Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 231 Killing the Two Emperors

Chapter 231 Killing the Two Emperors
Another bang.

The world shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, a hysterical roar came from the void: "Wan Ling, from now on, we will never die with you!"

Lin Tian stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the void, and said calmly: "Okay, I'll wait!"

The void trembled again.

The remaining half of the Wanling Sword flew out, also stained with divine blood.

Even though it has been broken now, there is still a strong fighting spirit, wanting to enter the void to fight again.

Unfortunately, Lin Tian raised his hand to stop him.

Because at this moment, the entire sea of ​​death is far away.

Although Lin Tian also wanted to flatten this forbidden area, his current state did not allow it.

If you fight forcibly, it will only hurt both sides.

And the battle just now had obviously alarmed the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Even, the battle in the void, the nine heavens will feel it.

Therefore, even if there is a soul-suppressing stele to protect the soul, Lin Tian has to leave room for it.

Lest others take advantage of it.

After all, Lin Tian doesn't like the feeling of being hunted down.


After watching the sea of ​​death disappear and escape into the endless void, Lin Tiantiao turned around, with an indifferent expression, and stepped directly into the starry sky, and in the blink of an eye, he came in front of the Corpse Emperor.

The Corpse Emperor, who was being entangled by Emperor Thief Heaven, changed his face drastically, subconsciously waved the bone sword in his hand, and slashed towards Lin Tian.

"Millions of years ago, you could only be a courtier in front of me. Do you think you will be able to show off your power in front of me in a million years?" Lin Tian snorted coldly and slapped him straight away.

The corpse emperor's soldiers were instantly slapped away by Lin Tian's palm.

The slap fell on his face, resounding throughout the starry sky.

The entire Heavenly Spirit World couldn't help but become quiet at this moment.

He stared at the starry sky dumbfounded.

If it is said that they failed to face the battle of the sea of ​​death, they don't know how terrifying Lin Tian is.

But at this moment, they had a concept in their hearts.

Received the emperor's soldiers with bare hands, and even slapped the flying corpse emperor.

It seemed as simple as an adult bullying a child.

"Is this the Heavenly Emperor of All Souls?"

Everyone couldn't help but gasped.

Feng Qishan was even more excited.

This is their idol, this is their emperor!

Under everyone's stunned gaze, Lin Tian turned around and came in front of Snow Emperor.

Xue Di was startled at first, then turned around and left without even thinking about it, not daring to touch Lin Tian at all.

It's just that as soon as he turned around, a stone book was thrown at his head.

The stone book exudes a terrifying aura of avenues.

Dexuedi had no choice but to raise his hand to block it.

But at this moment of pause, Lin Tian also patted him with a palm.

With this palm, Lin Tian used all his strength.

In front of this palm, Xue Di didn't have the ability to resist at all, and his body exploded on the spot.

The emperor's blood sprinkled on the starry sky, and the divine light was shining brightly.

He wants to cohere, to revive.

But when Lin Tian pinched his palm, a terrifying force wiped out all the divinity in these flesh and blood in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a divine soul flew out.

Want to rush into the void.

A broken sword stained with divine blood flew over at some unknown time, and nailed the spirit that flew away to a star on the spot.

Xuedi's miserable roar spread throughout the entire Nine Heavens.

Everyone, the scalp is hairy.

"Is this the Emperor Realm powerhouse crying?"

In Shenzhou, someone stared blankly at the sky.

In the forbidden area, there are terrifying creatures who have been awakened long ago, and are silent at this moment.

They know who is doing it.

You know, so what?
With that person's prestige, even though many people knew that he had suffered serious injuries, no one dared to take action against him easily.

Because, the more they reached their level, the more they cherished their lives.

They hid in this forbidden area in order to live longer.

It is obviously not in line with their purpose to attack Lin Tian rashly.

So, everyone is silent.

After the Snow Emperor, the Corpse Emperor could not escape the disaster.

Although he took the opportunity to escape into the endless void after being slapped flying by Lin Tian's palm, his breath had already been locked by Lin Tian, ​​and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

It didn't take long before Lin Tian caught up with him, and with another broken sword, he nailed to Xuedi's side.

Just like that, the two great emperors were easily defeated by Lin Tian.

In the heavenly spirit world, there was a sigh.

Everyone already didn't know what words to use to describe Lin Tian's bravery.

Does that mean he is too strong?

Or, the Snow Emperor and the Corpse Emperor are too weak!

"Emperor, please forgive me!"

The corpse emperor made a terrified voice, begging for mercy to Lin Tian standing in the starry sky.

Unfortunately, Lin Tian was not moved at all.

Step by step, he walked towards the two great emperors, and said slowly: "I said, I want to take your blood and soul to engrave the array today, and I will definitely get it today."


"I was born to be an emperor, and I was supposed to rule the world and become famous in the long river of history, but because of you, I bowed my head and became a minister, and I was sad for the rest of my life. Now, I have to die here, I hate it!!!"

The corpse emperor roared unwillingly.

Snow Emperor was also roaring: "Heavenly Emperor, for the sake of the past, please give me a happy time!"

"it is good."

Lin Tian readily agreed to Xuedi's request.

The remnant sword that was stained with divine blood was rippling with sword energy, instantly obliterating Snow Emperor's true spirit.

"If there is an afterlife, I don't want to live with you..."

Between heaven and earth, Xuedi's relief-like emotion echoed.

As for the Corpse Emperor, he was dishonest back then.

Now, Lin Tianxia will naturally not be soft-handed when he starts to fight.

It directly smashed his body, drew out the emperor's blood, and drew a mysterious pattern in the starry sky, then captured his soul, erased his true spirit, and poured all the power into it.

"Here comes the medicine."

Lin Tian gave a soft drink.

A divine light came to Chen Nuo who was below in an instant.

Seeing this, Chen Nuo immediately took out the Resurrection Grass, placed it on the Shenguang, and then teleported it to Lin Tian.

"Naughty little guy, come here!"

Lin Tian glanced, and found the trace of the nine-tailed fox in the depths of the endless snow-capped mountains, and then he stretched out his hand and grabbed it.


The little fox with snow-white body and shiny fur screamed in panic the moment he got his hands on it.

Those lavender, innocent little eyes were full of fear.

"Don't be afraid, I will help you return..."

Lin Tian gently stroked the little fox's head, soothing him slowly.

This little fox, who was obviously unconscious, seemed to understand at this moment, and calmed down obediently, and then looked around the starry sky curiously.

Seeing this, Lin Tian smiled faintly, and then sent the Resurrection Grass in his hand over.

Seeing this, the little fox first sniffed it, then shook his head non-stop, with a look of disgust on his brows.

 The next chapter is about half an hour away.

(End of this chapter)

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