Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 224 Blood in the Starry Sky

Chapter 224 Blood in the Starry Sky (Fourth update, please recommend!)
"This is at least a venerable, a quasi-emperor who is infinitely close to the great emperor!"

Someone felt this tyrannical breath and couldn't help but gasped.

Far away in the snow-capped mountains, Feng Qishan, who was looking for the nine-tailed spirit fox, was also startled by this breath and couldn't help turning his head.

"Did someone attack the Heavenly Emperor?"

Feng Qishan opened his mouth and said in surprise.

Soon, among the continuous snow mountains, the highest Tianshan Mountain shook violently.

Ice and snow shook the sky all over the place.

Those who stayed on the top of the mountain before, without exception, all died under the aftermath of this blow.

After a while, after all the heavy snow fell, the scene on the top of Tianshan Mountain reappeared in everyone's eyes.

A thin old man, holding a dark green broadsword, with will-o'-the-wisps in his eyes, stood in the air, and pointed down, the young man in white standing on the top of the Tianshan Mountain, let out a piercing and strange smile.

"Jie Jie Jie, the so-called Heavenly Emperor is nothing more than that..."

"Really? Then let's go to the outer space and try!"

Lin Tian sneered noncommittally, swept his divine sense, and threw Xiao Hei, who was protected by him on his shoulder, towards Feng Qishan, and then turned into a stream of light, rushed out of the sky, and came to the In the endless starry sky.

"Try it and try it."

The old man gave a strange laugh, and chased after him without any fear.

The two of them immediately came to the vast expanse of starry sky.

The huge heavenly spirit world, like a huge sand table, appeared under their feet.

As long as the strength is strong enough to a certain level, they will choose to fight in this starry sky.

Otherwise, if they move their hands, the mountains and rivers will be broken at every turn.

This is definitely a devastating disaster for the heavenly spirit world.

Especially in a duel at the level of the Emperor Realm, it would not be surprising that the Heavenly Spirit Realm would be sunk in the end.

The nine heavens and ten earths were once a complete piece of heaven and earth in the distant prehistoric era.

It was precisely because of an ultimate showdown that they were torn apart and thrown into different void nodes.

Lin Tian was worried that after a complete fight later, it would bring disaster to the heaven and spirit world, so he drew people into the starry sky ahead of time.

In the world of heaven and spirit.

All the major forces were also aware of the terrifying collision on the Tianshan Mountain.

So they tried their best to investigate them one after another.

When they found Lin Tian's figure, Lin Tian and the recovered existence in the snow mountain happened to fight.

One white and one blue, two figures interlaced in the starry sky.

The terrifying fluctuations of the battle can be clearly felt by people in the heavenly spirit world even across the sky.

After a few breaths, the two landed on top of a planet.

In just a moment, this planet, which was enough to destroy a big city in an instant, exploded under Lin Tian's fight.

Countless fragments rushed into the endless starry sky.

Some more shot towards the heavenly spirit world.

It turned into a fireball and smashed one big hole after another on the ground.

"Is this the real imperial battle?"

Everyone, seeing this scene, couldn't help but gasped.

Compared with Lin Tian's attack dozens of days ago, this battle is obviously more shocking.

Because at that time, Lin Tian was almost doing it in a crushing way.

And the existence of the sea of ​​death has not fully recovered.

Therefore, everyone can only feel their supreme power, but they cannot intuitively understand their destructive power.

"That's just a venerable who is infinitely close to the emperor. The real emperor's war is even more terrifying than this..."

There is an ancient existence, who speaks out to clear up doubts for the juniors in the door.

Their gazes were also fixed on the starry sky.

"Wan Ling!!!"

Lin Tian in the starry sky, with a dignified expression, let out a loud drink, and his voice shook the entire heaven and spirit world.

A ray of white light soared into the sky from Wanling City.

With endless fighting intent, he went straight to the void.

The terrifying Diwei immediately fully recovered.


The moment the Emperor Sword was in his hands, Lin Tian blatantly killed the old man in front of him.

The terrifying sword light cut through the starry sky directly.

The old man in front of Lin Tian who had always held a disdainful attitude towards him could not help but gradually become serious.

After fighting several moves, he couldn't help shouting loudly: "Fellow daoists, if you don't do it now, when will you wait?"

Just at the moment when the sound fell.

A ray of divine light suddenly shot out from the starry sky and struck behind Lin Tian.

This is someone hiding in the void, thinking that the time has come to kill Lin Tian.


Seeing this, the old man immediately slashed towards Lin Tian with a knife.

One front and one back, both sides attack.

Feng Qishan and the others looked up, seeing this scene, couldn't help but sweat for Lin Tian.

"court death!!!"

Seeing the pincer attack between the two, Lin Tian seemed to be angry, his voice shook Tianyu, he slashed at the old man holding the knife with his sword, and blocked the terrifying divine light from behind with one hand.

In an instant, the three fought against each other.

With the flash of swords and swords, the divine light exploded, turning into a ball of dazzling light in the starry sky.

The entire universe shook at the moment they collided.

Everyone couldn't help but look away and blocked their eyes with their hands.

After a few breaths, he looked at the starry sky again.

In the sky, the three parties are facing each other.

The corner of Lin Tian's mouth was bleeding, and he was out of breath.

Although the old man's breath was a little messy, it was not a serious problem.

The last person, who even made a sneak attack just now, is nothing. He is a holy ancestor who is in the holy realm. He is only one step away from stepping into the quasi-emperor realm. Tyrannical, with the strength to fight against ordinary quasi-emperors.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help being in an uproar.

"Heavenly Emperor... was injured?"

Some people found it incredible and opened their mouths wide, unable to accept this scene.

Especially Feng Qishan, a loyal supporter of Lin Tian, ​​couldn't help but turn pale when he saw this scene, his figure shook and almost fell down.

"God... God, him, how could he be injured?"

Feng Qishan's lips were trembling, he couldn't believe it was true.

Xiao Hei stood beside him with a sneer on his face.


Ha ha……

"It's so hard to deal with a venerable, and you have to summon the emperor's soldiers, and now you are injured by two guys who are not in the emperor's realm. It seems that this time, the Wanlingtian Emperor really can't do it. Jingling, do it!"

In the Nine-Aperture Qilin Cave, a deep voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying aura revived from this place.

Not long after, countless people saw a red light, carrying the monstrous emperor power, straight into the starry sky, full of murderous aura.

"Wan Ling, as an emperor, you are arrogant and domineering, doing all kinds of things that plunder and ruin people's futures. Today, with the will of the Holy Emperor, I come to kill you, the devil, and make nine days a bright future!"

The patriarch of the Qilin Saint Clan shouted loudly, holding the fully recovered Qilin ancient mirror, and killed the starry sky, the emperor was mighty.

The breath instantly overwhelmed the three people above the starry sky, including Lin Tian.

As if the unicorn emperor came in person, he stared at Lin Tian with disdain.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tian's eyes flickered slightly, and he murmured in his heart: "Fish, almost all of them have come..."

 The fourth one is coming~
(End of this chapter)

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