Chapter 219 Obliteration
"Wan Ling!!!"

The moment the skull appeared in front of everyone, thousands of resentments erupted immediately.

Everyone seemed to have heard a roar full of hatred from countless thousands of years ago.

They looked at Lin Tian behind in a blink of an eye, and a chill suddenly filled their hearts.

Everyone present knew Lin Tian's reputation.

His legend is written in the history books.

But everyone only knew that he was strong, but they didn't know why he was able to suppress that era.

I don't even know why the great emperors of that era bowed their heads and proclaimed themselves ministers.

The latecomers dare not step into the Emperor Realm.

To this day, seeing these skulls before my eyes.

Only then did they understand that the life of the Wanling Heavenly Emperor was a legend written entirely in blood.


The emperor soldier in the hands of a saint of the Heavenly Spirit Tribe was trembling and whining.

Looking at a certain skull on the wall, there was a strong sense of sadness.

The saint of the Heavenly Spirit Tribe also felt a familiar aura in that skull.

"Is this the Holy Emperor of our clan?"

The sage of the Heavenly Spirit Clan suddenly trembled.

According to the family history records, their ancestor was able to prove the emperor's way after Wanling Tiandi disappeared in nine days, which is the glory of their clan.

It's just that not many years after he became emperor, he disappeared.

At that time, everyone thought that he was looking for the legendary fairy road.

Want to find the way of longevity.

Who would have thought that he would die here.


The sage of the Heavenly Spirit Race immediately felt great pity.

At this moment, Lin Tian spoke. He looked at the row of skulls and said slowly: "The purpose of these people is the same as yours. They want to come to take my things, but it's a pity...they don't have this ability."

Speaking of this, Lin Tian couldn't help shaking his head.

Hearing his words, everyone couldn't help their scalps tingling, and the fear in their hearts couldn't be contained no matter what.

"His condition has declined now, and he is no longer what he used to be. No matter how weird he is, everyone should work together and work together to kill him!"

For a moment, I don't know who yelled.

Everyone reacted immediately.

That's right, the current Heavenly Emperor of All Souls is no longer the Heavenly Emperor of All Souls.

Even if he was able to kill the Great Emperor back then, it was back then.

Now he is not as good as before.

No matter how weird it is here, as long as the owner is killed, basically there will be no big storms.

Everyone quickly glanced at their opponents, and then shot one after another.

In a blink of an eye, all kinds of supernatural powers and holy arts, under the blessing of the emperor's soldiers and the holy soldiers, were overwhelming, and they rushed towards Lin Tian one after another.

Seeing this scene, a trace of sarcasm flashed in Lin Tian's eyes.

He raised his hand and muttered, " still!"

The moment his voice fell.

The surrounding space froze instantly.

Whether it is life or time, it is at this moment that it stops.

Except for Lin Tian, ​​no one could move.

The same goes for Xiao Hei who is following behind.

Everyone stood in place, maintaining the movement when they shot, looking at Lin Tian who was walking slowly, with endless panic in their eyes, they didn't know what kind of method it was, it was so against the sky, it could Everything stands still.

"Under this static stele, you all deserve to die..."

Lin Tian looked at the helpless people in front of him, and easily harvested their lives with just a wave of his hand.

"Unfortunately, I failed to catch a few big fish."

Following the disappearance of these people, Lin Tian shook his head, a little regretful, and the space became loose again.

The supernatural powers played by those people naturally came to nothing, and Lin Tian easily dodged it.

"Brother son, what kind of supernatural power is this?"

After resuming his actions, Xiao Hei immediately flapped his wings and flew over, and asked in surprise, feeling that Lin Tian's technique was very against the sky, and he could stop everything.

Doesn't this mean that in the future as long as you use this technique, you can kill whoever you want?
Even a great emperor, in a completely still state, can only be slaughtered.

Lin Tian seemed to see through Xiao Hei's thoughts at a glance, shook his head, and said involuntarily: "This is not a supernatural power, but a formation, which needs to be activated by something called a static monument , Any living beings that do not touch the Dao will be absolutely stopped within the range of this formation."

"As for quasi-emperors who have touched the Dao, they will be affected differently depending on their strength."

"As for the powerhouses of the Emperor Realm who have already proved the Tao, this formation, for them, can only make them stunned at most."

Although this so-called 'supernatural power' is not as terrifying as Xiao Hei imagined.

But after hearing Lin Tian's introduction, it couldn't help opening its mouth.

Under the quasi-emperor, absolute stillness, what kind of concept is this?
In other words, if you don't come here, you will almost certainly die if you don't come here.

As for the Great Emperor, the influence here on such a strong person seems to be small.

However, you must know that the outcome of this kind of duel between the strong may be a matter of that moment.

Therefore, it is conceivable how defiant this static formation is.

"By the way, Young Master, what kind of treasure is this static monument? Is it an innate treasure?"

Xiao Hei seemed to remember, and hurriedly asked, very curious about the static monument in Lin Tian's mouth.


Lin Tian shook his head, and said, "This thing comes from the Nine Heavens."

"Above the nine heavens?"

Hearing this, Xiao Hei couldn't help but exclaimed, almost staring his eyes out, and then hurriedly asked: "My son, above the nine heavens, is it the legendary fairyland and godworld?"

Hearing this, Lin Tian nodded first, then shook his head.

Looking at it, Xiao Hei felt itchy in his heart, thinking that this son-in-law was just trying to whet people's appetite.

"Yes and no."

After pondering for a long time, Lin Tianchang sighed: "In fact, it's just a piece of remnant world, but in the eyes of the world, it is the fairy world."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei felt as if a door to a new world had opened in his heart.

The shock in it made it difficult to calm down for a long time.

It turned out that this legendary fairyland really existed.

"Brother son, do immortals really exist in this world?"

Xiao Hei took a deep breath, and asked expectantly, with hope shining in his eyes.

It firmly believes that if there are really immortals in the world, then this son of his family is definitely one.

It's a pity that Lin Tian didn't answer this question, but said: "Your strength is too low now, and knowing more about some things is not very good for you."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei didn't ask any more questions, but felt a little regretful.

At this time, Lin Tian continued: "Okay, next I will retreat for a period of time to perfect the spiritual sea. There is plenty of spiritual energy here, so you should hurry up and practice, otherwise, even if I want to take you to some places, you will not can not go."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei suddenly came back to his senses.

That's right, it's useless to worry about whether there is a fairy world or whether there are immortals.

It's better to work hard to improve your strength.

As long as it is cultivated enough, if there is a fairyland, the son of his family will definitely take it there.

Thinking of this, Xiao Hei couldn't help being excited.

"Brother son, I will definitely work hard to cultivate."

After saying that, it ran to the side in a hurry, and immediately began to meditate and practice.

 The next update will be around seven o'clock.

  In the afternoon, I helped to fry the fish, which delayed me for a while.

  Might be a little late.

(End of this chapter)

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