Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 205 Provoking the Ancient Emperor

Chapter 205 Provoking the Ancient Emperor
Overnight, everyone's eyes turned to Wanling City, which instantly became the focus.

"What a Lin Tian, ​​who kidnapped my daughter and dared to come to my Wanling City, do you really think that I, Feng Qishan, are vegetarians?"

The city lord of Wanling City, Feng Qishan, also knew the news that Lin Tian was coming, and even he was so angry that he felt that he and the whole Wanling City were being looked down upon.

And the news that was spreading wildly from the outside world made him even more mad, wishing to tear Lin Tian into pieces.

The day.

Next to the teleportation array in Wanling City, there are strong people guarding, waiting for Lin Tian's arrival.

The monks in the city also wandered around here, wanting to see how confident Lin Tian was, daring to come to the city of all spirits to throw himself into the net.

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, Chen Nuo, who was rushing to Jiuqu Tiangong to steal the quasi-imperial medicine for Lin Tian, ​​was shocked when he heard the news about Lin Tian. He didn't expect him to be so powerful. There are stairs, but soon, he couldn't help but feel pain in his face.

"My God, is it hard to think about going to Wanling City at this time? My life is still in your hands, so please don't burp me there..."

Chen Nuo's face was full of worry, and he had to worry about Lin Tian's safety.

There is no way, the things that Lin Tian left behind are still in his mind.

God knows, if this guy dies, will the power in his mind explode directly.

For a while, Chen Nuo was so worried that he didn't have the heart to sneak into the Jiuqu Tiangong. He found a nearby city to live in, and spent every day in restaurants and teahouses. He wanted to get the latest news about Wanling City from here. .

The day after the news broke.

Daolincheng and the powerful members of the Qilin Saint Clan appeared in Wanling City one after another.

Without exception, the team leader is an ancient emperor.

They are holding real treasures, and their aura is so powerful that ordinary emperors can only tremble in front of them.

These people used secret methods to activate the formation, and then poured in spirit stones several times higher than usual, and killed Lin Tian before he arrived, just to block him here.

The three forces met each other and nodded at the same time.

There is no conflict of interest, and their purpose is the same, that is to keep Lin Tian here forever.

"The three ancient emperors are all holding real treasures. Even if the holy emperor comes, he has to avoid his edge. Before Lin Tian came, I'm afraid he would never have thought that these people's determination to kill him would be so powerful. Is it that strong?" Looking at this scene, someone couldn't help clicking their tongues.

I was shocked by the lineup in front of me.

You know, in this era where real people are rarely born.

It is very rare for three ancient emperors to be born together.

Not to mention, they all brought real treasures.

The last time there was such a big battle in the heavenly spirit world, I don't know how many years ago it was.

Unexpectedly, now it appears again because of a young man.

Half a day later, under the eyes of everyone.

The teleportation array in Wanling City lit up again, and a silver light connected to the void.

At this moment, everyone stared at the beam of light intently.

The three ancient emperors sitting cross-legged on all sides slowly got up, their eyes were cold and filled with endless chill.

The ancient emperor of Daolin City didn't hesitate, and regardless of whether the visitor was Lin Tian or not, he threw the formation disk directly in his hand, and the emperors behind him immediately formed an formation, and then poured spiritual power into it, sealing off this space.

The Qilin Saint Clan also brought something similar.

They didn't give up just because the strong men in Daolin City had already used them.

Another formation plate depicting the imprisonment-type formation flew out.

Under the blessing of the strong members of the Qilin Saint Clan, the blockade of this space has been strengthened.

Wanling City was even more violent, and directly opened the city protection array.

At this moment, as long as there is no consent of Feng Qishan, the city lord of Wanling City, no one can leave the whole Wanling City.


The silver light gradually dissipated.

A man and a woman, two figures gradually appeared in everyone's sight.

Although everyone didn't know Lin Tian, ​​when they saw Feng Qing'er next to him, they knew who it was.

"This guy is actually here..."

Looking at the boy in white clothes standing on the shoulder with a black 'crow', countless people couldn't help but gasped and looked at each other.

"Lin Tian, ​​what crime do you deserve for killing the holy son of our clan?!"

The ancient emperor of the Qilin Saint Clan immediately stepped forward, and the terrifying power of the ancient emperor overwhelmingly oppressed Lin Tian. He looked at Lin Tian indifferently, and his voice was like a bell, exploding in this world.

Immediately, there was another person who shouted in a deep voice: "Killing, and almost killing the successor of my Dao Lincheng, it is a crime worthy of death, this old man will do justice for the sky today!"

This is the ancient emperor of Daolincheng speaking, his aura is no weaker than that of the ancient emperor of the Qilin Saint Clan.
A terrifying coercion shrouded this world.

It made all directions extremely depressing.

It made people who watched from a distance feel uncomfortable.

The most frightening thing is the ancient emperor in Wanling City, whose aura is infinitely close to that of the Holy Emperor, so terrifying.

The ancient emperor didn't pay attention to Lin Tian, ​​but set his eyes on Feng Qing'er, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after seeing that she seemed to be fine.

"Miss, come here, there is an old man here, no one dares to hurt you!"

The ancient emperor of Wanling City stood with his hands behind his back, with a proud expression, and said confidently.

Hearing this, Feng Qing'er glanced at Lin Tian next to him, hesitated for a moment, and then quickly ran towards the ancient emperor of Wanling City.

At this moment, under the gaze of the three ancient emperors, Lin Tian made a sudden move.

This time, everyone was shocked.

Feng Qing'er's face changed even more.

She has seen how terrifying Lin Tian's shots are.

If he wanted to kill someone, he would have almost escaped death.

"Boy, dare you!!!"

The ancient emperor of Wanling City, whose face was full of self-confidence, saw Lin Tian stretching out his hand towards Feng Qing'er, his face suddenly changed, and he became a little distorted.

It never occurred to him that Lin Tian dared to attack Feng Qing'er in front of him.

Daolincheng and the ancient emperor of the Qilin Saint Clan were also taken aback.

In an instant, there was no time to react.


The sword light flashed, still so fast.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Tian had already finished drawing the sword.

Feng Qing'er stood there blankly and stopped in her tracks.

A strand of hair slowly fell from where she ran just now.

Lin Tian grabbed it into his hand.

Then he shook his face at the ashen-faced ancient emperor in Wanling City, smiled faintly, and said, "Look, I dare..."

Hearing this, the entire Wanling City exploded immediately.

"Fuck, what the hell did I see???"

"This kid is actually provoking an ancient emperor?!"

"My God, this is fucking, is it my eyesight, or is he crazy?"

For a moment, everyone couldn't help being in an uproar, and looked at Lin Tian in shock, dumbfounded.

 still old time~
  En~ Thank you for your rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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