Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 21 Eat and drink together?

Chapter 21 Eat and drink together?


Yanyang City is the county seat of Yanyang County, in the center of Yanyang County, thousands of miles away from a small border town like Yunyang City.

If you rely on an ordinary carriage to travel, you need to walk for at least a day.

But Xiao Hei took Lin Tian to appear in Yanyang City in less than a stick of incense.

Compared with Yunyang City, Yanyang City is much more lively. From a long distance, Lin Tian can see countless figures walking into the city or coming out of the city, crowded with people.

This is a big city that can be ranked even in the Tianyun Dynasty, with a permanent population of more than [-] million, which is several times that of Yunyang City.

"Brother, why bother with them? In my opinion, those who question you should all be slapped to death."

With Lin Tian's permission, Xiao Hei boldly stood on Lin Tian's shoulder and said angrily.

In Xiao Hei's eyes, no matter the third elder of the Lin family or the Su family, they are just sensationalist clowns, so what qualifications do they have to despise Lin Tian?

"Xiao Hei, don't be so hostile..."

As if playing with a pet, Lin Tian gently stroked the feathers on Xiao Hei's body.

"People look down on me, so I'm going to kill them? People in the world look down on me that day. If they despise me, don't they want to kill all the people in the world? I'm not a murderous monster..." Lin Tian smiled lightly, shook his head.

"But they're just awful."

Xiao Hei was still a little angry, thinking that Lin Tian had a too good temper.

"So, don't you think it's very interesting to slap them in the face in public?" Lin Tian smiled sinisterly.

Hearing the words, Xiao Hei was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly realized, and laughed strangely.

The longer he stayed by Lin Tian's side, the more Xiao Hei discovered that besides the inadvertent domineering brother he, the young man who made him stand up high, there was also a kind of evil taste in his bones that only children had.

For a while, Xiao Hei couldn't help getting into this bad habit.

Some people are looking forward to what kind of expressions the Lin family and Su family will have after Lin Tian shines.

Shock?Still regret it?
In Xiao Hei's fantasy, Lin Tian walked into the city slowly.

Lin Tian was dressed in white, with jet-black hair scattered behind, with a delicate face and an indifferent demeanor, making him look like a troubled man.

Xiao Hei turned into a crow, standing on Lin Tian's shoulder, looking around curiously.

This combination of one person and one crow seemed very abrupt, and it also attracted many people's gazes when they walked on the crowded street.

Among them, there is a girl who is not too shy to look at her.

Although Lin Tian's appearance is not very handsome, it is very attractive, belonging to the type that looks better the more you look at it.

Coupled with the indifference revealed by him inadvertently.

It also gave him a unique temperament, as if no matter whether the sky collapsed or the earth cracked, he would not panic at all.

Lin Tian walked to an inn that looked pretty good, stopped for a while, and immediately a waiter greeted him, and said with a smile on his face: "Guest officer, do you want to stay in the inn?"

"Our Tianyun Inn can't guarantee anything else, but I can guarantee that in Yanyang City, there is absolutely no better inn than ours. Every room is engraved with a gathering spirit formation. It's an excellent venue.”

The waiter introduced himself boastfully, with a proud look on his face.

"Oh, let's live here."

Lin Tian nodded lightly, raised his legs and walked into the inn.

Along the way, this inn is indeed the best one Lin Tian has seen. As for the Spirit Gathering Formation, it still can't attract him, it's too low-level.

The shop waiter led Lin Tian in, and introduced to Lin Tian: "Guest officer, our inn has three types of rooms, 'Heaven, Earth and People', among which the sky-level rooms are the most, with a daily price of one thousand taels of silver. And the herringbone size is 500 taels and 100 taels respectively, the higher the class of the room, the higher the level of the spirit-gathering array engraved inside, which one do you want to live in, guest officer?"


Lin Tian smashed his mouth, touched his pocket, and then realized that he didn't seem to bring any money out.

Lin Tian couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

This scene happened to be seen by the waiter.

"This guy, doesn't he have no money?"

The waiter's expression was slightly stiff, and he couldn't help but look at Lin Tian again.

Looking at Lin Tian's temperament, he doesn't look like a poor man?

Otherwise, he wouldn't have brought Lin Tian in on his own initiative.

"Ahem, I came out in a hurry today. I didn't bring any money. I don't know if I can use other things as collateral first. After a few days, I will pay the money?"

Lin Tian said in embarrassment.


The waiter didn't refuse outright, but looked at Lin Tian suspiciously, wanting to see what he could come up with before talking.

After Lin Tian groped around for a while, he finally plucked a feather from Xiao Hei's body calmly and handed it out, "This is it."


The shop clerk looked at it suspiciously, and his face immediately became ugly.

I'm afraid this guy didn't mean to be funny, right?

The shop waiter looked at Lin Tian with an unfriendly expression. He had seen mortgages of jade, weapons, treasures and elixir, but this was the first time he had seen feathers mortgaged.

"Boy, are you here to make trouble?"

The waiter took a deep breath, looked at Lin Tian coldly, and asked what was in his heart.

"No, I'm serious."

Lin Tian shook his head, and said seriously: "If you don't see the value of this feather, let your boss come out."

The shop clerk didn't believe Lin Tian's words. In his eyes, it was just an ordinary feather, except that it seemed to be a little brighter, and there was nothing special about it.

"Fuck off, our manager doesn't have the time to talk nonsense with you here." The waiter impatiently chased Lin Tian away, losing the enthusiasm he had at the beginning.

Standing on Lin Tian's shoulder, Xiao Hei, who was secretly screaming for pain, saw this scene, and his hair suddenly became a little furious, and his eyes became sharp.

This stupid thing, dare to despise its hair.

You know, it is now a demon emperor.

Although there is nothing special about an ordinary feather on it, it is definitely a very precious treasure for ordinary people, worth thousands of gold.

But now, this guy in front of him actually thinks its feathers are worthless, which makes Xiao Hei feel a little angry, wishing to eat the waiter in one bite.

"Xiao Niu, what's the matter?"

At this moment, an old man in a gorgeous robe came in from the outside. Looking at this scene, he couldn't help asking curiously.

"Hi, so it's Master Bai!"

Seeing the old man, the shop waiter's expression changed, he smiled, and then said with some bad luck: "Actually, it's nothing, I just met a liar who wanted to come to our Tianyun Inn to cheat for food and drink, and I'm about to drive him out." Woolen cloth."

(End of this chapter)

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