Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 212 Asking for Imperial Medicine

Chapter 212 Asking for Imperial Medicine
At this time, Emperor Wei had restrained himself.

An ancestor of the Feng family flew out of Wanling City. He was a real person, but at this moment he immediately knelt down under Lin Tian, ​​not daring to raise his head, "Heavenly Emperor, my Feng family is guilty!"

"God, my Feng family is guilty!"

Another trembling voice sounded.

The ancestors of the Feng family were born one after another, kneeling on the ground.

There is also a terrifying aura revived, most likely the ancestor of the Feng family who lived for an unknown number of years, was awakened by the previous war, and now wants to come out to plead guilty.

However, before he fully woke up, Lin Tian pushed him back.

"Okay, you are also loyal, but you are just bewitched, I don't blame you..."

Lin Tian's voice sounded faintly, he glanced at the people below, and slowly said: "But if you are wrong, you are wrong. The Jiang family is now ruined because of you. I think you should know what to do?"

Hearing this, everyone in the Feng family breathed a sigh of relief.

They were really afraid that Lin Tian would implicate them all in a fit of anger.

"Don't worry, the Emperor of Heaven, we will definitely do our best to find out the members of the Jiang family. From now on, my Feng family will be headed by the Jiang family."

An ancestor of the Feng family promised tremblingly.

Hearing this, Lin Tian nodded, quite satisfied.

Immediately, he turned his attention to the ancient emperor of Daolin City who wanted to kill him earlier.

The moment Lin Tian looked at it, the legs of the Dao Lincheng Emperor who was still majestic and about to kill Lin Tian suddenly softened, and he knelt down immediately.

"The villain didn't know that it was the return of the Emperor of Heaven, but he hoped that the Emperor would let the villain out of his life for the sake of the Great Emperor."

The ancient emperor near the city was covered in cold sweat, begging for mercy in a trembling voice.

Lin Tian didn't make a sound, just looked at him quietly.

There was silence all around.

The ancient emperor of Daolin City immediately felt great psychological pressure.

"Emperor, don't be insulted!"

At this moment, a cold voice came, causing the ancient emperor of Dao Lincheng to shudder.

Immediately afterwards, a cold light hit the ancient emperor.

In an instant, the ancient emperor of Daolin City turned into an ice sculpture.

Even the emperors around him did not escape this fate.

A faint light flashed, and an old giant tortoise appeared in the sky.

The moment it appeared, all the ice sculptures below were shattered.

In an instant, the emperors of Daolin City and Qilin Holy Land all fell.

Regarding this, the old tortoise in the sky did not have any emotional fluctuations, as if it had crushed a group of ants to death.

It kept looking at Lin Tian, ​​and there were countless emotions brewing in those dull brown eyes.

The old turtle's lips were trembling, and he was so excited that he didn't know how long it took before he uttered a word tremblingly: "Your Majesty—"

Hearing this call, Lin Tian was also filled with emotion.

Thinking of his years in the heavenly spirit world.

After a while, he looked at the old turtle, and couldn't help sighing, "Oh, why are you doing this?"

This old tortoise is exactly the spirit tortoise that accompanied Lin Tian a million years ago and traveled with him all over the world.

Long before Lin Tian left, it had already entered old age.

Under the seal, although the loss of longevity is slow, it will not stop completely.

Today, it doesn't have long to live.

If it stays in the seal, it may last for hundreds of years.

Even thousands of years.

But now, as soon as it was born, Shouyuan returned to normal flow.

In less than a month, he will die in bed.

At that time, when Lin Tian passed Wanling Dao Mountain, he deliberately restrained his breath, fearing that it would wake it up.

But now, it is still born.

"Your Majesty, please don't be sad for the old turtle. I am satisfied with the old turtle to see His Majesty before the deadline is approaching..." This old turtle, who has lived for millions of years, understands Lin Tian's sigh, For what reason, I couldn't help crying, and said with a smile, the expression on his face was not fake.

Between heaven and earth, there was a layer of sadness immediately.

Lin Tian didn't speak for a long time, his brows were slightly frowned, and he lowered his head as if in deep thought.

"You try this."

Lin Tian handed the purple gold gourd on his waist to the old turtle.

"Your Majesty, these are of little use to me..."

The old turtle could probably guess what was in Lin Tian's purple gold gourd, so he couldn't help shaking his head, rejecting his kindness.

After all, over the years, it has eaten too many natural and earthly treasures.

It also took the imperial medicine that Lin Tian left for it.

Drug resistance has developed in the body.

Even if you give it another imperial medicine, the effect will not be very great.

At most, it will prolong life for a while.

It can't play the role that an imperial medicine should have.

Moreover, it can also be seen that Lin Tian's current state is not very good.

He was able to return now because he had exhausted all the power he had left in this heaven.

It can't last long at all.

If there are good things, you should keep them for yourself.

It cannot be wasted.

Lin Tian saw through the old turtle's mind at a glance, and couldn't help being silent.

Why did he want to study the way of heaven?
And why break it?
It's not because I have seen too many life and death partings.

He doesn't want to see these...

Didn't like this either.

But although he has special means, he also has various methods to keep these people around him alive.

But living such a boring life is like walking dead, which is not what they want.

So, these countless years come down.

Almost no one can accompany Lin Tian.

At the end, Lin Tian took action directly. Before the end of each life, he forcibly suppressed and sealed the people around him, such as the old turtle.

I hope that one day, he can find the real way to immortality on the way to becoming stronger.

That's why he couldn't wait to attack Tiandao.

In the end, he shattered the way of heaven. That's right.

But the remaining strength couldn't support him to continue to fight in.

So I can only turn around and go back to sleep, it's a fight that hurts both sides.

Lin Tian took a deep breath, looked at the old turtle, and said without a doubt: "In this life, I will definitely let you find the method of longevity. Before that, I need you to live for me!"

After all, regardless of the old turtle, Lin Tian looked towards the sea of ​​death, and then shouted in a deep voice: "One life-sustaining emperor medicine, the grievances between me and your sea of ​​death, this is the two!"

Lin Tian's voice pierced through the world and came to the sea of ​​death that had completely calmed down.

"This damn Wan Ling is simply too deceiving!!!"

In the Dead Sea, there is a terrifying existence. Hearing this, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

Lin Tian's previous sword ruined their countless years of hard work.

Now they dare to come to them to ask for imperial medicine, do they really think this is Chinese cabbage?

You know, if you want to cultivate an imperial medicine, it will take millions of years, basically impossible.

Even if they are added together, there are not many plants in hand.

 The fourth one is coming~
  There will be no shortage of updates, don't worry~
(End of this chapter)

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