strong in the realm of the god fetus.

It can even be said to be weak.

But no matter how weak they are, they are all emperors who have cultivated their souls.

Compared with Linghai, it is higher than three realms.

But Lin Tian easily killed him with a single sword strike.

As far as this sword is concerned, Lin Tian is definitely not weaker than those arrogants on the Tianling List.

You must know that those arrogances on the Tianling list are basically the strength of the peak kings!
Especially in the top ten, many of them began to hit the emperor.

And Lin Tian is only at the Spirit Sea Realm now.

If he is allowed to enter the world, he will become a king.

In the situation where the real person can't come out, who can do anything to get him?

While hiding around and watching the crowd, Lin Tian also started his massacre while they were shocked.

Every time the sword shadow flickered, there was a bloody light following it.

The strange movement made the emperors of the Tianling clan not dare to move, for fear that if he was distracted, Lin Tian would appear in front of them, and then slash at them with a sword.

If they were switched to other weapons, perhaps they would not be so nervous.

But the sword in Lin Tian's hand is a real treasure.

Just being injured by it is enough for them to drink a pot each.

Not to mention, being hit by it.

That's basically certain death.

But if they don't move, Lin Tian's chance will be reduced, but the chance of Zijin Gourd in the sky will come.


A chaotic light blasted away.

In the blink of an eye, the emperor's face was filled with horror, desperately urging the spiritual power in his body to stop the erosion of the light of chaos.

It's just a pity that these can only be blocked for a while, but they cannot be blocked for a lifetime.

The hindrance of spiritual power only slowed down the speed of encroachment by the light of chaos.

In the end, this emperor of the Heavenly Spirit Clan had to grit his teeth. The strong man cut off his wrists, abandoned his body, and flew out of his spirit, trying to find a chance of survival.

However, the light of chaos, devouring is not just the physical body.

Divine soul, it will also differentiate together.

After the emperor came out, he found something was wrong.

His own soul actually only has half of his body and no legs.

Moreover, the remaining half of the body is also rapidly disappearing.


The strong man of the Sky Spirit Clan suddenly uttered a terrified scream in the air.

Then the voice gradually faded away, and the whole person disappeared into nothingness.

As if it had never appeared in this world.

This weird scene made bystanders feel chills in their hearts, not to mention those strong men of the Sky Spirit Clan who were locked by Lin Tian.

"This strong..."

Feng Qing'er, who was standing beside Xiao Hei, saw this scene, her pretty face was full of disbelief, and her beautiful eyes were full of shock.

It never occurred to her that this young man, who was branded as 'boosting' by her at the very beginning, would have such abilities.

Not only has he climbed the rumored ten-thousand-story ladder that only the emperor or the emperor's capital can climb.

Its own combat power is actually terrifying to such an extent.

Although there is suspicion of relying on Lingbao, if there is no absolute strength, even with Lingbao in hand, it is absolutely impossible to be so powerful.

Anyway, Feng Qing'er didn't think she could do this in Linghai Realm, relying on Zijin Gourd and Celestial Sword.

"Who did he learn from?"

At this moment, Feng Qing'er was very curious.

I want to know what kind of person is able to teach such an evildoer as Lin Tian.

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(End of this chapter)

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