Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 235 Want to Escape

Chapter 235 Want to Escape (Happy New Year)
Lin Tian just shook his head when he heard the words, and didn't express anything.

Because, he hasn't gotten to know the Medicine God Valley well enough to take the initiative to help.

Under the leadership of Elder He, Lin Tian and others came to a courtyard near the stone wall.

In the middle of the courtyard, there is a ginkgo tree that covers the sky and the sun, and it takes several people to surround it.

And now it is late autumn.

This ginkgo tree also covered the ground with a golden layer.

Lin Tian stepped on the thick layer of ginkgo leaves, followed Elder He, and walked towards the room.

Pushing open the door, the place is very clean, it seems that someone has come to clean it from time to time.

"If you don't dislike it, you can stay here for a while, and it's not too late to leave after the refining conference is over."

Elder He turned back, looked at Lin Tian with a smile on his face, and suggested: "After all, I see that you, my little friend, are also seriously injured. During the refining conference, all the pills refined can be bought and sold. Maybe at that time, there may not be the panacea you need."

Hearing this, Lin Tian nodded and agreed, saying that he could take a look.

After all, he doesn't have a precise target now.

So there is no rush to run around like a headless chicken.

After Elder He arranged for Lin Tian and others to stay, he left in a hurry.

But it didn't take long, and he sent someone to deliver a good spiritual tea, very polite.

"Brother, what are we going to do next?"

Xiao Hei looked at Chen Nuo, brewed the spiritual tea sent by Elder He, then looked at Lin Tian, ​​and asked curiously, not knowing what Lin Tian was going to do when he came to the Heaven and Stone Realm.

Hearing Xiao Hei's words, Chen Nuo paused and looked over curiously.

Regarding them, Lin Tian did not hide anything, picked up the teacup Chen Nuo put in front of him, took a sip, and then slowly said: "Find someone to settle the matter."

Hearing this, Xiao Hei and Chen Nuo shuddered at the same time.

Regarding Lin Tian's identity, the two of them are very clear.

Therefore, the person worthy of his personal liquidation must at least be someone like Xue Di.

"Are you going to slaughter the emperor again?"

Chen Nuo couldn't help but gasp when he thought of the previous scene in the Heavenly Spirit Realm. Looking at Lin Tian with a calm expression, his scalp felt numb.

As for Xiao Hei, he was a little worried about Lin Tian's state.

However, as soon as Xiao Hei opened his mouth, Lin Tian knew what it wanted to say, so he couldn't help but waved his hand to stop it, and then said: "Anxin, I know my current situation. Will do it again at will.”

Hearing this, Xiao Hei breathed a sigh of relief.

It was really scary, Lin Tian got angry for a moment, and directly upset this piece of heaven.

Then he fell into a deep sleep because of his unstable state.

At that time, with no one to protect him, Lin Tian's situation may be very dangerous.

After all, there are quite a few people who have enemies with Lin Tian nowadays.

Let's not talk about these people who he wants to liquidate when he comes to the Heavenly Stone Realm.

Just the escaped sea of ​​death is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

It can be said that in the world of heaven and spirit, Lin Tian has completely torn his face from this forbidden place of life, and has become an endless relationship.

As long as there is a chance, Xiao Hei believes that they will definitely not let it go.

At that time, with the two errand runners, it and Chen Nuo, Lin Tian couldn't be protected at all.

Maybe even delay.

Therefore, Lin Tian's current state of mind still makes Xiao Hei very relieved.

in the next few days.

Apart from sitting under the golden ginkgo tree and drinking tea, Lin Tian was just dispelling doubts for Xiao Hei and Chen Nuo and teaching them how to practice.

Therefore, in the past few days, Xiao Hei and Chen Nuo's cultivation has almost improved by leaps and bounds.

Especially Xiao Hei, who had accumulated enough strength in Lin Tian's treasure house before.

Now, as soon as he cleared his doubts, he crossed three small realms in a row, and reached the fifth level of the divine fetus, which can be called the fifth-rank demon emperor.

However, in order not to attract Yaoshengu's attention, Xiao Hei still covered up his breath.

Exposing the aura of only a third-rank demon emperor.

Only those who are above the real person level can see it.

It's just that there is obviously no such strong person sitting in the God of Medicine Valley.

If so, it wouldn't be so hard to be bullied by that Amethyst Stone Country.

Days pass by.

Because of the matter in the Amethyst Stone Country, the atmosphere in the Valley of the God of Medicine is obviously not very good.

Elder He, who was originally kind and enthusiastic, came here these days with a lot of resentment and anger on his face. He hid in Lin Tian's place for a while, then asked for a cup of tea, and began to criticize the Amethyst Stone Kingdom.

For example, the stone-human race, relying on their dominance, did not pay attention to their human race at all.

Or, the wolves of the Amethyst Stone Country are ambitious and want to take away the inheritance of the God of Medicine from their God of Medicine Valley through marriage.

In short, these days, Elder He is full of negative energy.

Lin Tian didn't feel impatient, and sat there silently every day listening to him complain, and it didn't happen.

Until the last day of the refining conference, Elder He came to the courtyard again.

At the same time, he also brought a little girl.

This little girl is none other than the little girl who found Lin Tian and others in the forest that day.

Behind her, there was a beautiful woman, the owner of the Medicine God Valley.

The three found Lin Tian together, and Elder He also expressed his purpose of insisting on keeping Lin Tian.

It turned out that he wanted Lin Tian and others to take the little girl away together when they left, so as not to let her fall into the hands of Amethyst Stone Kingdom.

It's just that when meeting for the first time, no one knows what the other person's character is.

So Elder He didn't mention it.

However, after so many days.

Although Elder He can't guarantee it, Lin Tian must be a good person.

But it won't be a bad guy either.

For this kind of thing, if he wants to help, he can help, and if he doesn't want to help, it's fine.

Anyway, they, Medicine God Valley, will not force it.

"Mother, I don't want to go..."

The little girl glanced at Lin Tian timidly, and then pulled the beautiful woman's sleeve, with mist in her clever eyes, unwilling to leave with Lin Tian.

The beautiful woman looked at the charming little girl, a trace of reluctance flashed in her eyes.

But soon, this reluctance was replaced by resoluteness.

Because at this moment, if she doesn't go with Lin Tian.

Then tomorrow, once the envoy from the Amethyst Stone Kingdom arrives, she will not be able to leave even if she wants to.

It will inevitably be taken to the capital of the Amethyst Stone Kingdom.

"Zixuan, it's not that the mother is cruel, it's that the mother really can't protect you well, so you have to be obedient."

The beautiful woman took a deep breath, forced a smile, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of the little girl's eyes, and then said to Lin Tian: "Little friend Lin, as long as you are willing to help me bring my daughter out of the Amethyst Kingdom, I promise Lan must be very grateful, even if you just take her out of the country, you can just find a place to put her down."

(End of this chapter)

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