Invincibility starts from awakening

Chapter 255 The medicine god passed on?

Chapter 255 The medicine god passed on?

The small spiritual vein in the ground couldn't withstand Wan Xing's toss at all, and it was quickly swallowed up.

When it appeared in front of everyone again, its true side was also revealed.

The entire body of the furnace glowed with a dim light, like a transparent starry sky.

Starlight is dotted around, giving people a mysterious feeling.

"This is……"

The pupils of Chen Nuolan and the others shrank slightly, and a memory that had been buried for a long time suddenly appeared in the depths of their minds.

They couldn't help but look at each other, their faces full of horror.

"Master Gu, do you feel that it really wants something?"

Someone asked.

"Did you guess it too?"


Everyone nodded in unison, their expressions dignified.

According to the appearance of this pill furnace, they thought of something that had disappeared for a long time and seemed to exist only in legends.

Chen Nuolan stared at the sky, like a pill furnace containing a starry sky, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Then it should be..."

"You are right, this is the pill furnace of the God of Medicine, Wan Xing!"

Even before the people from Medicine God Valley opened their mouths, Lin Tian knew what they were thinking and what they wanted to ask, without hiding anything, he bluntly told the origin of this alchemy furnace.

Although everyone had already guessed the identity of this alchemy furnace, they still couldn't hold back when they heard Lin Tian say it with their own ears, and took a deep breath.

The disbelief in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

Shocked in my heart.

Especially Chen Nuolan and others, they also thought of Zixuan's technique in the Amethyst Stone City and the Alchemy Conference.

If they remember correctly, according to the legend, the God of Medicine has a special technique called frying furnace.

Through an extremely violent method, all the medicinal effects in the medicinal materials were suppressed, and the original grade of the medicinal pill was raised by several levels.

If there is no accident, Zixuan used this technique before.

"Could it be, Lin Xiaoyou, are you the descendant of the God of Medicine?"

Elder He asked with a face full of horror.

Apart from this identity, he no longer knows who else can master the long-lost Ten Thousand Stars in addition to practicing the Alchemy God's secret art of refining medicine.

Hearing Elder He's words, everyone couldn't help looking at Lin Tian, ​​their eyes were full of anticipation.

If Lin Tianzhen is the descendant of the God of Medicine, it would definitely be a great thing for them in the God of Medicine Valley.

Even at this moment, Chen Nuolan was waiting for Lin Tian to nod his head.

As long as he nods, she will hand over the position of the owner of the God of Medicine Valley.

She believed that if the Valley of the God of Medicine fell into the hands of a serious successor of the God of Medicine, it would definitely go one step further.

Unfortunately, Lin Tian didn't nod.

"I was just lucky enough to get Wanxing." He shook his head and laughed.

This makes everyone a little regretful.

"Lin Xiaoyou, you can't say that. Wan Xing represents the will of the God of Medicine. Now it seems that it has approved you, which means that the God of Medicine has approved you. Moreover, from what you taught Zixuan, the God of Medicine You have also practiced the alchemy technique, and you can be regarded as the descendant of the God of Medicine in terms of emotion and reason, unless the God of Medicine himself denies you, no one can deny it."

Chen Nuolan said righteously, he was unwilling to let Lin Tian, ​​a descendant of the medicine god, just like this.

Hearing this, Lin Tian was stunned and speechless.

"All right……"

For a moment, he shook his head helplessly, and did not argue with Chen Nuolan and the others.

After all, it doesn't make much sense.

Everyone in the world knows that the art of refining medicine in the world comes from the God of Medicine.

But who knew that the art of medicine god came from Lin Tian?

Those who are clear will naturally be clear.

For those who don't know, explanation is useless.

It's better to follow their wishes, there is nothing to lose anyway.

"It's cheap, old boy..."

Lin Tian muttered a little speechlessly.

Seeing that Lin Tian no longer denied it, Chen Nuolan was overjoyed, and immediately expressed his thoughts, to hand over the Medicine God Valley to Lin Tianlai.

Regarding Chen Nuolan's choice, the elders expressed shock at first, and then began to support him.

After all, this is the real successor of the God of Medicine.

It's not like they are half-baked people who have a little bit of inheritance, they can be compared.

In particular, the strength shown by Lin Tian is also very good.

When beheading a real person, it is true that some kind of terrifying treasure was used.

But in Amethyst Stone City, when he beheaded the Amethyst Stone Emperor, he was absolutely perfect, relying on his own strength.

As for the real treasure, it was just a decoration.

For a monk at the spiritual sea level, even if he was given a sage weapon, he might not be able to kill an ancient emperor.

After all, the realm gap is too great.

But Lin Tian did it.

Therefore, in the eyes of everyone, Lin Tian definitely has a bright future.

They are very relieved to hand over the Valley of the Gods of Medicine to such people.

However, these are just wishful thinking of Yaoshengu.

Lin Tian promised the God of Medicine to help take care of his inheritance.

But this does not mean that Lin Tian will take over directly.

After all, he didn't have time to take care of Good Fortune Wuzong.

Not to mention, this half-baked inheritance of the God of Medicine.

"Sorry, I have already joined other forces..."

Lin Tian smiled apologetically, declined the kindness of Medicine God Valley, thought for a while, and then said: "However, I can entrust you with the art of Medicine God. Whether you learn it or not depends on your talent. .”

Hearing the first half of the sentence, everyone in Medicine God Valley couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

But the second half of the sentence made their eyes widen.

Everyone couldn't believe their ears.

Because, that is the medicine god's alchemy technique.

It is something that all alchemists in Jiutian dream of.

They wanted to hand over the God of Medicine Valley to Lin Tian, ​​in fact, it was probably for this reason.

However, Lin Tian's refusal had already made them lose hope.

What people didn't expect was that he was so generous.

Even the God of Alchemy is willing to pass on the alchemy skills to them.

Also, there doesn't seem to be any requirements yet.

This left everyone at a loss as to what to say.

"Lin Xiaoyou, thank you, thank you very much!"

Elder He's eyes were red and he was extremely excited.

I don't know how to describe the feeling at this moment.

Looking at Lin Tian, ​​Chen Nuolan's beautiful eyes were even more complicated.

Some couldn't figure out why Lin Tian would do this.

It would be wrong to say that he had a conspiracy.

After all, with the means shown by Lin Tian, ​​it is a breeze to destroy their Medicine God Valley.

Whatever he wants, he just takes it.

It can be said that no one dared to stop him.

However, if there is no purpose, why is he so kind to Yaoshengu?
"Could it be that there are really selfless people in the world?"

Chen Nuolan couldn't help thinking silently.

It's just that she didn't know that these things they thought were very precious, in fact, in Lin Tian's eyes, they were just a little bit of superficiality.

Helping them is nothing more than just meeting them, and they happen to have a relationship, so they can be picked up by hand.

For Lin Tian, ​​it was as simple as rescuing a stranded small fish on the beach.

As for how far this little fish can grow in this vast sea, Lin Tian will not care about it, everything depends on itself.

 Also at night, at twelve o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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